/* * AnimateEle.java * * The Salamander Project - 2D and 3D graphics libraries in Java * Copyright (C) 2004 Mark McKay * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Mark McKay can be contacted at mark@kitfox.com. Salamander and other * projects can be found at http://www.kitfox.com * * Created on August 15, 2004, 2:52 AM */ package com.kitfox.svg.animation; import com.kitfox.svg.SVGElement; import com.kitfox.svg.SVGException; import com.kitfox.svg.SVGLoaderHelper; import com.kitfox.svg.animation.parser.AnimTimeParser; import com.kitfox.svg.animation.parser.ParseException; import com.kitfox.svg.xml.StyleAttribute; import java.io.StringReader; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * @author Mark McKay * @author Mark McKay */ public abstract class AnimationElement extends SVGElement { protected String attribName; // protected String attribType; protected int attribType = AT_AUTO; public static final int AT_CSS = 0; public static final int AT_XML = 1; public static final int AT_AUTO = 2; //Check CSS first, then XML protected TimeBase beginTime; protected TimeBase durTime; protected TimeBase endTime; protected int fillType = FT_AUTO; /** More about the fill attribute */ public static final int FT_REMOVE = 0; public static final int FT_FREEZE = 1; public static final int FT_HOLD = 2; public static final int FT_TRANSITION = 3; public static final int FT_AUTO = 4; public static final int FT_DEFAULT = 5; /** Additive state of track */ public static final int AD_REPLACE = 0; public static final int AD_SUM = 1; int additiveType = AD_REPLACE; /** Accumlative state */ public static final int AC_REPLACE = 0; public static final int AC_SUM = 1; int accumulateType = AC_REPLACE; /** Creates a new instance of AnimateEle */ public AnimationElement() { } public static String animationElementToString(int attrValue) { switch (attrValue) { case AT_CSS: return "CSS"; case AT_XML: return "XML"; case AT_AUTO: return "AUTO"; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown element type"); } } public void loaderStartElement(SVGLoaderHelper helper, Attributes attrs, SVGElement parent) throws SAXException { //Load style string super.loaderStartElement(helper, attrs, parent); attribName = attrs.getValue("attributeName"); String attribType = attrs.getValue("attributeType"); if (attribType != null) { attribType = attribType.toLowerCase(); if (attribType.equals("css")) this.attribType = AT_CSS; else if (attribType.equals("xml")) this.attribType = AT_XML; } String beginTime = attrs.getValue("begin"); String durTime = attrs.getValue("dur"); String endTime = attrs.getValue("end"); try { if (beginTime != null) { helper.animTimeParser.ReInit(new StringReader(beginTime)); this.beginTime = helper.animTimeParser.Expr(); this.beginTime.setParentElement(this); } if (durTime != null) { helper.animTimeParser.ReInit(new StringReader(durTime)); this.durTime = helper.animTimeParser.Expr(); this.durTime.setParentElement(this); } if (endTime != null) { helper.animTimeParser.ReInit(new StringReader(endTime)); this.endTime = helper.animTimeParser.Expr(); this.endTime.setParentElement(this); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SAXException(e); } // this.beginTime = TimeBase.parseTime(beginTime); // this.durTime = TimeBase.parseTime(durTime); // this.endTime = TimeBase.parseTime(endTime); String fill = attrs.getValue("fill"); if (fill != null) { if (fill.equals("remove")) this.fillType = FT_REMOVE; if (fill.equals("freeze")) this.fillType = FT_FREEZE; if (fill.equals("hold")) this.fillType = FT_HOLD; if (fill.equals("transiton")) this.fillType = FT_TRANSITION; if (fill.equals("auto")) this.fillType = FT_AUTO; if (fill.equals("default")) this.fillType = FT_DEFAULT; } String additiveStrn = attrs.getValue("additive"); if (additiveStrn != null) { if (additiveStrn.equals("replace")) this.additiveType = AD_REPLACE; if (additiveStrn.equals("sum")) this.additiveType = AD_SUM; } String accumulateStrn = attrs.getValue("accumulate"); if (accumulateStrn != null) { if (accumulateStrn.equals("replace")) this.accumulateType = AC_REPLACE; if (accumulateStrn.equals("sum")) this.accumulateType = AC_SUM; } } public String getAttribName() { return attribName; } public int getAttribType() { return attribType; } public int getAdditiveType() { return additiveType; } public int getAccumulateType() { return accumulateType; } public void evalParametric(AnimationTimeEval state, double curTime) { evalParametric(state, curTime, Double.NaN, Double.NaN); } /** * Compares current time to start and end times and determines what degree * of time interpolation this track currently represents. Returns * Float.NaN if this track cannot be evaluated at the passed time (ie, * it is before or past the end of the track, or it depends upon * an unknown event) * @param state - A structure that will be filled with information * regarding the applicability of this animatoin element at the passed * time. * @param curTime - Current time in seconds * @param repeatCount - Optional number of repetitions of length 'dur' to * do. Set to Double.NaN to not consider this in the calculation. * @param repeatDur - Optional amoun tof time to repeat the animaiton. * Set to Double.NaN to not consider this in the calculation. */ protected void evalParametric(AnimationTimeEval state, double curTime, double repeatCount, double repeatDur) { double begin = (beginTime == null) ? 