package org.openslx.satellitedaemon.filetransfer; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TSocket; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport; import org.openslx.imagemaster.crcchecker.CrcFile; import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.AuthorizationError; import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.AuthorizationException; import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.DownloadInfos; import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.ImageData; import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.ImageDataError; import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.ImageDataException; import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.ImageServer; import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.ServerAuthenticationException; import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.ServerSessionData; import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.UploadError; import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.UploadException; import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.UploadInfos; import org.openslx.satellitedaemon.Globals; import org.openslx.satellitedaemon.Globals.PropInt; import org.openslx.satellitedaemon.Globals.PropString; import org.openslx.satellitedaemon.db.DbImage; import org.openslx.satellitedaemon.util.EncryptWithServerIdPublicKey; // TODO: Handle all the auto-generated catch blocks in a meaningful way /***********************************************************************************************/ /** * Handles the authentication with the Satellite Server and sends the FILTRANSFERCredentials, which * are necessary for the upload of the image. */ public class ThriftConnection { private static ImageServer.Client client = null; private static ServerSessionData sSD = null; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger( ThriftConnection.class ); private static CrcFile crc = null; /***********************************************************************************************/ /** * Method for getting UploadeInfos * * !! on the first Call !! * * when the CRCsum need to be transfered. * The method calls getConnection() to check if the connection is ok * and to get the ServerSessionData. If connection is ok, it calls * submitImage with CRCsum in List. * * @return returns 'null' if there is a problem. */ public static UploadInfos getUploadInfos( ImageData imDat, String filename ) { ImageServer.Client theClient = null; try { theClient = getConnection(); if ( theClient == null ) { log.error( "Client was null!" ); return null; } // .submitImage needs the List from CRCFile.getCRCs() only // on the first time called. null afterwards. "First call of submitImage following..." ); crc = new CrcFile( filename ); "Made CRCFile from " + filename ); "crc.getCrcSums( ).size = " + crc.getCrcSums().size() ); // "crc.getMasterSum() : " + crc.getMasterSum() ); // for ( int i = 0; i < crc.getCrcSums().size() - 1; i++ ) { // "crc.getCRCSum() : " + crc.getCRCSum( i ) ); // } return theClient.submitImage( sSD.sessionId, imDat, crc.getCrcSums() ); } catch ( ImageDataException e ) { if ( e.isSetNumber() && e.getNumber().equals( ImageDataError.INVALID_DATA ) ) { // Data in the db is not valid // TODO: add e.message into DB; } else { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch ( UploadException e ) { if ( e.isSetNumber() && e.getNumber().equals( UploadError.BROKEN_BLOCK ) ) { // A Block was transmitted 20 times unsuccessfully. // TODO: Mark the Image as corrupted. } else if ( e.getNumber().equals( UploadError.INVALID_CRC ) ) { // The CRC sum contained errors crc = new CrcFile( filename ); try { if ( !crc.isValid() ) { //TODO: Mark CRC-file as corrupted. } } catch ( IOException e1 ) { log.error( "IOERROR, while reading from CRC File" + filename ); } } else { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch ( AuthorizationException e ) { if ( e.isSetNumber() && e.getNumber().equals( AuthorizationError.NOT_AUTHENTICATED ) ) { // SessionID is not valid // TODO: Code for new SSID } else if ( e.getNumber().equals( AuthorizationError.NO_PERMISSION ) ) { //Gibts noch gar nicht } else { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch ( UnrecoverableKeyException e ) { log.error( "UnrecoverableKeyException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( InvalidKeyException e ) { log.error( "InvalidKeyException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException e ) { log.error( "NoSuchAlgorithmException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( CertificateException e ) { log.error( "CertificateException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) { log.error( "FileNotFoundException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( KeyStoreException e ) { log.error( "KeyStoreException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( SignatureException e ) { log.error( "SignatureException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( IOException e ) { log.error( "IOException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( TException e ) { log.error( "TException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /***********************************************************************************************/ /** * Method for getting UploadeInfos when CRCsum was already transfered on first call. * The method calls getConnection() to check if the connection is ok * and to get the ServerSessionData. If connection is ok, it calls * submitImage with sSD.sessionId, imDat and !!null!! * * @return returns 'null' if there is a problem. */ public static UploadInfos getUploadInfos( ImageData imDat ) { ImageServer.Client theClient = null; try { theClient = getConnection(); if ( theClient == null ) { log.error( "Client was null!" ); return null; } // .submitImage needs the List from CRCFile.getCRCs() only // on the first time called. null afterwards. --Was the plan. So far not working I guess. return theClient.submitImage( sSD.sessionId, imDat, crc.getCrcSums() ); } catch ( ImageDataException e ) { if ( e.isSetNumber() && e.getNumber().equals( ImageDataError.INVALID_DATA ) ) { // Data in the db is not valid //TODO: add e.message into DB; } else { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch ( UploadException e ) { if ( e.isSetNumber() && e.getNumber().equals( UploadError.BROKEN_BLOCK ) ) { // A Block was transmitted 20 times unsuccessfully. // TODO: Mark the Image as corrupted. } else if ( e.getNumber().equals( UploadError.INVALID_CRC ) ) { // The CRC sum contained errors try { if ( !crc.isValid() ) { //TODO: Mark CRC-file as corrupted. } } catch ( IOException e1 ) { log.error( "IOERROR, while