--- - name: mltk | Install git package: name: git state: present - name: mltk | Checkout repository git: repo: "{{ mltk_git_source }}" dest: "{{ mltk_git_target }}" version: "{{ mltk_git_branch }}" force: yes update: yes depth: 1 - name: mltk | Create mltk configuration file template: src: templates/mltk-config.j2 dest: "{{ mltk_git_target }}/config" - name: mltk | Patch virtualbox version replace: path: "{{ mltk_git_target }}/core/modules/vbox-src/module.conf" regexp: '^(REQUIRED_VBOX_VERSION=).*' replace: '\g<1>{{ mltk_vbox_version }}' - name: mltk | Patch vmware16 version replace: path: "{{ mltk_git_target }}/core/modules/vmware16/module.conf" regexp: '^(REQUIRED_VERSION=).*' replace: '\g<1>{{ mltk_vmware_version }}' - name: mltk | HACKS patch packagemanager.inc to prevent installing recommended packages replace: path: "{{ mltk_git_target }}/core/includes/packagemanager.inc" regexp: '(apt-get install) (-y \${PKG})' replace: '\1 --no-install-recommends \2' - name: mltk | HACKS patch chroot.inc to include the build environment mount point replace: path: "{{ mltk_git_target }}/core/includes/chroot.inc" regexp: '^(declare -rg CHROOT_BINDMOUNTS=")(/dev[^"]+")' replace: '\1/opt/build-env \2' - name: mltk | Distro-specific tasks include_tasks: "{{ item }}" with_first_found: - "{{ role_path }}/tasks/distro/{{ ansible_distribution }}-{{ ansible_distribution_version}}.yml" - "{{ role_path }}/tasks/distro/{{ ansible_distribution }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version}}.yml" - "{{ role_path }}/tasks/distro/{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml" ignore_errors: yes