0 : beginTime.evalTime(); if (Double.isNaN(begin) || begin > curTime) { state.set(Double.NaN, 0); return; } double dur = (durTime == null) ? Double.NaN : durTime.evalTime(); if (Double.isNaN(dur)) { state.set(Double.NaN, 0); return; } //Determine end point of this animation double end = (endTime == null) ? Double.NaN : endTime.evalTime(); double repeat; // if (Double.isNaN(repeatDur)) // { // repeatDur = dur; // } if (Double.isNaN(repeatCount) && Double.isNaN(repeatDur)) { repeat = Double.NaN; } else { repeat = Math.min( Double.isNaN(repeatCount) ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY : dur * repeatCount, Double.isNaN(repeatDur) ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY : repeatDur); } if (Double.isNaN(repeat) && Double.isNaN(end)) { //If neither and end point nor a repeat is specified, end point is // implied by duration. end = begin + dur; } double finishTime; if (Double.isNaN(end)) { finishTime = begin + repeat; } else if (Double.isNaN(repeat)) { finishTime = end; } else { finishTime = Math.min(end, repeat); } double evalTime = Math.min(curTime, finishTime); // if (curTime > finishTime) evalTime = finishTime; // double evalTime = curTime; // boolean pastEnd = curTime > evalTime; // if (!Double.isNaN(end) && curTime > end) { pastEnd = true; evalTime = Math.min(evalTime, end); } // if (!Double.isNaN(repeat) && curTime > repeat) { pastEnd = true; evalTime = Math.min(evalTime, repeat); } double ratio = (evalTime - begin) / dur; int rep = (int)ratio; double interp = ratio - rep; //Adjust for roundoff if (interp < 0.00001) interp = 0; // state.set(interp, rep); // if (!pastEnd) // { // state.set(interp, rep, false); // return; // } //If we are still within the clip, return value if (curTime == evalTime) { state.set(interp, rep); return; } //We are past end of clip. Determine to clamp or ignore. switch (fillType) { default: case FT_REMOVE: case FT_AUTO: case FT_DEFAULT: state.set(Double.NaN, rep); return; case FT_FREEZE: case FT_HOLD: case FT_TRANSITION: state.set(interp == 0 ? 1 : interp, rep); return; } } double evalStartTime() { return beginTime == null ? Double.NaN : beginTime.evalTime(); } double evalDurTime() { return durTime == null ? Double.NaN : durTime.evalTime(); } /** * Evaluates the ending time of this element. Returns 0 if not specified. * * @see hasEndTime */ double evalEndTime() { return endTime == null ? Double.NaN : endTime.evalTime(); } /** * Checks to see if an end time has been specified for this element. */ boolean hasEndTime() { return endTime != null; } /** * Updates all attributes in this diagram associated with a time event. * Ie, all attributes with track information. * @return - true if this node has changed state as a result of the time * update */ public boolean updateTime(double curTime) { //Animation elements to not change with time return false; } public void rebuild() throws SVGException { AnimTimeParser animTimeParser = new AnimTimeParser(new StringReader("")); rebuild(animTimeParser); } protected void rebuild(AnimTimeParser animTimeParser) throws SVGException { StyleAttribute sty = new StyleAttribute(); if (getPres(sty.setName("begin"))) { String newVal = sty.getStringValue(); animTimeParser.ReInit(new StringReader(newVal)); try { this.beginTime = animTimeParser.Expr(); } catch (ParseException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } if (getPres(sty.setName("dur"))) { String newVal = sty.getStringValue(); animTimeParser.ReInit(new StringReader(newVal)); try { this.durTime = animTimeParser.Expr(); } catch (ParseException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } if (getPres(sty.setName("end"))) { String newVal = sty.getStringValue(); animTimeParser.ReInit(new StringReader(newVal)); try { this.endTime = animTimeParser.Expr(); } catch (ParseException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } if (getPres(sty.setName("fill"))) { String newVal = sty.getStringValue(); if (newVal.equals("remove")) this.fillType = FT_REMOVE; if (newVal.equals("freeze")) this.fillType = FT_FREEZE; if (newVal.equals("hold")) this.fillType = FT_HOLD; if (newVal.equals("transiton")) this.fillType = FT_TRANSITION; if (newVal.equals("auto")) this.fillType = FT_AUTO; if (newVal.equals("default")) this.fillType = FT_DEFAULT; } if (getPres(sty.setName("additive"))) { String newVal = sty.getStringValue(); if (newVal.equals("replace")) this.additiveType = AD_REPLACE; if (newVal.equals("sum")) this.additiveType = AD_SUM; } if (getPres(sty.setName("accumulate"))) { String newVal = sty.getStringValue(); if (newVal.equals("replace")) this.accumulateType = AC_REPLACE; if (newVal.equals("sum")) this.accumulateType = AC_SUM; } } }