package org.openslx.virtualization.configuration; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.OperatingSystem; import org.openslx.thrifthelper.TConst; import org.openslx.util.Util; import org.openslx.virtualization.Version; import org.openslx.virtualization.configuration.VirtualizationConfigurationVmwareFileFormat.ConfigEntry; import org.openslx.virtualization.hardware.VirtOptionValue; import org.openslx.virtualization.hardware.ConfigurationGroups; import org.openslx.virtualization.hardware.Ethernet; import org.openslx.virtualization.hardware.SoundCard; import org.openslx.virtualization.hardware.Usb; import org.openslx.virtualization.virtualizer.VirtualizerVmware; public class VirtualizationConfigurationVmware extends VirtualizationConfiguration { /** * File name extension for VMware virtualization configuration files. */ public static final String FILE_NAME_EXTENSION = "vmx"; private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger( VirtualizationConfigurationVmware.class ); private static final Pattern HDD_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "^(ide\\d|scsi\\d|sata\\d|nvme\\d):?(\\d?)\\.(.*)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE ); /** Lowercase regex of allowed settings for stateless execution */ private static final Pattern STATELESS_WHITELIST_PATTERN; /** Lowercase regex of forbidden settings when uploading (privacy concerns) */ private static final Pattern PRIVACY_BLACKLIST_PATTERN; private final VirtualizationConfigurationVmwareFileFormat config; // Init static members static { // LOWERCASE - Client execution whitelist String[] list1 = { "^guestos", "^uuid\\.bios", "^config\\.version", "^ehci[.:]", "^mks\\.enable3d", "^virtualhw\\.", "^sound[.:]", "\\.pcislotnumber$", "^pcibridge", "\\.virtualdev$", "^tools\\.syncTime$", "^time\\.synchronize", "^bios\\.bootDelay", "^rtc\\.", "^xhci[.:]", "^usb_xhci[.:]", "\\.deviceType$", "\\.port$", "\\.parent$", "^usb[.:]", "^firmware", "^hpet", "^vm\\.genid", "^svga\\.graphicsMemoryKB$" }; STATELESS_WHITELIST_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( String.join( "|", list1 ), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE ); // LOWERCASE - Upload privacy filter String[] list2 = { "^displayname$", "^extendedconfigfile$", "^gui\\.", "^nvram$", "^memsize$" }; PRIVACY_BLACKLIST_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( String.join( "|", list2 ), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE ); } public static enum EthernetType { NAT( "vmnet1" ), BRIDGED( "vmnet0" ), HOST_ONLY( "vmnet2" ); public final String vmnet; private EthernetType( String vnet ) { this.vmnet = vnet; } } public VirtualizationConfigurationVmware( List osList, File file ) throws IOException, VirtualizationConfigurationException { super( new VirtualizerVmware(), osList ); this.config = new VirtualizationConfigurationVmwareFileFormat( file ); init(); } public VirtualizationConfigurationVmware( List osList, byte[] vmxContent, int length ) throws VirtualizationConfigurationException { super( new VirtualizerVmware(), osList ); this.config = new VirtualizationConfigurationVmwareFileFormat( vmxContent, length ); // still unfiltered init(); // now filtered } private void init() { Map disks = new HashMap<>(); for ( Entry entry : config.entrySet() ) { handleLoadEntry( entry, disks ); } // Fix accidentally filtered USB config if we see EHCI is present if ( isSetAndTrue( "ehci.present" ) && !isSetAndTrue( "usb.present" ) ) { addFiltered( "usb.present", "TRUE" ); } // if we find this tag, we already went through the hdd's - so we're done. if ( config.get( "#SLX_HDD_BUS" ) != null ) { try { hdds.add( new HardDisk( config.get( "#SLX_HDD_CHIP" ), DriveBusType.valueOf( config.get( "#SLX_HDD_BUS" ) ), "empty" ) ); } catch ( Exception e ) { LOGGER.debug( "Error adding HDD object when parsing #SLX_HDD_BUS. Meta-data will be incorrect.", e ); } return; } // Now find the HDDs and add to list for ( Entry cEntry : disks.entrySet() ) { Controller controller = cEntry.getValue(); String controllerType = cEntry.getKey(); if ( !controller.present ) continue; for ( Entry dEntry : controller.devices.entrySet() ) { String deviceId = dEntry.getKey(); Device device = dEntry.getValue(); if ( !device.present ) continue; // Not present if ( device.deviceType != null && !device.deviceType.toLowerCase().endsWith( "disk" ) ) continue; // Not a HDD DriveBusType bus = null; if ( controllerType.startsWith( "ide" ) ) { bus = DriveBusType.IDE; } else if ( controllerType.startsWith( "scsi" ) ) { bus = DriveBusType.SCSI; } else if ( controllerType.startsWith( "sata" ) ) { bus = DriveBusType.SATA; } else if ( controllerType.startsWith( "nvme" ) ) { bus = DriveBusType.NVME; } hdds.add( new HardDisk( controller.virtualDev, bus, device.filename ) ); // Remove original entries from VMX removeEntriesStartingWith( controllerType + ":" + deviceId + "." ); } } // TODO check if this machine is in a paused/suspended state this.isMachineSnapshot = false; // Add HDD to cleaned vmx if ( !hdds.isEmpty() ) { HardDisk hdd = hdds.get( 0 ); addFiltered( "#SLX_HDD_BUS", hdd.bus.toString() ); if ( hdd.chipsetDriver != null ) { addFiltered( "#SLX_HDD_CHIP", hdd.chipsetDriver ); } } } private void removeEntriesStartingWith( String start ) { for ( Iterator> it = config.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Entry entry =; if ( entry.getKey().startsWith( start ) ) { it.remove(); } } } private void addFiltered( String key, String value ) { config.set( key, value ); } private boolean isSetAndTrue( String key ) { String value = config.get( key ); return value != null && value.equalsIgnoreCase( "true" ); } private void handleLoadEntry( Entry entry, Map disks ) { String lowerKey = entry.getKey().toLowerCase(); // Dig Usable meta data String value = entry.getValue().getValue(); if ( lowerKey.equals( "guestos" ) ) { setOs( value ); return; } if ( lowerKey.equals( "displayname" ) ) { displayName = value; return; } Matcher hdd = HDD_PATTERN.matcher( entry.getKey() ); if ( hdd.find() ) { handleHddEntry( disks, 1 ).toLowerCase(), 2 ), 3 ), value ); } } private void handleHddEntry( Map disks, String controllerStr, String deviceStr, String property, String value ) { Controller controller = disks.get( controllerStr ); if ( controller == null ) { controller = new Controller(); disks.put( controllerStr, controller ); } if ( deviceStr == null || deviceStr.isEmpty() ) { // Controller property if ( property.equalsIgnoreCase( "present" ) ) { controller.present = Boolean.parseBoolean( value ); } else if ( property.equalsIgnoreCase( "virtualDev" ) ) { controller.virtualDev = value; } return; } // Device property Device device = controller.devices.get( deviceStr ); if ( device == null ) { device = new Device(); controller.devices.put( deviceStr, device ); } if ( property.equalsIgnoreCase( "deviceType" ) ) { device.deviceType = value; } else if ( property.equalsIgnoreCase( "filename" ) ) { device.filename = value; } else if ( property.equalsIgnoreCase( "present" ) ) { device.present = Boolean.parseBoolean( value ); } } @Override public boolean addEmptyHddTemplate() { return this.addHddTemplate( "%VM_DISK_PATH%", "%VM_DISK_MODE%", "%VM_DISK_REDOLOGDIR%" ); } @Override public boolean addHddTemplate( File diskImage, String hddMode, String redoDir ) { return addHddTemplate( diskImage.getName(), hddMode, redoDir ); } @Override public boolean addHddTemplate( String diskImagePath, String hddMode, String redoDir ) { if ( diskImagePath.isEmpty() ) { LOGGER.error( "Empty disk image path given!" ); return false; } if ( hdds.isEmpty() ) { LOGGER.warn( "No HDDs found