#!/usr/bin/env python3 import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc from dash.dependencies import Input, Output import plotly.graph_objects as go import datetime as dt import db from app import app def layout(): return dbc.Container(fluid=True, children=[ dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(width=12, lg=1, children=[ dcc.Dropdown( id='total-days', options=[{'label': '{} days'.format(d), 'value': d} for d in [7, 30, 90]], value=7, clearable=False, persistence=True, persistence_type='memory' ) ]), dbc.Col(width=12, lg=3, children=[ dcc.DatePickerRange( id='total-range', start_date=(dt.datetime.now() - dt.timedelta(days=365)).date(), end_date=dt.datetime.now().date(), display_format='DD-MM-YYYY', initial_visible_month=dt.datetime.now(), first_day_of_week=1, persistence=True, persistence_type='memory' ), ]), dbc.Col(width=12, lg=6, children=[ dcc.Dropdown( id='total-satellites', options=[{'label': s, 'value': s} for s in get_satellites()], multi=True, value=[], placeholder='All Satellites', persistence=True, persistence_type='memory' ) ]) ]), dbc.Row([dbc.Col([ dcc.Loading(dcc.Graph(id='total-graph-times')) ])]), dbc.Row([dbc.Col([ dcc.Loading(dcc.Graph(id='total-graph-session-length')) ])]), dbc.Row([dbc.Col([ dcc.Loading(dcc.Graph(id='total-graph-sessions')) ])]), dbc.Row([dbc.Col([ dcc.Loading(dcc.Graph(id='total-graph-users')) ])]) ]) @app.callback(Output('total-graph-times', 'figure'), [Input('total-days', 'value'), Input('total-range', 'start_date'), Input('total-range', 'end_date'), Input('total-satellites', 'value')]) def make_graph_times(days, rangeStart, rangeEnd, satellites): dbcon = db.getConnection() cursor = dbcon.cursor() stmt = """ SELECT r.date, SUM(t.totalTime) as totalTime, SUM(t.totalSessionTime) as totalSessionTime, SUM(t.totalOffTime) as totalOffTime FROM reports r JOIN total t ON r.id = t.report WHERE t.days = %s AND r.date >= %s AND r.date <= %s """ if len(satellites) > 0: formatStrings = ','.join(['%s'] * len(satellites)) cursor.execute(stmt + ' AND r.ip IN ({}) GROUP BY r.date'.format(formatStrings), tuple([days, rangeStart, rangeEnd] + satellites)) else: cursor.execute(stmt + ' GROUP BY r.date', (days, rangeStart, rangeEnd)) data = cursor.fetchall() db.closeConnection(dbcon) figure = go.Figure() figure.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=[item['date'] for item in data], y=[int(item['totalTime'] / 3600) for item in data], mode='lines+markers', name='Total Time' )) figure.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=[item['date'] for item in data], y=[int(item['totalSessionTime'] / 3600) for item in data], mode='lines+markers', name='Total Session Time' )) figure.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=[item['date'] for item in data], y=[int(item['totalOffTime'] / 3600) for item in data], mode='lines+markers', name='Total Off Time' )) figure.update_layout( yaxis_ticksuffix=' h', title_text = 'Usage Times', uirevision=42 ) return figure @app.callback(Output('total-graph-session-length', 'figure'), [Input('total-days', 'value'), Input('total-range', 'start_date'), Input('total-range', 'end_date'), Input('total-satellites', 'value')]) def make_graph_session_length(days, rangeStart, rangeEnd, satellites): dbcon = db.getConnection() cursor = dbcon.cursor() stmt = """ SELECT r.date, r.ip, t.medianSessionLength FROM reports r JOIN total t ON r.id = t.report WHERE t.days = %s AND r.date >= %s AND r.date <= %s """ if len(satellites) > 0: formatStrings = ','.join(['%s'] * len(satellites)) cursor.execute(stmt + ' AND r.ip IN ({})'.format(formatStrings), tuple([days, rangeStart, rangeEnd] + satellites)) else: cursor.execute(stmt, (days, rangeStart, rangeEnd)) data = cursor.fetchall() db.closeConnection(dbcon) figure = go.Figure() for sat in set([item['ip'] for item in data]): figure.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=[item['date'] for item in data if item['ip'] == sat], y=[int(item['medianSessionLength'] / 60) for item in data if item['ip'] == sat], mode='lines+markers', name=sat )) figure.update_layout( yaxis_ticksuffix=' min', title_text = 'Median Session Length', uirevision=42 ) return figure @app.callback(Output('total-graph-sessions', 'figure'), [Input('total-days', 'value'), Input('total-range', 'start_date'), Input('total-range', 'end_date'), Input('total-satellites', 'value')]) def make_graph_sessions(days, rangeStart, rangeEnd, satellites): dbcon = db.getConnection() cursor = dbcon.cursor() stmt = """ SELECT r.date, SUM(t.shortSessions) as shortSessions, SUM(t.longSessions) as longSessions FROM reports r JOIN total t ON r.id = t.report WHERE t.days = %s AND r.date >= %s AND r.date <= %s """ if len(satellites) > 0: formatStrings = ','.join(['%s'] * len(satellites)) cursor.execute(stmt + ' AND r.ip IN ({}) GROUP BY r.date'.format(formatStrings), tuple([days, rangeStart, rangeEnd] + satellites)) else: cursor.execute(stmt + ' GROUP BY r.date', (days, rangeStart, rangeEnd)) data = cursor.fetchall() db.closeConnection(dbcon) figure = go.Figure() figure.add_trace(go.Bar( x=[item['date'] for item in data], y=[item['shortSessions'] for item in data], name='Short Sessions', width=2*86400e3 )) figure.add_trace(go.Bar( x=[item['date'] for item in data], y=[item['longSessions'] for item in data], name='Long Sessions', width=2*86400e3 )) figure.update_layout( barmode='stack', title_text = 'Sessions', uirevision=42 ) return figure @app.callback(Output('total-graph-users', 'figure'), [Input('total-days', 'value'), Input('total-range', 'start_date'), Input('total-range', 'end_date'), Input('total-satellites', 'value')]) def make_graph_users(days, rangeStart, rangeEnd, satellites): dbcon = db.getConnection() cursor = dbcon.cursor() stmt = """ SELECT r.date, SUM(t.uniqueUsers) as uniqueUsers FROM reports r JOIN total t ON r.id = t.report WHERE t.days = %s AND r.date >= %s AND r.date <= %s """ if len(satellites) > 0: formatStrings = ','.join(['%s'] * len(satellites)) cursor.execute(stmt + ' AND r.ip IN ({}) GROUP BY r.date'.format(formatStrings), tuple([days, rangeStart, rangeEnd] + satellites)) else: cursor.execute(stmt + ' GROUP BY r.date', (days, rangeStart, rangeEnd)) data = cursor.fetchall() db.closeConnection(dbcon) figure = go.Figure() figure.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=[item['date'] for item in data], y=[item['uniqueUsers'] for item in data], mode='lines+markers', name='Unique Users' )) figure.update_layout( showlegend=True, title_text = 'Unique Users', uirevision=42 ) return figure def get_satellites(): dbcon = db.getConnection() cursor = dbcon.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT ip FROM reports""") data = [item['ip'] for item in cursor.fetchall()] db.closeConnection(dbcon) return data