package org.openslx.filetransfer.util; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.openslx.filetransfer.LocalChunkSource.ChunkSource; import org.openslx.filetransfer.LocalChunkSource.SourceFile; import org.openslx.util.Util; public class LocalCopyManager extends Thread { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger( LocalCopyManager.class ); private FileChunk currentChunk = null; private final ChunkList chunkList; private final IncomingTransferBase transfer; private final Map sources = new HashMap<>(); private Semaphore hasWork = new Semaphore( 0 ); private AtomicInteger copyCount = new AtomicInteger(); private boolean paused = true; public LocalCopyManager( IncomingTransferBase transfer, ChunkList list ) { super( "LocalCopyManager" ); this.transfer = transfer; this.chunkList = list; } /** * Trigger copying of another block if possible */ public synchronized void trigger() { if ( this.paused ) return; if ( this.getState() == State.NEW ) { start(); } triggerInternal(); } private synchronized void triggerInternal() { if ( this.paused ) return; if ( !isAlive() ) { LOGGER.warn( "Cannot be triggered when Thread is not running." ); if ( currentChunk != null ) { chunkList.markFailed( currentChunk ); currentChunk = null; } return; } if ( currentChunk == null ) { currentChunk = chunkList.getCopyCandidate(); hasWork.release(); } } @Override public void run() { try { while ( !interrupted() ) { while ( currentChunk != null ) { hasWork.drainPermits(); copyChunk(); } if ( !hasWork.tryAcquire( 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS ) ) { if ( chunkList.isComplete() ) { transfer.finishUploadInternal(); break; } else if ( !transfer.isActive() ) { break; } else { triggerInternal(); } } } } catch ( InterruptedException | IllegalStateException e ) { interrupt(); } synchronized ( this ) { if ( currentChunk != null ) { LOGGER.warn( "Still had a chunk when thread was interrupted." ); chunkList.markFailed( currentChunk ); currentChunk = null; } } for ( RandomAccessFile file : sources.values() ) { Util.safeClose( file ); } LOGGER.debug( "My work here is done. Copied " + copyCount.get() + " chunks from " + sources.size() + " files." ); } private void copyChunk() throws InterruptedException { ChunkSource source = currentChunk.getSources(); if ( source != null ) { // OK for ( ;; ) { // Try every possible source file SourceFile sourceFile = getOpenFile( source, currentChunk.range.getLength() ); if ( sourceFile == null ) { // Was marked as having a source file, but now we got null -- most likely // the source file doesn't exist or isn't readable LOGGER.warn( "No open file for local copying!" ); break; } // OK RandomAccessFile raf = sources.get( sourceFile.fileName ); byte[] buffer; try { sourceFile.offset ); // In order not to hinder (fast) upload of unknown blocks, throttle // local copying as long as chunks are missing - do before allocating buffer // so we don't hold allocated unused memory for no reason, but the seek has // been done so we know the file handle is not goofed up if ( chunkList.hasLocallyMissingChunk() ) { int delay; HashChecker hc = transfer.getHashChecker(); if ( hc == null ) { delay = 50; } else { delay = ( hc.getQueueFill() * 500 ) / hc.getQueueCapacity(); } Thread.sleep( delay ); } buffer = new byte[ sourceFile.chunkSize ]; raf.readFully( buffer ); } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { throw e; } catch ( Exception e ) { LOGGER.warn( "Could not read chunk to replicate from " + sourceFile.fileName, e ); buffer = null; if ( e instanceof IOException ) { // Mark file as messed up sources.put( sourceFile.fileName, null ); } } if ( buffer != null ) { // All is well, read chunk locally, pass on transfer.chunkReceivedInternal( currentChunk, buffer ); synchronized ( this ) { currentChunk = null; } copyCount.incrementAndGet(); triggerInternal(); return; } // Reaching here means failure // We'll keep looping as long as there are source files available } // End of loop over source files } // FAILED "Local copying failed, queueing for normal upload..." ); synchronized ( this ) { chunkList.markFailed( currentChunk ); currentChunk = null; } } private SourceFile getOpenFile( ChunkSource source, int requiredSize ) { for ( SourceFile candidate : source.sourceCandidates ) { if ( sources.get( candidate.fileName ) != null ) return candidate; } // Have to open for ( SourceFile candidate : source.sourceCandidates ) { if ( sources.containsKey( candidate.fileName ) ) // Maps to null (otherwise upper loop would have returned) continue; // File is broken, don't use if ( candidate.chunkSize != requiredSize ) continue; File f = new File( candidate.fileName ); if ( !f.exists() ) { sources.put( candidate.fileName, null ); // Mark for future continue; } try { RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile( f, "r" ); sources.put( candidate.fileName, raf ); return candidate; } catch ( Exception e ) { "Cannot open " + candidate.fileName, e ); sources.put( candidate.fileName, null ); // Mark for future } } // Nothing worked return null; } public boolean isPaused() { return paused; } public void setPaused( boolean paused ) { this.paused = paused; } }