in configuration" ); return false; } HardDisk hdd = hdds.get( 0 ); String chipset = hdd.chipsetDriver; String prefix; switch ( hdd.bus ) { case SATA: // Cannot happen?... use lsisas1068 prefix = "scsi0"; chipset = "lsisas1068"; break; case IDE: case SCSI: case NVME: prefix = + "0"; break; default: LOGGER.warn( "Unknown HDD bus type: " + hdd.bus.toString() ); return false; } // Gen addFiltered( prefix + ".present", "TRUE" ); if ( chipset != null ) { addFiltered( prefix + ".virtualDev", chipset ); } addFiltered( prefix + ":0.present", "TRUE" ); addFiltered( prefix + ":0.deviceType", "disk" ); addFiltered( prefix + ":0.fileName", diskImagePath ); if ( hddMode != null ) { addFiltered( prefix + ":0.mode", hddMode ); addFiltered( prefix + ":0.redo", "" ); addFiltered( prefix + ":0.redoLogDir", redoDir ); } config.remove( "#SLX_HDD_BUS" ); config.remove( "#SLX_HDD_CHIP" ); return true; } public boolean addDefaultNat() { addFiltered( "ethernet0.present", "TRUE" ); addFiltered( "ethernet0.connectionType", "nat" ); return true; } public boolean addEthernet( VirtualizationConfiguration.EtherType type ) { boolean ret = false; int index = 0; for ( ;; ++index ) { if ( config.get( "ethernet" + index + ".present" ) == null ) break; } switch ( type ) { case NAT: ret = addEthernet( index, EthernetType.NAT ); break; case BRIDGED: ret = addEthernet( index, EthernetType.BRIDGED ); break; case HOST_ONLY: ret = addEthernet( index, EthernetType.HOST_ONLY ); break; default: // Should not come to this... break; } return ret; } public boolean addEthernet( int index, EthernetType type ) { String ether = "ethernet" + index; addFiltered( ether + ".present", "TRUE" ); addFiltered( ether + ".connectionType", "custom" ); addFiltered( ether + ".vnet", type.vmnet ); if ( config.get( ether + ".virtualDev" ) == null ) { String dev = config.get( "ethernet0.virtualDev" ); if ( dev != null ) { addFiltered( ether + ".virtualDev", dev ); } } return true; } public void addFloppy( int index, String image, boolean readOnly ) { String pre = "floppy" + index; addFiltered( pre + ".present", "TRUE" ); if ( image == null ) { addFiltered( pre + ".startConnected", "FALSE" ); addFiltered( pre + ".fileType", "device" ); config.remove( pre + ".fileName" ); config.remove( pre + ".readonly" ); addFiltered( pre + ".autodetect", "TRUE" ); } else { addFiltered( pre + ".startConnected", "TRUE" ); addFiltered( pre + ".fileType", "file" ); addFiltered( pre + ".fileName", image ); addFiltered( pre + ".readonly", vmBoolean( readOnly ) ); config.remove( pre + ".autodetect" ); } } public boolean addCdrom( String image ) { for ( String port : new String[] { "ide0:0", "ide0:1", "ide1:0", "ide1:1", "scsi0:1" } ) { if ( !isSetAndTrue( port + ".present" ) ) { addFiltered( port + ".present", "TRUE" ); if ( image == null ) { addFiltered( port + ".autodetect", "TRUE" ); addFiltered( port + ".deviceType", "cdrom-raw" ); config.remove( port + ".fileName" ); } else { config.remove( port + ".autodetect" ); addFiltered( port + ".deviceType", "cdrom-image" ); addFiltered( port + ".fileName", image ); } return true; } } return false; } private static String vmBoolean( boolean var ) { return Boolean.toString( var ).toUpperCase(); } private static String vmInteger( int val ) { return Integer.toString( val ); } @Override public void transformNonPersistent() throws VirtualizationConfigurationException { // Cleaned vmx construction for ( Iterator> it = config.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Entry elem =; if ( !STATELESS_WHITELIST_PATTERN.matcher( elem.getKey() ).find() ) { it.remove(); } } addFiltered( "suspend.disabled", "TRUE" ); } @Override public void transformEditable() throws VirtualizationConfigurationException { addFiltered( "gui.applyHostDisplayScalingToGuest", "FALSE" ); // This is for a very old bug: Check we have at lerast USB 2.0, as // a buggy dmsd removed all USB controllers List groups = getConfigurableOptions(); for ( ConfigurableOptionGroup group : groups ) { if ( group.groupIdentifier != ConfigurationGroups.USB_SPEED ) continue; int currentSpeed = 0; VirtOptionValue twoPointOh = null; for ( VirtOptionValue option : group.availableOptions ) { int s = Util.parseInt( option.getId(), 0 ); if ( option.isActive() && s > currentSpeed ) { currentSpeed = s; } if ( s == 2 ) { twoPointOh = option; } } if ( currentSpeed < 3 && twoPointOh != null ) { twoPointOh.apply(); } } } @Override public void transformPrivacy() throws VirtualizationConfigurationException { for ( Iterator> it = config.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Entry elem =; String key = elem.getKey(); String value = elem.getValue().getValue(); if ( key.endsWith( ".fileName" ) && !value.startsWith( "-" ) && ( value.contains( "." ) || value.contains( "/" ) || value.contains( "\\" ) ) ) { it.remove(); } else if ( PRIVACY_BLACKLIST_PATTERN.matcher( key ).find() ) { it.remove(); } } } @Override public boolean addDisplayName( String name ) { addFiltered( "displayName", name ); return true; } @Override public boolean addRam( int mem ) { addFiltered( "memsize", Integer.toString( mem ) ); return true; } public void setOs( String vendorOsId ) { addFiltered( "guestOS", vendorOsId ); final OperatingSystem os = VirtualizationConfigurationUtils.getOsOfVirtualizerFromList( this.osList, TConst.VIRT_VMWARE, vendorOsId ); this.setOs( os ); } public byte[] getConfigurationAsByteArray() { return config.toString().getBytes( StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ); } private static class Device { public boolean present = false; public String deviceType = null; public String filename = null; @Override public String toString() { return filename + " is " + deviceType + " (present: " + present + ")"; } } private static class Controller { public boolean present = true; // Seems to be implicit, seen at least for IDE... public String virtualDev = null; Map devices = new HashMap<>(); @Override public String toString() { return virtualDev + " is (present: " + present + "): " + devices.toString(); } } public String getValue( String key ) { return config.get( key ); } class VmwareNoSoundCard extends VirtOptionValue { public VmwareNoSoundCard( String displayName ) { super( "", displayName ); } @Override public void apply() { addFiltered( "sound.present", vmBoolean( false ) ); config.remove( "sound.virtualDev" ); } @Override public boolean isActive() { return !isSetAndTrue( "sound.present" ); } } class VmWareSoundCardModelNone extends VirtOptionValue { public VmWareSoundCardModelNone( String displayName ) { super( "none", displayName ); } @Override public void apply() { addFiltered( "sound.present", vmBoolean( false ) ); addFiltered( "sound.autodetect", vmBoolean( false ) ); config.remove( "sound.virtualDev" ); } @Override public boolean isActive() { return !isSetAndTrue( "sound.present" ); } } class VmWareSoundCardModel extends VirtOptionValue { public VmWareSoundCardModel( String id, String displayName ) { super( id, displayName ); } @Override public void apply() { addFiltered( "sound.present", vmBoolean( true ) ); addFiltered( "sound.autodetect", vmBoolean( true ) ); addFiltered( "sound.virtualDev", ); } @Override public boolean isActive() { return isSetAndTrue( "sound.present" ) && isSetAndTrue( "sound.autodetect" ) && config.get( "sound.virtualDev" ) ); } } class VmWareAccel3D extends VirtOptionValue { public VmWareAccel3D( String id, String displayName ) { super( id, displayName ); } @Override public void apply() { addFiltered( "mks.enable3d", ); } @Override public boolean isActive() { return Boolean.parseBoolean( ) == isSetAndTrue( "mks.enable3d" ); } } public