CONFIG_SUITE)); if (!User::isLoggedIn()) { // Guest Render::addTemplate('main/guest', array('prefix' => CONFIG_PREFIX, 'suite' => CONFIG_SUITE, 'idm' => CONFIG_IDM)); return; } // Logged in user -- if (User::isLocalOnly()) { // Local test account $this->renderLocalAccount(); return; } if (!User::isShibbolethAuth()) { // Should not be possible Message::addError('Sie sind nicht korrekt authentifiziert. Bitte melden Sie sich erneut an.'); Session::delete(); return; } // --- Below here we know the user via shibboleth if (User::isInDatabase()) { // User is also in DB, so he signed up for the service $this->renderShibbolethRegistered(); return; } if (!User::isTutor()) { Message::addError('Sie sind kein Mitarbeiter der Einrichtung "' . User::getOrganizationName() . '" und können daher die ' . CONFIG_SUITE . '-Suite nicht nutzen.'); return; } // User is not in DB, so he might want so sign up for the service - see if conditions are met if (User::getOrganization() !== null) { // Organization is known, show signup form $this->renderShibbolethUnregistered(); return; } // Nothing we can do here, show error message :-( if (User::getRemoteOrganizationId() !== null) { // Organization is not known, see if we at least have an idea Message::addWarning('Ihre Hochschule/Einrichtung {{0}} ist leider nicht bekannt. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Support.', User::getRemoteOrganizationId()); } else { // No idea where the user is coming from Message::addError('Ihr IdP sendet leider keine Informationen über Ihre Hochschul-/Einrichtungszugehörigkeit'); } } private function renderShibbolethRegistered() { Render::addTemplate('main/logged-in', array('suite' => CONFIG_SUITE)); } private function renderShibbolethUnregistered() { $data = User::getData(); $data['organization'] = User::getOrganizationName(); // Show testacc merge form if organization has test accounts $mail = trim(User::getMail()); $fn = User::getFirstName(); $ln = User::getLastName(); if (!empty($mail) && (!empty($fn) || !empty($ln))) { $extra = ''; if (!CONFIG_ALLOW_SHIB_MERGE) { $extra = ' AND password IS NOT NULL AND Length(password) <> 0 '; } $existing = Database::queryFirst('SELECT userid FROM user WHERE email = :email AND lastname = :ln AND firstname = :fn AND organizationid = :org ' . $extra . ' LIMIT 1', array( 'email' => $mail, 'fn' => $fn, 'ln' => $ln, 'org' => User::getOrganizationId(), )); if ($existing !== false) { $data['testlogin'] = $existing['userid']; } } $data['suite'] = CONFIG_SUITE; $data['idm'] = CONFIG_IDM; Render::addTemplate('main/deploy', $data); } private function renderLocalAccount(): void { $data = User::getData(); $data['organization'] = User::getOrganizationName(); Render::addTemplate('main/logged-in-testacc', $data); } }