package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import; import com.btr.proxy.selector.misc.ProtocolDispatchSelector; import com.btr.proxy.selector.whitelist.ProxyBypassListSelector; import com.btr.proxy.util.EmptyXMLResolver; import com.btr.proxy.util.Logger; import com.btr.proxy.util.Logger.LogLevel; import com.btr.proxy.util.MiscUtil; import com.btr.proxy.util.ProxyException; import com.btr.proxy.util.ProxyUtil; /***************************************************************************** * Loads the Gnome proxy settings from the Gnome GConf settings. *

* The following settings are extracted from the configuration that is stored * in .gconf folder found in the user's home directory: *

* * /system/proxy/mode can be either:
* "none" -> No proxy is used
* "manual" -> The user's configuration values are used (/system/http_proxy/{host,port,etc.})
* "auto" -> The "/system/proxy/autoconfig_url" key is used

* GNOME Proxy_configuration settings are explained * here in detail *

* @author Bernd Rosstauscher ( Copyright 2009 ****************************************************************************/ public class GnomeProxySearchStrategy implements ProxySearchStrategy { /************************************************************************* * ProxySelector * @see ************************************************************************/ public GnomeProxySearchStrategy() { super(); } /************************************************************************* * Loads the proxy settings and initializes a proxy selector for the Gnome * proxy settings. * @return a configured ProxySelector, null if none is found. * @throws ProxyException on file reading error. ************************************************************************/ public ProxySelector getProxySelector() throws ProxyException { Logger.log(getClass(), LogLevel.TRACE, "Detecting Gnome proxy settings"); Properties settings = readSettings(); String type = settings.getProperty("/system/proxy/mode"); ProxySelector result = null; if (type == null) { String useProxy = settings.getProperty("/system/http_proxy/use_http_proxy"); if (useProxy == null) { return null; } type = Boolean.parseBoolean(useProxy)?"manual":"none"; } if ("none".equals(type)) { Logger.log(getClass(), LogLevel.TRACE, "Gnome uses no proxy"); result = NoProxySelector.getInstance(); } if ("manual".equals(type)) { Logger.log(getClass(), LogLevel.TRACE, "Gnome uses manual proxy settings"); result = setupFixedProxySelector(settings); } if ("auto".equals(type)) { String pacScriptUrl = settings.getProperty("/system/proxy/autoconfig_url", ""); Logger.log(getClass(), LogLevel.TRACE, "Gnome uses autodetect script {0}", pacScriptUrl); result = ProxyUtil.buildPacSelectorForUrl(pacScriptUrl); } // Wrap into white-list filter? String noProxyList = settings.getProperty("/system/http_proxy/ignore_hosts", null); if (result != null && noProxyList != null && noProxyList.trim().length() > 0) { Logger.log(getClass(), LogLevel.TRACE, "Gnome uses proxy bypass list: {0}", noProxyList); result = new ProxyBypassListSelector(noProxyList, result); } return result; } /************************************************************************* * Load the proxy settings from the gconf settings XML file. * @return the loaded settings stored in a properties object. * @throws ProxyException on processing error. ************************************************************************/ public Properties readSettings() throws ProxyException { Properties settings = new Properties(); try { parseSettings("/system/proxy/", settings); parseSettings("/system/http_proxy/", settings); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.log(getClass(), LogLevel.ERROR, "Gnome settings file error.", e); throw new ProxyException(e); } return settings; } /************************************************************************* * Finds the Gnome GConf settings file. * @param context the gconf context to parse. * @return a file or null if does not exist. ************************************************************************/ private File findSettingsFile(String context) { // Normally we should inspect /etc/gconf//path to find out where the actual file is. // But for normal systems this is always stored in .gconf folder in the user's home directory. File userDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.home")); // Build directory path for context StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(); String[] parts = context.split("/"); for (String part : parts) { path.append(part); path.append(File.separator); } File settingsFile = new File(userDir, ".gconf"+File.separator+path.toString()+"%gconf.xml"); if (!settingsFile.exists()) { Logger.log(getClass(), LogLevel.WARNING, "Gnome settings: {0} not found.", settingsFile); return null; } return settingsFile; } /************************************************************************* * Parse the fixed proxy settings and build an ProxySelector for this a * chained configuration. * @param settings the proxy settings to evaluate. ************************************************************************/ private ProxySelector setupFixedProxySelector(Properties settings) { if (!hasProxySettings(settings)) { return null; } ProtocolDispatchSelector ps = new ProtocolDispatchSelector(); installHttpSelector(settings, ps); if (useForAllProtocols(settings)) { ps.setFallbackSelector(ps.getSelector("http")); } else { installSecureSelector(settings, ps); installFtpSelector(settings, ps); installSocksSelector(settings, ps); } return ps; } /************************************************************************* * Check if the http proxy should also be used for all other protocols. * @param settings to inspect. * @return true if only one proxy is configured else false. ************************************************************************/ private boolean useForAllProtocols(Properties settings) { return Boolean.parseBoolean( settings.getProperty("/system/http_proxy/use_same_proxy", "false")); } /************************************************************************* * Checks if we have Proxy configuration settings in the properties. * @param settings to inspect. * @return true if we have found Proxy settings. ************************************************************************/ private boolean hasProxySettings(Properties settings) { String proxyHost = settings.getProperty("/system/http_proxy/host", null); return proxyHost != null && proxyHost.length() > 0; } /************************************************************************* * Install a http proxy from the given settings. * @param settings to inspect * @param ps the dispatch selector to configure. * @throws NumberFormatException ************************************************************************/ private void installHttpSelector(Properties settings, ProtocolDispatchSelector ps) throws NumberFormatException { String proxyHost = settings.getProperty("/system/http_proxy/host", null); int proxyPort = MiscUtil.parseInt(settings.getProperty("/system/http_proxy/port", "0").trim()); if (proxyHost != null && proxyHost.length() > 0) { Logger.log(getClass(), LogLevel.TRACE, "Gnome http proxy is {0}:{1}", proxyHost, proxyPort); ps.setSelector("http", ProxyUtil.parseProxySettings(proxyHost.trim(), Proxy.Type.HTTP, proxyPort)); } } /************************************************************************* * Install a socks proxy from the given settings. * @param settings to inspect * @param ps the dispatch selector to configure. * @throws NumberFormatException ************************************************************************/ private void installSocksSelector(Properties settings, ProtocolDispatchSelector ps) throws NumberFormatException { String proxyHost = settings.getProperty("/system/proxy/socks_host", null); int proxyPort = MiscUtil.parseInt(settings.getProperty("/system/proxy/socks_port", "0").trim()); if (proxyHost != null && proxyHost.length() > 0) { Logger.log(getClass(), LogLevel.TRACE, "Gnome socks proxy is {0}:{1}", proxyHost, proxyPort); ps.setSelector("socks", ProxyUtil.parseProxySettings(proxyHost.trim(), Proxy.Type.SOCKS, proxyPort)); } } /************************************************************************* * @param settings * @param ps * @throws NumberFormatException ************************************************************************/ private void installFtpSelector(Properties settings, ProtocolDispatchSelector ps) throws NumberFormatException { String proxyHost = settings.getProperty("/system/proxy/ftp_host", null); int proxyPort = MiscUtil.parseInt(settings.getProperty("/system/proxy/ftp_port", "0").trim()); if (proxyHost != null && proxyHost.length() > 0) { Logger.log(getClass(), LogLevel.TRACE, "Gnome ftp proxy is {0}:{1}", proxyHost, proxyPort); ps.setSelector("ftp", ProxyUtil.parseProxySettings(proxyHost.trim(), Proxy.Type.HTTP, proxyPort)); } } /************************************************************************* * @param settings * @param ps * @throws NumberFormatException ************************************************************************/ private void installSecureSelector(Properties settings, ProtocolDispatchSelector ps) throws NumberFormatException { String proxyHost = settings.getProperty("/system/proxy/secure_host", null); int proxyPort = MiscUtil.parseInt(settings.getProperty("/system/proxy/secure_port", "0").trim()); if (proxyHost != null && proxyHost.length() > 0) { Logger.log(getClass(), LogLevel.TRACE, "Gnome secure proxy is {0}:{1}", proxyHost, proxyPort); ProxySelector ps2 = ProxyUtil.parseProxySettings(proxyHost.trim(), Proxy.Type.HTTP, proxyPort); ps.setSelector("https", ps2); ps.setSelector("sftp", ps2); } } /************************************************************************* * Parse the settings file and extract all network.proxy.* settings from it. * @param context the gconf context to parse. * @param settings the settings object to fill. * @return the parsed properties. * @throws IOException on read error. ************************************************************************/ private Properties parseSettings(String context, Properties settings) throws IOException { // Read settings from file File settingsFile = findSettingsFile(context); if (settingsFile == null) { return settings; } try { DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); documentBuilder.setEntityResolver(new EmptyXMLResolver()); Document doc = documentBuilder.parse(settingsFile); Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); Node entry = root.getFirstChild(); while (entry != null) { if ("entry".equals(entry.getNodeName()) && entry instanceof Element) { String entryName = ((Element)entry).getAttribute("name"); settings.setProperty(context+entryName, getEntryValue((Element) entry)); } entry = entry.getNextSibling(); } } catch (SAXException e) { Logger.log(getClass(), LogLevel.ERROR, "Gnome settings parse error", e); throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { Logger.log(getClass(), LogLevel.ERROR, "Gnome settings parse error", e); throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } return settings; } /************************************************************************* * Parse an entry value from a given entry node. * @param entry the XML node to inspect. * @return the value, null if it has no value. ************************************************************************/ private String getEntryValue(Element entry) { String type = entry.getAttribute("type"); if ("int".equals(type) || "bool".equals(type)) { return entry.getAttribute("value"); } if ("string".equals(type)) { NodeList list = entry.getElementsByTagName("stringvalue"); if (list.getLength() > 0) { return list.item(0).getTextContent(); } } if ("list".equals(type)) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); NodeList list = entry.getElementsByTagName("li"); // Build comma separated list of items for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) { if (result.length() > 0) { result.append(","); } result.append(getEntryValue((Element) list.item(i))); } return result.toString(); } return null; } }