package org.openslx.satellitedaemon.filetransfer; import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.openslx.filetransfer.Uploader; import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.ImageData; import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.ImageDataException; import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.UploadData; import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.UserInfo; import org.openslx.satellitedaemon.Globals; import org.openslx.satellitedaemon.Identity; import org.openslx.satellitedaemon.db.DbImage; import org.openslx.satellitedaemon.db.DbImage.Status; import org.openslx.satellitedaemon.db.DbUser; public class FileUploadWorker implements Runnable { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger( FileUploadWorker.class ); @Override public void run() { while ( true ) { // This List contains all Images in the Database that should be // uploaded. List imageList = DbImage.getAllMarkedForUpload(); "imageList Contains " + imageList.size() + " items." ); // Upload one Image after the other. for ( DbImage image : imageList ) { ImageData imDat = new ImageData( image.guid, image.rid,, image.createTime, image.changeTime, image.creator, image.contentOperatingSystem, image.isValid, image.isDeleted, "best", image.fileSize ); String path = Globals.getImageFolder() + "/" + image.path; imDat.toString() ); // ThriftConnection.getUploadInfos returns uploadInfo and handles ThriftAuthentication DbUser dbUser = DbUser.getUserById( imDat.ownerLogin ); if (dbUser == null) { image.updateStatus( Status.only_local ); log.warn( "Unknown user from database." ); } else { UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo( dbUser.userId, dbUser.firstName, dbUser.lastName,, dbUser.institution ); ThriftConnection.publishUser( userInfo ); } UploadData upInfos; try { upInfos = ThriftConnection.getUploadInfos( imDat, path ); } catch ( ImageDataException e1 ) { log.error( "Invalid image data. Not known by master.", e1 ); // mark image as only_local, that this image will be skipped next time. image.updateStatus( Status.only_local ); continue; } if ( upInfos == null ) { log.error( "The UploadInfos returned by ThriftConnection Class are null" ); continue; } "Got upInfos. Trying to create Uploader with token: " + upInfos.token ); // creating the uploader with the "context"-item. Uploader u; try { u = new Uploader( Globals.getMasterserverHost(), upInfos.port, Globals.getMasterServerSslContext(), upInfos.token ); } catch ( IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); continue; } // Start upload process. if ( u.upload( path ) ) { u.close( null ); "Uploaded image successfuly." ); image.updateStatus( Status.successfully_published ); } } try { Thread.sleep( 1 * 60 * 1000 ); // Thread.sleep( 1000 ); } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return; } } } }