strpos($stack,$needle,$ofs,TRUE); } /** * Find position of first occurrence of a string * @return int|FALSE * @param $stack string * @param $needle string * @param $ofs int * @param $case bool **/ function strpos($stack,$needle,$ofs=0,$case=FALSE) { return preg_match('/^(.{'.$ofs.'}.*?)'. preg_quote($needle,'/').'/us'.($case?'i':''),$stack,$match)? $this->strlen($match[1]):FALSE; } /** * Returns part of haystack string from the first occurrence of * needle to the end of haystack (case-insensitive) * @return string|FALSE * @param $stack string * @param $needle string * @param $before bool **/ function stristr($stack,$needle,$before=FALSE) { return $this->strstr($stack,$needle,$before,TRUE); } /** * Returns part of haystack string from the first occurrence of * needle to the end of haystack * @return string|FALSE * @param $stack string * @param $needle string * @param $before bool * @param $case bool **/ function strstr($stack,$needle,$before=FALSE,$case=FALSE) { if (!$needle) return FALSE; preg_match('/^(.*?)'.preg_quote($needle,'/').'/us'.($case?'i':''), $stack,$match); return isset($match[1])? ($before? $match[1]: $this->substr($stack,$this->strlen($match[1]))): FALSE; } /** * Return part of a string * @return string|FALSE * @param $str string * @param $start int * @param $len int **/ function substr($str,$start,$len=0) { if ($start<0) $start=$this->strlen($str)+$start; if (!$len) $len=$this->strlen($str)-$start; return preg_match('/^.{'.$start.'}(.{0,'.$len.'})/us',$str,$match)? $match[1]:FALSE; } /** * Count the number of substring occurrences * @return int * @param $stack string * @param $needle string **/ function substr_count($stack,$needle) { preg_match_all('/'.preg_quote($needle,'/').'/us',$stack, $matches,PREG_SET_ORDER); return count($matches); } /** * Strip whitespaces from the beginning of a string * @return string * @param $str string **/ function ltrim($str) { return preg_replace('/^[\pZ\pC]+/u','',$str); } /** * Strip whitespaces from the end of a string * @return string * @param $str string **/ function rtrim($str) { return preg_replace('/[\pZ\pC]+$/u','',$str); } /** * Strip whitespaces from the beginning and end of a string * @return string * @param $str string **/ function trim($str) { return preg_replace('/^[\pZ\pC]+|[\pZ\pC]+$/u','',$str); } /** * Return UTF-8 byte order mark * @return string **/ function bom() { return chr(0xef).chr(0xbb).chr(0xbf); } /** * Convert code points to Unicode symbols * @return string * @param $str string **/ function translate($str) { return html_entity_decode( preg_replace('/\\\\u([[:xdigit:]]+)/i','&#x\1;',$str)); } /** * Translate emoji tokens to Unicode font-supported symbols * @return string * @param $str string **/ function emojify($str) { $map=array( ':('=>'\u2639', // frown ':)'=>'\u263a', // smile '<3'=>'\u2665', // heart ':D'=>'\u1f603', // grin 'XD'=>'\u1f606', // laugh ';)'=>'\u1f609', // wink ':P'=>'\u1f60b', // tongue ':,'=>'\u1f60f', // think ':/'=>'\u1f623', // skeptic '8O'=>'\u1f632', // oops )+Base::instance()->get('EMOJI'); return $this->translate(str_replace(array_keys($map), array_values($map),$str)); } }