package org.openslx.util; /** * A reference holder that will only return the object it is holding if * the given timeout has not been reached. * The timeout will start anew if you set this reference to hold a new object, * or if you retrieve the object, and refreshOnGet is set to true. */ public class TimeoutReference { private final long timeoutMs; private long deadline; private boolean refreshOnGet; private T item; public TimeoutReference( boolean refreshOnGet, long timeoutMs, T item ) { this.refreshOnGet = refreshOnGet; this.item = item; this.timeoutMs = timeoutMs; this.deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs; } public TimeoutReference( long timeoutMs, T item ) { this( false, timeoutMs, item ); } public synchronized T get() { if ( item != null ) { final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ( deadline < now ) { item = null; } else if ( refreshOnGet ) { deadline = now + timeoutMs; } } return item; } public synchronized void set( T newItem ) { this.item = newItem; this.deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs; } }