reading from CRC File" ); } } else { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch ( AuthorizationException e ) { if ( e.isSetNumber() && e.getNumber().equals( AuthorizationError.NOT_AUTHENTICATED ) ) { // SessionID is not valid // TODO: Code for new SSID } else if ( e.getNumber().equals( AuthorizationError.NO_PERMISSION ) ) { } else { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch ( UnrecoverableKeyException e ) { log.error( "UnrecoverableKeyException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( InvalidKeyException e ) { log.error( "InvalidKeyException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException e ) { log.error( "NoSuchAlgorithmException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( CertificateException e ) { log.error( "CertificateException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) { log.error( "FileNotFoundException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( KeyStoreException e ) { log.error( "KeyStoreException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( SignatureException e ) { log.error( "SignatureException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( IOException e ) { log.error( "IOException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( TException e ) { log.error( "TException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /***********************************************************************************************/ /** * Method for getting DonwloadInfos. Calls getConnection if client was null. * You need to spezifie all Blocks you want to have in an List. * * @return returns 'null' if there is a problem. */ public static DownloadInfos getDownloadInfos( DbImage imDat, List range ) { ImageServer.Client theClient = null; try { theClient = getConnection(); if ( theClient == null ) { log.error( "Client was null!" ); return null; } return theClient.getImage( imDat.guid, sSD.sessionId, range ); } catch ( ImageDataException e ) { if ( e.isSetNumber() && e.getNumber().equals( ImageDataError.INVALID_DATA ) ) { // Data in the db is not valid //TODO: add e.message into DB; } else if ( e.getNumber().equals( ImageDataError.UNKNOWN_IMAGE ) ) { // The image requested is not known. //TODO: change field image_syncMode, so the image is not asked for again. // Plus add a note in some way to mark as unknown by Server } else { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch ( AuthorizationException e ) { if ( e.isSetNumber() && e.getNumber().equals( AuthorizationError.NOT_AUTHENTICATED ) ) { // SessionID is not valid // TODO: Code for new SSID } else if ( e.getNumber().equals( AuthorizationError.NO_PERMISSION ) ) { } else { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch ( UnrecoverableKeyException e ) { log.error( "UnrecoverableKeyException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( InvalidKeyException e ) { log.error( "InvalidKeyException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException e ) { log.error( "NoSuchAlgorithmException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( CertificateException e ) { log.error( "CertificateException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) { log.error( "FileNotFoundException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( KeyStoreException e ) { log.error( "KeyStoreException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( SignatureException e ) { log.error( "SignatureException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( IOException e ) { log.error( "IOException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } catch ( TException e ) { log.error( "TException" ); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /***********************************************************************************************/ /** * This method checks if there is already a working connection. If not, * newClient() establishes one. Also it does the Authentication if not done * yet. * * @return returns the client if successful. */ private static ImageServer.Client getConnection() throws UnrecoverableKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, FileNotFoundException, KeyStoreException, IOException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException { ImageServer.Client theClient = null; boolean isAuthenticated = false; if ( client == null ) { "The global client was null. Making a new client ..." ); theClient = newClient(); if ( theClient == null ) { log.debug( "ThriftConnection: The client was null after newClient()" ); return null; } } else { "The global Client was already used. Setting isAuthenticated = true." ); theClient = client; isAuthenticated = true; } // try { // isAuthenticated =; // } catch ( TException x ) { // theClient = newClient(); // if ( theClient == null ) { // return null; // } // } if ( !isAuthenticated ) { "ThriftConnection: Client not yet Authenticated. Trying..." ); String toEncrypt; if ( theClient == null ) { log.debug( "The client was null" ); return null; } try { toEncrypt = theClient.startServerAuthentication( Globals.getPropertyString( PropString.THRIFTORGANIZATIONNAME ) ); "The random String we want to encrypt: " + toEncrypt ); EncryptWithServerIdPublicKey rse = new EncryptWithServerIdPublicKey( Globals.getPropertyString( PropString.RNDSTRINGENCRYPTALIAS ), Globals.getPropertyString( PropString.RNDSTRINGENCRYPTPASSWORD ), Globals.getPropertyString( PropString.RNDSTRINGENCRYPTPATH ) ); byte[] byteArray = rse.encryptString( toEncrypt ); sSD = theClient.serverAuthenticate( Globals.getPropertyString( PropString.THRIFTORGANIZATIONNAME ), ByteBuffer.wrap( byteArray ) ); } catch ( ServerAuthenticationException e ) { log.error( "ThriftConnection: ServerAuthenticationException: Server Authetication was not sucessful." ); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch ( TException e ) { log.error( "ThriftConnection: TException: Server Authetication was not sucessful." ); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } "is Authenticated." ); } client = theClient; return theClient; } /***********************************************************************************************/ /** * * @return */ private static ImageServer.Client newClient() { ImageServer.Client newClient = null; try { TTransport transport; transport = new TSocket( Globals.getPropertyString( PropString.FILETRANSFERSERVERIP ), Globals.getPropertyInt( PropInt.THRIFTPORT ) );; TProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol( transport ); newClient = new ImageServer.Client( protocol ); log.debug( "ThriftConnection: Made a new Client" ); } catch ( TException x ) { log.error( "ThriftConnection coudn't create new client." ); x.printStackTrace(); return null; } return newClient; } }