#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later import argparse import glob import os import shutil import subprocess import tempfile def signcode(path): cmd = os.environ.get("SIGNCODE") if not cmd: return subprocess.run([cmd, path]) def find_deps(exe_or_dll, search_path, analyzed_deps): deps = [exe_or_dll] output = subprocess.check_output(["objdump", "-p", exe_or_dll], text=True) output = output.split("\n") for line in output: if not line.startswith("\tDLL Name: "): continue dep = line.split("DLL Name: ")[1].strip() if dep in analyzed_deps: continue dll = os.path.join(search_path, dep) if not os.path.exists(dll): # assume it's a Windows provided dll, skip it continue analyzed_deps.add(dep) # locate the dll dependencies recursively rdeps = find_deps(dll, search_path, analyzed_deps) deps.extend(rdeps) return deps def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="QEMU NSIS build helper.") parser.add_argument("outfile") parser.add_argument("prefix") parser.add_argument("srcdir") parser.add_argument("dlldir") parser.add_argument("cpu") parser.add_argument("nsisargs", nargs="*") args = parser.parse_args() # canonicalize the Windows native prefix path prefix = os.path.splitdrive(args.prefix)[1] destdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: subprocess.run(["make", "install", "DESTDIR=" + destdir]) with open( os.path.join(destdir + prefix, "system-emulations.nsh"), "w" ) as nsh, open( os.path.join(destdir + prefix, "system-mui-text.nsh"), "w" ) as muinsh: for exe in sorted(glob.glob( os.path.join(destdir + prefix, "qemu-system-*.exe") )): exe = os.path.basename(exe) arch = exe[12:-4] nsh.write( """ Section "{0}" Section_{0} SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" File "${{BINDIR}}\\{1}" SectionEnd """.format( arch, exe ) ) if arch.endswith('w'): desc = arch[:-1] + " emulation (GUI)." else: desc = arch + " emulation." muinsh.write( """ !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${{Section_{0}}} "{1}" """.format(arch, desc)) search_path = args.dlldir print("Searching '%s' for the dependent dlls ..." % search_path) dlldir = os.path.join(destdir + prefix, "dll") os.mkdir(dlldir) for exe in glob.glob(os.path.join(destdir + prefix, "*.exe")): signcode(exe) # find all dll dependencies deps = set(find_deps(exe, search_path, set())) deps.remove(exe) # copy all dlls to the DLLDIR for dep in deps: dllfile = os.path.join(dlldir, os.path.basename(dep)) if (os.path.exists(dllfile)): continue print("Copying '%s' to '%s'" % (dep, dllfile)) shutil.copy(dep, dllfile) makensis = [ "makensis", "-V2", "-NOCD", "-DSRCDIR=" + args.srcdir, "-DBINDIR=" + destdir + prefix, ] if args.cpu == "x86_64": makensis += ["-DW64"] makensis += ["-DDLLDIR=" + dlldir] makensis += ["-DOUTFILE=" + args.outfile] + args.nsisargs subprocess.run(makensis) signcode(args.outfile) finally: shutil.rmtree(destdir) if __name__ == "__main__": main()