void setVirtualizerVersion( Version type ) { addFiltered( "virtualHW.version", vmInteger( type.getMajor() ) ); } public Version getVirtualizerVersion() { final short major = Integer.valueOf( Util.parseInt( config.get( "virtualHW.version" ), -1 ) ).shortValue(); return Version.getInstanceByMajorFromVersions( major, this.getVirtualizer().getSupportedVersions() ); } class VmwareNicModel extends VirtOptionValue { private final int cardIndex; public VmwareNicModel( int cardIndex, String id, String displayName ) { super( id, displayName ); this.cardIndex = cardIndex; } @Override public void apply() { if ( Util.isEmptyString( id ) ) { config.remove( "ethernet" + cardIndex + ".virtualDev" ); } else { addFiltered( "ethernet" + cardIndex + ".virtualDev", id ); } } @Override public boolean isActive() { String temp = config.get( "ethernet" + cardIndex + ".virtualDev" ); if ( temp == null ) return Util.isEmptyString( ); return temp.equals( ); } } class VmWareUsbSpeed extends VirtOptionValue { private final String[] SPEED = { null, "usb", "ehci", "usb_xhci" }; private final int speed; public VmWareUsbSpeed( int speed, String displayName ) { super( Integer.toString( speed ), displayName ); this.speed = speed; } @Override public void apply() { // XXX TODO This sucks, qnd for ( int i = 1; i < SPEED.length; ++i ) { String key = SPEED[i] + ".present"; if ( i <= speed ) { // Enable desired speed class, plus all lower ones addFiltered( key, "TRUE" ); } else { config.remove( key ); } } // VMware 14+ needs this to use USB 3.0 devices at USB 3.0 ports in VMs configured for < 3.0 if ( speed > 0 && speed < 3 ) { addFiltered( "usb.mangleUsb3Speed", "TRUE" ); } } @Override public boolean isActive() { int max = 0; for ( int i = 1; i < SPEED.length; ++i ) { if ( isSetAndTrue( SPEED[i] + ".present" ) ) { max = i; } } return speed == max; } } @Override public boolean addCpuCoreCount( int numCores ) { addFiltered( "numvcpus", vmInteger( numCores ) ); return true; } public void registerVirtualHW() { List list; list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add( new VmWareSoundCardModelNone( SoundCard.NONE ) ); list.add( new VmWareSoundCardModel( "", SoundCard.DEFAULT ) ); list.add( new VmWareSoundCardModel( "sb16", SoundCard.SOUND_BLASTER ) ); list.add( new VmWareSoundCardModel( "es1371", SoundCard.ES ) ); list.add( new VmWareSoundCardModel( "hdaudio", SoundCard.HD_AUDIO ) ); configurableOptions.add( new ConfigurableOptionGroup( ConfigurationGroups.SOUND_CARD_MODEL, list ) ); list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add( new VmWareAccel3D( "FALSE", "2D" ) ); list.add( new VmWareAccel3D( "TRUE", "3D" ) ); configurableOptions.add( new ConfigurableOptionGroup( ConfigurationGroups.GFX_TYPE, list ) ); list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add( new VmwareNicModel( 0, "", Ethernet.AUTO ) ); list.add( new VmwareNicModel( 0, "vlance", Ethernet.PCNET32 ) ); list.add( new VmwareNicModel( 0, "e1000", Ethernet.E1000 ) ); list.add( new VmwareNicModel( 0, "e1000e", Ethernet.E1000E ) ); list.add( new VmwareNicModel( 0, "vmxnet", Ethernet.VMXNET ) ); list.add( new VmwareNicModel( 0, "vmxnet3", Ethernet.VMXNET3 ) ); configurableOptions.add( new ConfigurableOptionGroup( ConfigurationGroups.NIC_MODEL, list ) ); list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add( new VmWareUsbSpeed( 0, Usb.NONE ) ); list.add( new VmWareUsbSpeed( 1, Usb.USB1_1 ) ); list.add( new VmWareUsbSpeed( 2, Usb.USB2_0 ) ); list.add( new VmWareUsbSpeed( 3, Usb.USB3_0 ) ); configurableOptions.add( new ConfigurableOptionGroup( ConfigurationGroups.USB_SPEED, list ) ); } @Override public String getFileNameExtension() { return VirtualizationConfigurationVmware.FILE_NAME_EXTENSION; } @Override public void validate() throws VirtualizationConfigurationException { } }