/* * SVG Salamander * Copyright (c) 2004, Mark McKay * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Mark McKay can be contacted at mark@kitfox.com. Salamander and other * projects can be found at http://www.kitfox.com * * Created on August 15, 2004, 2:51 AM */ package com.kitfox.svg.animation; import com.kitfox.svg.SVGConst; import com.kitfox.svg.SVGElement; import com.kitfox.svg.SVGException; import com.kitfox.svg.SVGLoaderHelper; import com.kitfox.svg.animation.parser.AnimTimeParser; import com.kitfox.svg.xml.ColorTable; import com.kitfox.svg.xml.StyleAttribute; import com.kitfox.svg.xml.XMLParseUtil; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.awt.geom.PathIterator; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * Animate is a really annoying morphic tag that could represent a real value, * a color or a path * * @author Mark McKay * @author Mark McKay */ public class Animate extends AnimateBase implements AnimateColorIface { public static final String TAG_NAME = "animate"; // StyleAttribute retAttrib = new StyleAttribute public static final int DT_REAL = 0; public static final int DT_COLOR = 1; public static final int DT_PATH = 2; int dataType = DT_REAL; protected double fromValue = Double.NaN; protected double toValue = Double.NaN; protected double byValue = Double.NaN; protected double[] valuesValue; protected Color fromColor = null; protected Color toColor = null; protected GeneralPath fromPath = null; protected GeneralPath toPath = null; /** Creates a new instance of Animate */ public Animate() { } public String getTagName() { return TAG_NAME; } public int getDataType() { return dataType; } public void loaderStartElement(SVGLoaderHelper helper, Attributes attrs, SVGElement parent) throws SAXException { //Load style string super.loaderStartElement(helper, attrs, parent); String strn = attrs.getValue("from"); if (strn != null) { if (XMLParseUtil.isDouble(strn)) { fromValue = XMLParseUtil.parseDouble(strn); } // else if (attrs.getValue("attributeName").equals("d")) // { // fromPath = this.buildPath(strn, GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD); // dataType = DT_PATH; // } else { fromColor = ColorTable.parseColor(strn); if (fromColor == null) { //Try path fromPath = this.buildPath(strn, GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD); dataType = DT_PATH; } else dataType = DT_COLOR; } } strn = attrs.getValue("to"); if (strn != null) { if (XMLParseUtil.isDouble(strn)) { toValue = XMLParseUtil.parseDouble(strn); } else { toColor = ColorTable.parseColor(strn); if (toColor == null) { //Try path toPath = this.buildPath(strn, GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD); dataType = DT_PATH; } else dataType = DT_COLOR; } } strn = attrs.getValue("by"); try { if (strn != null) byValue = XMLParseUtil.parseDouble(strn); } catch (Exception e) {} strn = attrs.getValue("values"); try { if (strn != null) valuesValue = XMLParseUtil.parseDoubleList(strn); } catch (Exception e) {} } /** * Evaluates this animation element for the passed interpolation time. Interp * must be on [0..1]. */ public double eval(double interp) { boolean fromExists = !Double.isNaN(fromValue); boolean toExists = !Double.isNaN(toValue); boolean byExists = !Double.isNaN(byValue); boolean valuesExists = valuesValue != null; if (valuesExists) { double sp = interp * valuesValue.length; int ip = (int)sp; double fp = sp - ip; int i0 = ip; int i1 = ip + 1; if (i0 < 0) return valuesValue[0]; if (i1 >= valuesValue.length) return valuesValue[valuesValue.length - 1]; return valuesValue[i0] * (1 - fp) + valuesValue[i1] * fp; } else if (fromExists && toExists) { return toValue * interp + fromValue * (1.0 - interp); } else if (fromExists && byExists) { return fromValue + byValue * interp; } else if (toExists && byExists) { return toValue - byValue * (1.0 - interp); } else if (byExists) { return byValue * interp; } else if (toExists) { StyleAttribute style = new StyleAttribute(getAttribName()); try { getParent().getStyle(style, true, false); } catch (SVGException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SVGConst.SVG_LOGGER).log(Level.WARNING, "Could not get from value", ex); } double from = style.getDoubleValue(); return toValue * interp + from * (1.0 - interp); } //Should not reach this line throw new RuntimeException("Animate tag could not be evalutated - insufficient arguements"); } public Color evalColor(double interp) { if (fromColor == null && toColor != null) { float[] toCol = new float[3]; toColor.getColorComponents(toCol); return new Color(toCol[0] * (float)interp, toCol[1] * (float)interp, toCol[2] * (float)interp); } else if (fromColor != null && toColor != null) { float nInterp = 1 - (float)interp; float[] fromCol = new float[3]; float[] toCol = new float[3]; fromColor.getColorComponents(fromCol); toColor.getColorComponents(toCol); return new Color(fromCol[0] * nInterp + toCol[0] * (float)interp, fromCol[1] * nInterp + toCol[1] * (float)interp, fromCol[2] * nInterp + toCol[2] * (float)interp); } throw new RuntimeException("Animate tag could not be evalutated - insufficient arguements"); } public GeneralPath evalPath(double interp) { if (fromPath == null && toPath != null) { PathIterator itTo = toPath.getPathIterator(new AffineTransform()); GeneralPath midPath = new GeneralPath(); float[] coordsTo = new float[6]; for (; !itTo.isDone(); itTo.next()) { int segTo = itTo.currentSegment(coordsTo); switch (segTo) { case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: midPath.closePath(); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: midPath.curveTo( (float)(coordsTo[0] * interp), (float)(coordsTo[1] * interp), (float)(coordsTo[2] * interp), (float)(coordsTo[3] * interp), (float)(coordsTo[4] * interp), (float)(coordsTo[5] * interp) ); break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: midPath.lineTo( (float)(coordsTo[0] * interp), (float)(coordsTo[1] * interp) ); break; case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: midPath.moveTo( (float)(coordsTo[0] * interp), (float)(coordsTo[1] * interp) ); break; case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: midPath.quadTo( (float)(coordsTo[0] * interp), (float)(coordsTo[1] * interp), (float)(coordsTo[2] * interp), (float)(coordsTo[3] * interp) ); break; } } return midPath; } else if (toPath != null) { PathIterator itFrom = fromPath.getPathIterator(new AffineTransform()); PathIterator itTo = toPath.getPathIterator(new AffineTransform()); GeneralPath midPath = new GeneralPath(); float[] coordsFrom = new float[6]; float[] coordsTo = new float[6]; for (; !itFrom.isDone(); itFrom.next()) { int segFrom = itFrom.currentSegment(coordsFrom); int segTo = itTo.currentSegment(coordsTo); if (segFrom != segTo) { throw new RuntimeException("Path shape mismatch"); } switch (segFrom) { case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: midPath.closePath(); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: midPath.curveTo( (float)(coordsFrom[0] * (1 - interp) + coordsTo[0] * interp), (float)(coordsFrom[1] * (1 - interp) + coordsTo[1] * interp), (float)(coordsFrom[2] * (1 - interp) + coordsTo[2] * interp), (float)(coordsFrom[3] * (1 - interp) + coordsTo[3] * interp), (float)(coordsFrom[4] * (1 - interp) + coordsTo[4] * interp), (float)(coordsFrom[5] * (1 - interp) + coordsTo[5] * interp) ); break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: midPath.lineTo( (float)(coordsFrom[0] * (1 - interp) + coordsTo[0] * interp), (float)(coordsFrom[1] * (1 - interp) + coordsTo[1] * interp) ); break; case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: midPath.moveTo( (float)(coordsFrom[0] * (1 - interp) + coordsTo[0] * interp), (float)(coordsFrom[1] * (1 - interp) + coordsTo[1] * interp) ); break; case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: midPath.quadTo( (float)(coordsFrom[0] * (1 - interp) + coordsTo[0] * interp), (float)(coordsFrom[1] * (1 - interp) + coordsTo[1] * interp), (float)(coordsFrom[2] * (1 - interp) + coordsTo[2] * interp), (float)(coordsFrom[3] * (1 - interp) + coordsTo[3] * interp) ); break; } } return midPath; } throw new RuntimeException("Animate tag could not be evalutated - insufficient arguements"); } /** * If this element is being accumulated, detemine the delta to accumulate by */ public double repeatSkipSize(int reps) { boolean fromExists = !Double.isNaN(fromValue); boolean toExists = !Double.isNaN(toValue); boolean byExists = !Double.isNaN(byValue); if (fromExists && toExists) { return (toValue - fromValue) * reps; } else if (fromExists && byExists) { return (fromValue + byValue) * reps; } else if (toExists && byExists) { return toValue * reps; } else if (byExists) { return byValue * reps; } //Should not reach this line return 0; } protected void rebuild(AnimTimeParser animTimeParser) throws SVGException { super.rebuild(animTimeParser); StyleAttribute sty = new StyleAttribute(); if (getPres(sty.setName("from"))) { String strn = sty.getStringValue(); if (XMLParseUtil.isDouble(strn)) { fromValue = XMLParseUtil.parseDouble(strn); } else { fromColor = ColorTable.parseColor(strn); if (fromColor == null) { //Try path fromPath = this.buildPath(strn, GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD); dataType = DT_PATH; } else dataType = DT_COLOR; } } if (getPres(sty.setName("to"))) { String strn = sty.getStringValue(); if (XMLParseUtil.isDouble(strn)) { toValue = XMLParseUtil.parseDouble(strn); } else { toColor = ColorTable.parseColor(strn); if (toColor == null) { //Try path toPath = this.buildPath(strn, GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD); dataType = DT_PATH; } else dataType = DT_COLOR; } } if (getPres(sty.setName("by"))) { String strn = sty.getStringValue(); if (strn != null) byValue = XMLParseUtil.parseDouble(strn); } if (getPres(sty.setName("values"))) { String strn = sty.getStringValue(); if (strn != null) valuesValue = XMLParseUtil.parseDoubleList(strn); } } }