package com.btr.proxy.util; import java.text.MessageFormat; /***************************************************************************** * Simple logging support for the framework. * You need to add an logging listener that needs to send the logging events * to an backend. * * @author Bernd Rosstauscher ( Copyright 2009 ****************************************************************************/ public class Logger { public enum LogLevel {ERROR, WARNING, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG} /***************************************************************************** * Interface for an logging backend that can be attached to the logger. ****************************************************************************/ public interface LogBackEnd { /************************************************************************* * Invoked for every logging event. * @param clazz the class that sends the log message. * @param loglevel the logging level. * @param msg the message format string. * @param params the message parameters for the format string. ************************************************************************/ public void log(Class clazz, LogLevel loglevel, String msg, Object ...params); /************************************************************************* * Can be used to test if a given logging level is enabled. * @param logLevel the loglevel to test. * @return true if enabled, else false. ************************************************************************/ public boolean isLogginEnabled(LogLevel logLevel); } private static LogBackEnd backend; /************************************************************************* * Gets the currently attached logging backend. * @return Returns the backend. ************************************************************************/ public static LogBackEnd getBackend() { return backend; } /************************************************************************* * Attaches a new logging backend replacing the existing one. * @param backend The backend to set. ************************************************************************/ public static void setBackend(LogBackEnd backend) { Logger.backend = backend; } /************************************************************************* * Logs a message. * @param clazz the class that sends the log message. * @param loglevel the logging level. * @param msg the message format string. * @param params the message parameters for the format string. ************************************************************************/ public static void log(Class clazz, LogLevel loglevel, String msg, Object ...params) { if (backend == null) { System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(msg, params)); } else { backend.log(clazz, loglevel, msg, params); } } /************************************************************************* * Can be used to test if a given logging level is enabled. * @param logLevel the loglevel to test. * @return true if enabled, else false. ************************************************************************/ public static boolean isLogginEnabled(LogLevel logLevel) { if (backend != null) { return backend.isLogginEnabled(logLevel); } return false; } }