package com.btr.proxy.selector.pac; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import javax.script.ScriptEngine; import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager; import javax.script.ScriptException; import com.btr.proxy.util.Logger; import com.btr.proxy.util.Logger.LogLevel; /***************************************************************************** * PAC parser using the Rhino JavaScript engine bundled with Java 1.6
* If you need PAC support with Java 1.5 then you should have a look at * RhinoPacScriptParser. * * More information about PAC can be found there:
* Proxy_auto-config
* web-browser-auto-proxy-configuration *

* @author Bernd Rosstauscher ( Copyright 2009 ****************************************************************************/ public class JavaxPacScriptParser implements PacScriptParser { static final String SCRIPT_METHODS_OBJECT = "__pacutil"; private final PacScriptSource source; private final ScriptEngine engine; /************************************************************************* * Constructor * * @param source * the source for the PAC script. * @throws ProxyEvaluationException * on error. ************************************************************************/ public JavaxPacScriptParser(PacScriptSource source) throws ProxyEvaluationException { this.source = source; this.engine = setupEngine(); } /************************************************************************* * Initializes the JavaScript engine and adds aliases for the functions * defined in ScriptMethods. * * @throws ProxyEvaluationException * on error. ************************************************************************/ private ScriptEngine setupEngine() throws ProxyEvaluationException { ScriptEngineManager mng = new ScriptEngineManager(); ScriptEngine engine = mng.getEngineByMimeType("text/javascript"); engine.put(SCRIPT_METHODS_OBJECT, new PacScriptMethods()); Class scriptMethodsClazz = ScriptMethods.class; Method[] scriptMethods = scriptMethodsClazz.getMethods(); for (Method method : scriptMethods) { String name = method.getName(); int args = method.getParameterTypes().length; StringBuilder toEval = new StringBuilder(name).append(" = function("); for (int i = 0; i < args; i++) { if (i > 0) { toEval.append(","); } toEval.append("arg").append(i); } toEval.append(") {return "); String functionCall = buildFunctionCallCode(name, args); // If return type is java.lang.String convert it to a JS string if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType())) { functionCall = "String("+functionCall+")"; } toEval.append(functionCall).append("; }"); try { engine.eval(toEval.toString()); } catch (ScriptException e) { Logger.log(getClass(), LogLevel.ERROR, "JS evaluation error when creating alias for " + name + ".", e); throw new ProxyEvaluationException( "Error setting up script engine", e); } } return engine; } /************************************************************************* * Builds a JavaScript code snippet to call a function that we bind. * @param functionName of the bound function * @param args of the bound function * @return the JS code to invoke the method. ************************************************************************/ private String buildFunctionCallCode(String functionName, int args) { StringBuilder functionCall = new StringBuilder(); functionCall.append(SCRIPT_METHODS_OBJECT) .append(".").append(functionName).append("("); for (int i = 0; i < args; i++) { if (i > 0) { functionCall.append(","); } functionCall.append("arg").append(i); } functionCall.append(")"); return functionCall.toString(); } /*************************************************************************** * Gets the source of the PAC script used by this parser. * * @return a PacScriptSource. **************************************************************************/ public PacScriptSource getScriptSource() { return this.source; } /************************************************************************* * Evaluates the given URL and host against the PAC script. * * @param url * the URL to evaluate. * @param host * the host name part of the URL. * @return the script result. * @throws ProxyEvaluationException * on execution error. ************************************************************************/ public String evaluate(String url, String host) throws ProxyEvaluationException { try { StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder( this.source.getScriptContent()); String evalMethod = " ;FindProxyForURL (\"" + url + "\",\"" + host + "\")"; script.append(evalMethod); Object result = this.engine.eval(script.toString()); return (String) result; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.log(getClass(), LogLevel.ERROR, "JS evaluation error.", e); throw new ProxyEvaluationException( "Error while executing PAC script: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } }