#!/bin/bash showmsg() { if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ]; then zenity --error --text "$*" &> /dev/null && return 0 xmessage "$*" &> /dev/null && return 0 fi echo "$*" } mountpoint= servers= sticky= start= file= nfs= mode="--auto" while (( $# > 0 )); do case "$1" in --start) start="$2" shift ;; --console) mode="--console" ;; --nfs) nfs=1 ;; --file) file="$2" shift ;; --servers) servers="$2" shift ;; *) break ;; esac shift done if [ -z "$file" ]; then . /opt/openslx/config if mountpoint /mnt/vmstore; then file=$( find /mnt/vmstore -type f -printf "%s\t%p\n" | sort -n | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' ) [ -z "$SLX_VM_DNBD3" ] && nfs=1 elif [ -s "/tmp/vmchooser-benchmark" ] || [ -s "/tmp/vmchooser2/vmchooser2.xml" ] \ || curl -m 5 -L "$SLX_VMCHOOSER_BASE_URL/list" > "/tmp/vmchooser-benchmark"; then xml="/tmp/vmchooser-benchmark" [ -s "$xml" ] || xml="/tmp/vmchooser2/vmchooser2.xml" file="$( xmlstarlet sel -T -t -v "//settings/eintrag/image_name/@param" "$xml" | head -n 1 )" if [ -n "$nfs" ]; then showmsg "--nfs given, but NFS not enabled/mounted." exit 1 fi else showmsg "Could not automatically determine any image name, specify one via --file as relative path" exit 1 fi rid=0 else # Extract rid from name:rid format (if any), then remove from $file rid="${file##*:}" if [ "$rid" = "$file" ] || ! [ "$rid" -gt 0 ]; then # No rid in filename rid=0 else # Found rid, remove from $file file="${file%:*}" fi if [ -n "$nfs" ]; then file="$( find /mnt/vmstore/"$file"* -type f -printf "%s\t%p\n" | sort -n | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' )" fi fi # Common intermediate format; relative to mount point (if any), get rid of any ./ prefix file="${file#/mnt/vmstore/}" file="${file#/}" file="${file#.}" file="${file#/}" if [ -z "$file" ]; then showmsg "Cannot test, no image found" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$nfs" ]; then # For NFS, make absolute again file="/mnt/vmstore/${file}" if ! [ -s "$file" ]; then showmsg "Cannot access '$file'" exit 1 fi else if [ -z "$servers" ]; then . /opt/openslx/config servers="$SLX_DNBD3_SERVERS" if [ "$servers" = "" ]; then # don't use local caching for this test servers="$( awk '$1 != "" {printf("%s ", $1)}' "/sys/block/dnbd0/net/alt_servers" )" if [ -z "$servers" ]; then # poor man's way to convert \n to ' ' servers="$( echo $( cut -c2- "/etc/dnbd3-server/alt-servers" ) )" fi fi else sticky="-S" fi mountpoint="/tmp/speedtest-$$-$RANDOM" mkdir "$mountpoint" if ! dnbd3-fuse $sticky -h "$servers" -i "$file" -r "$rid" "$mountpoint"; then showmsg "Cannot start dnbd3-fuse from $servers" exit 1 fi if ! mountpoint "$mountpoint"; then showmsg "is not mountpoint" exit 1 fi file="${mountpoint}/img" fi if [ -n "$start" ]; then now="$( date +%s )" diff="$(( start - now ))" (( diff > 120 )) && diff=0 if (( diff > 0 )); then echo "Waiting $diff seconds for synchronized start" sleep "$diff" fi fi speedcheck "$mode" "$file" [ -n "$mountpoint" ] && fusermount -u "$mountpoint" exit 0