package org.openslx.virtualization.configuration; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.OperatingSystem; import org.openslx.thrifthelper.TConst; import org.openslx.virtualization.Version; import org.openslx.virtualization.configuration.VirtualizationConfigurationVirtualboxFileFormat.PlaceHolder; import org.openslx.virtualization.virtualizer.VirtualizerVirtualBox; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; class VBoxSoundCardMeta { public final boolean isPresent; public final String value; public VBoxSoundCardMeta( boolean present, String val ) { isPresent = present; value = val; } } class VBoxDDAccelMeta { public final boolean isPresent; public VBoxDDAccelMeta( boolean present ) { isPresent = present; } } class VBoxEthernetDevTypeMeta { public final String value; public final boolean isPresent; public VBoxEthernetDevTypeMeta( boolean present, String val ) { value = val; isPresent = present; } } class VBoxUsbSpeedMeta { public final String value; public final int speed; public VBoxUsbSpeedMeta( String value, int speed ) { this.value = value; this.speed = speed; } } public class VirtualizationConfigurationVirtualBox extends VirtualizationConfiguration { /** * File name extension for VirtualBox virtualization configuration files.. */ public static final String FILE_NAME_EXTENSION = "vbox"; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger( VirtualizationConfigurationVirtualBox.class ); private final VirtualizationConfigurationVirtualboxFileFormat config; public static enum EthernetType { NAT( "vboxnet1" ), BRIDGED( "vboxnet0" ), HOST_ONLY( "vboxnet2" ); public final String vnet; private EthernetType( String vnet ) { this.vnet = vnet; } } public VirtualizationConfigurationVirtualBox( List osList, File file ) throws IOException, VirtualizationConfigurationException { super( new VirtualizerVirtualBox(), osList ); this.config = new VirtualizationConfigurationVirtualboxFileFormat( file ); init(); } public VirtualizationConfigurationVirtualBox( List osList, byte[] vmContent, int length ) throws IOException, VirtualizationConfigurationException { super( new VirtualizerVirtualBox(), osList ); this.config = new VirtualizationConfigurationVirtualboxFileFormat( vmContent, length ); init(); } private void init() { displayName = config.getDisplayName(); setOs( config.getOsName() ); this.isMachineSnapshot = config.isMachineSnapshot(); for ( HardDisk hardDisk : config.getHdds() ) { hdds.add( hardDisk ); } } @Override public void transformEditable() throws VirtualizationConfigurationException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void transformPrivacy() throws VirtualizationConfigurationException { } @Override public byte[] getConfigurationAsByteArray() { return config.toString( true ).getBytes( StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ); } @Override public boolean addEmptyHddTemplate() { return this.addHddTemplate( "%VM_DISK_PATH%", "%VM_DISK_MODE%", "%VM_DISK_REDOLOGDIR%" ); } @Override public boolean addHddTemplate( String diskImage, String hddMode, String redoDir ) { config.changeAttribute( "/VirtualBox/Machine/MediaRegistry/HardDisks/HardDisk[@location='" + PlaceHolder.HDDLOCATION.toString() + "']", "location", diskImage ); config.changeAttribute( "/VirtualBox/Machine", "snapshotFolder", redoDir ); return true; } @Override public boolean addHddTemplate( File diskImage, String hddMode, String redoDir ) { String diskImagePath = diskImage.getName(); config.changeAttribute( "/VirtualBox/Machine/MediaRegistry/HardDisks/HardDisk", "location", diskImagePath ); UUID newhdduuid = UUID.randomUUID(); // patching the new uuid in the vbox config file here String vboxUUid = "{" + newhdduuid.toString() + "}"; config.changeAttribute( "/VirtualBox/Machine/MediaRegistry/HardDisks/HardDisk", "uuid", vboxUUid ); config.changeAttribute( "/VirtualBox/Machine/StorageControllers/StorageController/AttachedDevice/Image", "uuid", vboxUUid ); // the order of the UUID is BIG_ENDIAN but we need to change the order of the first 8 Bytes // to be able to write them to the vdi file... the PROBLEM here is that the first 8 // are in LITTLE_ENDIAN order in pairs of 4-2-2 not the whole 8 so just changing the // order when we are adding them to the bytebuffer won't help // // the following is a workaround that works ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap( new byte[ 16 ] ); buffer.putLong( newhdduuid.getMostSignificantBits() ); buffer.putLong( newhdduuid.getLeastSignificantBits() ); byte[] oldOrder = buffer.array(); // make a coppy here because the last 8 Bytes don't need to change position byte[] bytesToWrite = Arrays.copyOf( oldOrder, oldOrder.length ); // use an offset int[] to help with the shuffle int[] offsets = { 3, 2, 1, 0, 5, 4, 7, 6 }; for ( int index = 0; index < 8; index++ ) { bytesToWrite[index] = oldOrder[offsets[index]]; } try ( RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile( diskImage, "rw" ) ) { 392 ); file.write( bytesToWrite, 0, 16 ); } catch ( Exception e ) { LOGGER.warn( "could not patch new uuid in the vdi", e ); } // we need a new machine uuid UUID newMachineUuid = UUID.randomUUID(); if ( newMachineUuid.equals( newhdduuid ) ) { LOGGER.warn( "The new Machine UUID is the same as the new HDD UUID; tying again...this vm might not start" ); newMachineUuid = UUID.randomUUID(); } String machineUUid = "{" + newMachineUuid.toString() + "}"; return config.changeAttribute( "/VirtualBox/Machine", "uuid", machineUUid ); } @Override public boolean addDefaultNat() { if ( config.addNewNode( "/VirtualBox/Machine/Hardware/Network/Adapter", "NAT" ) == null ) { LOGGER.error( "Failed to set network adapter to NAT." ); return false; } return config.changeAttribute( "/VirtualBox/Machine/Hardware/Network/Adapter", "MACAddress", "080027B86D12" ); } @Override public void setOs( String vendorOsId ) { config.changeAttribute( "/VirtualBox/Machine", "OSType", vendorOsId ); final OperatingSystem os = VirtualizationConfigurationUtils.getOsOfVirtualizerFromList( this.osList, TConst.VIRT_VIRTUALBOX, vendorOsId ); this.setOs( os ); } @Override public boolean addDisplayName( String name ) { return config.changeAttribute( "/VirtualBox/Machine", "name", name ); } @Override public boolean addRam( int mem ) { return config.changeAttribute( "/VirtualBox/Machine/Hardware/Memory", "RAMSize", Integer.toString( mem ) ); } @Override public void addFloppy( int index, String image, boolean readOnly ) { Element floppyController = null; NodeList matches = (NodeList)config .findNodes( "/VirtualBox/Machine/StorageControllers/StorageController[@name='Floppy']" ); if ( matches == null || matches.getLength() == 0 ) { floppyController = (Element)config.addNewNode( "/VirtualBox/Machine/StorageControllers", "StorageController" ); if ( floppyController == null ) { LOGGER.error( "Failed to add to floppy device." ); return; } floppyController.setAttribute( "name", "Floppy" ); floppyController.setAttribute( "type", "I82078" ); floppyController.setAttribute( "PortCount", "1" ); floppyController.setAttribute( "useHostIOCache", "true" ); floppyController.setAttribute( "Bootable", "false" ); } // virtualbox only allows one controller per type if ( matches.getLength() > 1 ) { LOGGER.error( "Multiple floppy controllers detected, this should never happen! " ); return; } // so if we had any matches, we know we have exactly one if ( floppyController == null ) floppyController = (Element)matches.item( 0 ); // add the floppy device Element floppyDevice = (Element)config.addNewNode( floppyController, "AttachedDevice" ); if ( floppyDevice == null ) { LOGGER.error( "Failed to add to floppy device." ); return; } floppyDevice.setAttribute( "type", "Floppy" ); floppyDevice.setAttribute( "hotpluggable", "false" ); floppyDevice.setAttribute( "port", "0" ); floppyDevice.setAttribute( "device", Integer.toString( index ) ); // finally add the image to it, if one was given if ( image != null ) { Element floppyImage = (Element)config.addNewNode( floppyDevice, "Image" ); if ( floppyImage == null ) { LOGGER.error( "Failed to add to floppy device." ); return; } floppyImage.setAttribute( "uuid", VirtualizationConfigurationVirtualboxFileFormat.PlaceHolder.FLOPPYUUID.toString() ); // register the image in the media registry Element floppyImages = (Element)config.addNewNode( "/VirtualBox/Machine/MediaRegistry", "FloppyImages" ); if ( floppyImages == null ) { LOGGER.error( "Failed to add to media registry." ); return; } Element floppyImageReg = (Element)config.addNewNode( "/VirtualBox/Machine/MediaRegistry/FloppyImages", "Image" ); if ( floppyImageReg == null ) { LOGGER.error( "Failed to add to floppy images in the media registry." ); return; } floppyImageReg.setAttribute( "uuid", VirtualizationConfigurationVirtualboxFileFormat.PlaceHolder.FLOPPYUUID.toString() ); floppyImageReg.setAttribute( "location", VirtualizationConfigurationVirtualboxFileFormat.PlaceHolder.FLOPPYLOCATION.toString() ); } } @Override public boolean addCdrom( String image ) { // TODO - done in run-virt currently return false; } @Override public boolean addCpuCoreCount( int nrOfCores ) { return config.changeAttribute( "/VirtualBox/Machine/Hardware/CPU", "count", Integer.toString( nrOfCores ) ); } @Override public void setSoundCard( org.openslx.virtualization.configuration.VirtualizationConfiguration.SoundCardType type ) { VBoxSoundCardMeta sound = soundCards.get( type ); config.changeAttribute( "/VirtualBox/Machine/Hardware/AudioAdapter", "enabled", Boolean.toString( sound.isPresent ) ); config.changeAttribute( "/VirtualBox/Machine/Hardware/AudioAdapter", "controller", sound.value ); } @Override public VirtualizationConfiguration.SoundCardType getSoundCard() { // initialize here to type None to avoid all null pointer exceptions thrown for unknown user written sound cards VirtualizationConfiguration.SoundCardType returnsct = VirtualizationConfiguration.SoundCardType.NONE; Element x = (Element)config.findNodes( "/VirtualBox/Machine/Hardware/AudioAdapter" ).item( 0 ); if ( !x.hasAttribute( "enabled" ) || ( x.hasAttribute( "enabled" ) && x.getAttribute( "enabled" ).equals( "false" ) ) ) { return returnsct; } else { // extra separate case for the non-existing argument} if ( !x.hasAttribute( "controller" ) ) { returnsct = VirtualizationConfiguration.SoundCardType.AC; } else { String controller = x.getAttribute( "controller" ); VBoxSoundCardMeta soundMeta = null; for ( VirtualizationConfiguration.SoundCardType type : VirtualizationConfiguration.SoundCardType .values() ) { soundMeta = soundCards.get( type ); if ( soundMeta != null ) { if ( controller.equals( soundMeta.value ) ) { returnsct = type; } } } } } return returnsct; } @Override public void setDDAcceleration( VirtualizationConfiguration.DDAcceleration type ) { VBoxDDAccelMeta accel = ddacc.get( type ); config.changeAttribute( "/VirtualBox/Machine/Hardware/Display", "accelerate3D", Boolean.toString( accel.isPresent ) ); } @Override public VirtualizationConfiguration.DDAcceleration getDDAcceleration() { VirtualizationConfiguration.DDAcceleration returndda = null; Element x = (Element)config.findNodes( "/VirtualBox/Machine/Hardware/Display" ).item( 0 ); if ( x.hasAttribute( "accelerate3D" ) ) { if ( x.getAttribute( "accelerate3D" ).equals( "true" ) ) { returndda = VirtualizationConfiguration.DDAcceleration.ON; } else { returndda = VirtualizationConfiguration.DDAcceleration.OFF; } } else { returndda = VirtualizationConfiguration.DDAcceleration.OFF; } return returndda; } /** * Function does nothing for Virtual Box; * Virtual Box accepts per default only one hardware version and is hidden from the user */ @Override public void setVirtualizerVersion( Version type ) { } public Version getConfigurationVersion() { return this.config.getVersion(); } @Override public Version getVirtualizerVersion() { // Virtual Box uses only one virtual hardware version and can't be changed return null; } @Override public void setEthernetDevType( int cardIndex, EthernetDevType type ) { String index = "0"; VBoxEthernetDevTypeMeta nic = networkCards.get( type ); // cardIndex is not used yet...maybe later needed for different network cards config.changeAttribute( "/VirtualBox/Machine/Hardware/Network/Adapter[@slot='" + index + "']", "enabled", Boolean.toString( nic.isPresent ) ); config.changeAttribute( "/VirtualBox/Machine/Hardware/Network/Adapter[@slot='" + index + "']", "type", nic.value ); } @Override public VirtualizationConfiguration.EthernetDevType getEthernetDevType( int cardIndex ) { VirtualizationConfiguration.EthernetDevType returnedt = VirtualizationConfiguration.EthernetDevType.NONE; Element x = (Element)config.findNodes( "/VirtualBox/Machine/Hardware/Network/Adapter" ).item( 0 ); if ( !x.hasAttribute( "enabled" ) || ( x.hasAttribute( "enabled" ) && x.getAttribute( "enabled" ).equals( "false" ) ) ) { return returnedt; } else { // extra separate case for the non-existing argument} if ( !x.hasAttribute( "type" ) ) { returnedt = VirtualizationConfiguration.EthernetDevType.PCNETFAST3; } else { String temp = x.getAttribute( "type" ); VBoxEthernetDevTypeMeta etherMeta = null; for ( VirtualizationConfiguration.EthernetDevType type : VirtualizationConfiguration.EthernetDevType .values() ) { etherMeta = networkCards.get( type ); if ( etherMeta != null ) { if ( temp.equals( etherMeta.value ) ) { returnedt = type; } } } } } return returnedt; } public void registerVirtualHW() { // none type needs to have a valid value; it takes the value of AC97; if value is left null or empty vm will not start because value is not valid // TODO: Maybe just remove the entire section from the XML? Same for ethernet... soundCards.put( VirtualizationConfiguration.SoundCardType.NONE, new VBoxSoundCardMeta( false, "AC97" ) ); soundCards.put( VirtualizationConfiguration.SoundCardType.SOUND_BLASTER, new VBoxSoundCardMeta( true, "SB16" ) ); soundCards.put( VirtualizationConfiguration.SoundCardType.HD_AUDIO, new VBoxSoundCardMeta( true, "HDA" ) ); soundCards.put( VirtualizationConfiguration.SoundCardType.AC, new VBoxSoundCardMeta( true, "AC97" ) ); ddacc.put( VirtualizationConfiguration.DDAcceleration.OFF, new VBoxDDAccelMeta( false ) ); ddacc.put( VirtualizationConfiguration.DDAcceleration.ON, new VBoxDDAccelMeta( true ) ); // none type needs to have a valid value; it takes the value of pcnetcpi2; if value is left null or empty vm will not start because value is not valid networkCards.put( VirtualizationConfiguration.EthernetDevType.NONE, new VBoxEthernetDevTypeMeta( false, "Am79C970A" ) ); networkCards.put( VirtualizationConfiguration.EthernetDevType.PCNETPCI2, new VBoxEthernetDevTypeMeta( true, "Am79C970A" ) ); networkCards.put( VirtualizationConfiguration.EthernetDevType.PCNETFAST3, new VBoxEthernetDevTypeMeta( true, "Am79C973" ) ); networkCards.put( VirtualizationConfiguration.EthernetDevType.PRO1000MTD, new VBoxEthernetDevTypeMeta( true, "82540EM" ) ); networkCards.put( VirtualizationConfiguration.EthernetDevType.PRO1000TS, new