package org.openslx.virtualization; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Represents a version information. * * The version information is used in the field of virtualization (for virtualizers, disk images, * virtualization configuration files, ...). * * @author Manuel Bentele * @version 1.0 */ public class Version implements Comparable { /** * Regular expression to parse a version from a {@link String}. *

* The regular expression matches a version if its textual version information is well-formed * according to the following examples: * *

	 *   52
	 *   4.31
	 *   5.10.13
*/ private static final String VERSION_NUMBER_REGEX = "^(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+))?)?$"; /** * Major number of the version. */ private final short major; /** * Minor number of the version. */ private final short minor; /** * Name or description of the version. */ private final String name; /** * Creates a new version. * * The version consists of a major version, whereas the minor version is set to the value * 0 and the version name is undefined. * * @param major major version. */ public Version( short major ) { this( major, Short.valueOf( "0" ), null ); } /** * Creates a new version. * * The version consists of a major version labeled with a version name, whereas the minor version * is set to the value 0. * * @param major major version. * @param name version name. */ public Version( short major, String name ) { this( major, Short.valueOf( "0" ), name ); } /** * Creates a new version. * * The version consists of a major and a minor version, whereas the version name is undefined. * * @param major major version. * @param minor minor version. */ public Version( short major, short minor ) { this( major, minor, null ); } /** * Creates a new version. * * The version consists of a major and a minor version labeled with a version name. * * @param major major version. * @param minor minor version. * @param name version name. */ public Version( short major, short minor, String name ) { this.major = major; this.minor = minor; = name; } /** * Returns the major version. * * @return major version. */ public short getMajor() { return this.major; } /** * Returns the minor version. * * @return minor version. */ public short getMinor() { return this.minor; } /** * Returns the full version as {@link Integer}. * * The full version consists of the major and minor version where both are combined in one * {@link Integer} value. The upper 16-bits of the value represent the major number, whereas * the lower 16-bits represent the minor number. * * @return full version as {@link Integer}. */ public int getVersion() { final int major = this.major; final int minor = this.minor; return ( major << Short.SIZE ) | minor; } /** * Returns the name of the version. * * @return name of the version. */ public String getName() { return; } /** * Checks if version is supported by a version from a list of supported versions. * * @param supportedVersions list of supported versions. * @return state whether version is supported by a version from the list of versions or not. */ public boolean isSupported( List supportedVersions ) { return supportedVersions.contains( this ); } /** * Returns a version from a list of supported versions filtered by its given filter predicate. * * @param byFilter filter predicate. * @param supportedVersions list of supported versions. * @return version from a list of supported versions filtered by its given filter predicate. */ private static Version getInstanceByPredicateFromVersions( Predicate byFilter, List supportedVersions ) { return byFilter ).findFirst().orElse( null ); } /** * Returns a version from a list of supported versions by its given major version. * * @param major version. * @param supportedVersions list of supported versions. * @return version from a list of supported versions by its given major version. */ public static Version getInstanceByMajorFromVersions( short major, List supportedVersions ) { final Predicate byMajor = version -> major == version.getMajor(); return Version.getInstanceByPredicateFromVersions( byMajor, supportedVersions ); } /** * Returns a version from a list of supported versions by its given major and minor version. * * @param major version. * @param minor version. * @param supportedVersions list of supported versions. * @return version from a list of supported versions by its given major and minor version. */ public static Version getInstanceByMajorMinorFromVersions( short major, short minor, List supportedVersions ) { final Predicate byMajorMinor = version -> major == version.getMajor() && minor == version.getMinor(); return byMajorMinor ).findFirst().orElse( null ); } /** * Checks if this version is smaller than a specified {@code version}. * * @param version for comparison. * @return state whether this version is smaller than the specified {@code version} or not. */ public boolean isSmallerThan( Version version ) { return ( this.compareTo( version ) < 0 ) ? true : false; } /** * Checks if this version is greater than a specified {@code version}. * * @param version for comparison. * @return state whether this version is greater than the specified {@code version} or not. */ public boolean isGreaterThan( Version version ) { return ( this.compareTo( version ) > 0 ) ? true : false; } /** * Creates a new version parsed from a {@link String}. * * The version consists of a major and a minor version parsed from the specified {@link String}. * * @param version textual information containing a version as {@link String}. The textual * version should be well-formed according to the defined regular expression * {@link #VERSION_NUMBER_REGEX}. * @return version instance. */ public static Version valueOf( String version ) { final Version parsedVersion; if ( version == null || version.isEmpty() ) { parsedVersion = null; } else { final Pattern versionPattern = Pattern.compile( Version.VERSION_NUMBER_REGEX ); final Matcher versionMatcher = versionPattern.matcher( version ); if ( versionMatcher.find() ) { final String majorStr = 1 ); final String minorStr = 2 ); final short major = ( majorStr != null ) ? Short.valueOf( majorStr ) : 0; final short minor = ( minorStr != null ) ? Short.valueOf( minorStr ) : 0; parsedVersion = new Version( major, minor ); } else { parsedVersion = null; } } return parsedVersion; } @Override public String toString() { if ( this.getName() == null || this.getName().isEmpty() ) { return String.format( "%d.%d", this.getMajor(), this.getMinor() ); } else { return String.format( "%d.%d %s", this.getMajor(), this.getMinor(), this.getName() ); } } @Override public boolean equals( Object obj ) { if ( obj == null ) { return false; } else if ( this.getClass() != obj.getClass() ) { return false; } else if ( this.compareTo( Version.class.cast( obj ) ) == 0 ) { return true; } else { return false; } } @Override public int compareTo( Version v ) { // compare the current version to the specified version if ( this.getMajor() < v.getMajor() ) { // current major version is smaller than the given major version return -1; } else if ( this.getMajor() > v.getMajor() ) { // current major version is larger than the given major version return 1; } else { // current major version is equal to the given major version // so compare the current minor version to the specified minor version if ( this.getMinor() < v.getMinor() ) { // current minor version is smaller than the given minor version // so the entire version is smaller than the given version return -1; } else if ( this.getMinor() > v.getMinor() ) { // current minor version is larger than the given minor version // so the entire version is larger than the given version return 1; } else { // current minor version is equal to the given minor version // so the entire version is equal to the given version return 0; } } } }