# fill in properties and rename to global.properties ##################### # Main # ##################### # the dir where the images are stored image_dir=/tmp ##################### # LDAP # ##################### # the port of the LDAP server ldap_port=636 # the host address of the LDAP server ldap_host=bwservices-test.vm.uni-freiburg.de # SSL usage ldap_ssl=true # bind query (don't forget to escape \= and use a % for the username replacement ldap_bind_query=uid\=%,ou\=users,dc\=bwlehrpool,dc\=uni-freiburg,dc\=de # search baseDn ldap_search_base_dn=ou\=users,dc\=bwlehrpool,dc\=uni-freiburg,dc\=de # search filter (use a % for the username replacement ldap_search_filter=(&(objectclass\=person)(|(uid=%)(cn=%))) # ldap keystore with public key ldap_keystore_path=./config/ldap.jks ldap_keystore_password=changeit ##################### # Session # ##################### # session timeout for users (in seconds) session_timeout_user=600 # session timeout for servers (in seconds) session_timeout_server=600 ##################### # FTP Server # ##################### # the base dir of the ftp server (should exists) ftp_base_dir=/tmp # the port of the ftp server ftp_port=2221 # timeout for kicking idling ftp users (in minutes) ftp_timeout=30 ##################### # Keystore # ##################### # keystore (.jks format) keystore_file=./config/keystore.jks # keystore alias keystore_alias=ftp #keystore password keystore_password=password