VBoxEthernetDevTypeMeta( true, "82543GC" ) ); networkCards.put( VirtualizationConfiguration.EthernetDevType.PRO1000MTS, new VBoxEthernetDevTypeMeta( true, "82545EM" ) ); networkCards.put( VirtualizationConfiguration.EthernetDevType.PARAVIRT, new VBoxEthernetDevTypeMeta( true, "virtio" ) ); usbSpeeds.put( VirtualizationConfiguration.UsbSpeed.NONE, new VBoxUsbSpeedMeta( null, 0 ) ); usbSpeeds.put( VirtualizationConfiguration.UsbSpeed.USB1_1, new VBoxUsbSpeedMeta( "OHCI", 1 ) ); usbSpeeds.put( VirtualizationConfiguration.UsbSpeed.USB2_0, new VBoxUsbSpeedMeta( "EHCI", 2 ) ); usbSpeeds.put( VirtualizationConfiguration.UsbSpeed.USB3_0, new VBoxUsbSpeedMeta( "XHCI", 3 ) ); } @Override public boolean addEthernet( VirtualizationConfiguration.EtherType type ) { Node hostOnlyInterfaceNode = config.addNewNode( "/VirtualBox/Machine/Hardware/Network/Adapter[@slot='0']", "HostOnlyInterface" ); if ( hostOnlyInterfaceNode == null ) { LOGGER.error( "Failed to create node for HostOnlyInterface." ); return false; } return config.addAttributeToNode( hostOnlyInterfaceNode, "name", EthernetType.valueOf( ).vnet ); } @Override public void transformNonPersistent() throws VirtualizationConfigurationException { // Cannot disable suspend // // // But some other stuff that won't make sense in non-persistent mode config.setExtraData( "GUI/LastCloseAction", "PowerOff" ); // Could use "Default" instead of "Last" above, but you won't get any confirmation dialog in that case config.setExtraData( "GUI/RestrictedRuntimeHelpMenuActions", "All" ); config.setExtraData( "GUI/RestrictedRuntimeMachineMenuActions", "TakeSnapshot,Pause,SaveState" ); config.setExtraData( "GUI/RestrictedRuntimeMenus", "Help" ); config.setExtraData( "GUI/PreventSnapshotOperations", "true" ); config.setExtraData( "GUI/PreventApplicationUpdate", "true" ); config.setExtraData( "GUI/RestrictedCloseActions", "SaveState,PowerOffRestoringSnapshot,Detach" ); } @Override public void setMaxUsbSpeed( VirtualizationConfiguration.UsbSpeed speed ) { // Wipe existing ones config.removeNodes( "/VirtualBox/Machine/Hardware", "USB" ); if ( speed == null || speed == VirtualizationConfiguration.UsbSpeed.NONE ) { // Add marker so we know it's not an old config and we really want no USB Element node = config.createNodeRecursive( "/VirtualBox/OpenSLX/USB" ); if ( node != null ) { node.setAttribute( "disabled", "true" ); } return; // NO USB } Element node = config.createNodeRecursive( "/VirtualBox/Machine/Hardware/USB/Controllers/Controller" ); VBoxUsbSpeedMeta vboxSpeed = usbSpeeds.get( speed ); node.setAttribute( "type", vboxSpeed.value ); node.setAttribute( "name", vboxSpeed.value ); if ( speed == UsbSpeed.USB2_0 ) { // If EHCI (2.0) is selected, VBox adds an OHCI controller too... node.setAttribute( "type", "OHCI" ); node.setAttribute( "name", "OHCI" ); } } @Override public VirtualizationConfiguration.UsbSpeed getMaxUsbSpeed() { NodeList nodes = config.findNodes( "/VirtualBox/Machine/Hardware/USB/Controllers/Controller/@type" ); int maxSpeed = 0; VirtualizationConfiguration.UsbSpeed maxItem = VirtualizationConfiguration.UsbSpeed.NONE; for ( int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); ++i ) { if ( nodes.item( i ).getNodeType() != Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE ) { "Not ATTRIBUTE type" ); continue; } String type = ( (Attr)nodes.item( i ) ).getValue(); for ( Entry s : usbSpeeds.entrySet() ) { if ( s.getValue().speed > maxSpeed && type.equals( s.getValue().value ) ) { maxSpeed = s.getValue().speed; maxItem = s.getKey(); } } } return maxItem; } @Override public String getFileNameExtension() { return VirtualizationConfigurationVirtualBox.FILE_NAME_EXTENSION; } @Override public void validate() throws VirtualizationConfigurationException { this.config.validate(); } }