import logging import os import re import rpm # type: ignore from Registry import Registry # type: ignore from . import log, subdirs __all__ = [ "list_applications_apk", "list_applications_dpkg", "list_applications_pacman", "list_applications_portage", "list_applications_rpm", "list_applications_windows" ] L = logging.getLogger(__name__) @log def list_applications_apk(path): """Find all packages installed on the linux distribution Alpine Linux. See also: Args: path (str): Path to the mounted filesystem. Returns: List of packages. For example: [{'name': 'musl', 'version': '1.2.3-r0'}, ...] """ apk_db = None location = "lib/apk/db/installed" db = os.path.join(path, location) if os.path.exists(db): apk_db = db if apk_db is None: for dir in subdirs(path): new_path = os.path.join(path, dir) db = os.path.join(new_path, location) if os.path.exists(db): apk_db = db break if apk_db is None: L.debug("apk database not found") return [] pkgs = [] with open(apk_db) as f: name = version = "" for line in f: line = line.strip() if not line: if name and version: pkgs.append({ "name": name, "version": version }) name = version = "" elif line.startswith("P:"): name = line[2:] elif line.startswith("V:"): version = line[2:] return pkgs @log def list_applications_dpkg(path): """Find all packages installed on a debian-based linux distribution. See also: Args: path (str): Path to the mounted filesystem. Returns: List of packages. For example: [{'name': 'adduser', 'version': '3.118'}, ...] """ dpkg_db = None locations = [ "var/lib/dpkg/status", "lib/dpkg/status" # separated /var partition ] for location in locations: db = os.path.join(path, location) if os.path.exists(db): dpkg_db = db break # Debian uses subvol=@rootfs for root filesystem for btrfs. # Therefore, under Debian 11.* looks like this: /@rootfs/var/lib/dpkg if dpkg_db is None: for dir in subdirs(path): new_path = os.path.join(path, dir) for location in locations: db = os.path.join(new_path, location) if os.path.exists(db): dpkg_db = db break else: continue break if dpkg_db is None: L.debug("dpkg database not found") return [] pkgs = [] with open(dpkg_db) as f: name = version = "" installed = False for line in f: line = line.strip() if not line: if name and version and installed: pkgs.append({ "name": name, "version": version }) name = version = "" installed = False elif line.startswith("Package:"): name = line[9:] elif line.startswith("Status:"): installed = "installed" in line[8:].split() elif line.startswith("Version:"): version = line[9:] return pkgs @log def list_applications_pacman(path): """Find all packages installed on a arch-based linux distribution. See also: Args: path (str): Path to the mounted filesystem. Returns: List of packages. For example: [{'name': 'python', 'version': '3.10.6-1'}, ...] """ pacman_db = None locations = [ "var/lib/pacman/local", "lib/pacman/local" # separated /var partition ] for location in locations: db = os.path.join(path, location) if os.path.exists(db): pacman_db = db break # Just in case the system is using btrfs. if pacman_db is None: for dir in subdirs(path): new_path = os.path.join(path, dir) for location in locations: db = os.path.join(new_path, location) if os.path.exists(db): pacman_db = db break else: continue break if pacman_db is None: L.debug("pacman database not found") return [] pkgs = [] for dir in subdirs(pacman_db): desc = os.path.join(pacman_db, dir, "desc") kv = {} with open(desc) as f: sections = re.split(r"\n(?=%[A-Z]+%)", for section in sections: section = section.strip() if lines := section.split("\n"): k = lines[0].strip("%") n = len(lines) v = "" if n < 2 else lines[1:] if n > 2 else lines[1] kv[k] = v if (name := kv.get("NAME")) and (version := kv.get("VERSION")): pkgs.append({ "name": name, "version": version }) return pkgs @log def list_applications_portage(path): """Find all packages installed on the linux distribution Gentoo Linux. See also: Args: path (str): Path to the mounted filesystem. Returns: List of packages. For example: [{'name': 'sys-devel/bison', 'version': '3.8.2'}, ...] """ portage_db = None locations = [ "var/db/pkg", "db/pkg" # separated /var partition ] for location in locations: db = os.path.join(path, location) if os.path.exists(db): portage_db = db break # btrfs? if portage_db is None: for dir in subdirs(path): new_path = os.path.join(path, dir) for location in locations: db = os.path.join(new_path, location) if os.path.exists(db): portage_db = db break else: continue break if portage_db is None: L.debug("portage database not found") return [] pkgs = [] for cat in subdirs(portage_db): for pkg in subdirs(os.path.join(portage_db, cat)): # if m := re.match(r"^(.+)-(\d.*)$", pkg): name, version = m.groups() pkgs.append({ "name": "/".join([cat, name]), "version": version }) return pkgs @log def list_applications_rpm(path): """Find all packages installed on a rpm-based linux distribution. Args: path (str): Path to the mounted filesystem. Returns: List of packages. For example: [{'name': 'libgcc', 'version': '12.0.1'}, ...] """ rpm_db = None for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(path): if "usr" in dirs: db = os.path.join(root, "usr/share/rpm") if os.path.exists(db): rpm_db = db break # db = os.path.join(root, "usr/lib/sysimage/rpm") if os.path.exists(db): rpm_db = db break if "var" in dirs: db = os.path.join(root, "var/lib/rpm") if os.path.exists(db): rpm_db = db break if rpm_db is None: L.debug("RPM database not found") return [] rpm.setVerbosity(rpm.RPMLOG_CRIT) rpm.addMacro("_dbpath", rpm_db) ts = rpm.TransactionSet() try: dbMatch = ts.dbMatch() except Exception as e: L.error("failed to open RPM database: %r", e) return [] pkgs = [] for h in dbMatch: pkgs.append({ "name": h["name"], "version": h["version"] }) rpm.delMacro("_dbpath") return pkgs @log def list_applications_windows(path): """Find all applications installed on a windows distribution. Args: path (str): Path to the mounted filesystem. Returns: List of applications. For example: [{'name': 'Mozilla Firefox 43.0.1 (x86 de)', 'version': '43.0.1'}, ...] """ software = None locations = [ "WINDOWS/system32/config/software", # xp "Windows/System32/config/SOFTWARE", # others ] for location in locations: software_path = os.path.join(path, location) if os.path.isfile(software_path): software = software_path break if not software: L.debug("software hive not found in %s", path) return [] try: registry = Registry.Registry(software) except Exception as e: L.error("failed to open registry file %s: %r", software, e) return [] apps = [] # native applications hive_path = "Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall" try: key = except Exception as e: L.error("%s not found in %s: %r", hive_path, software, e) return apps if apps_native := _list_applications_windows_from_key(key): apps.extend(apps_native) # 32-bit applications running on WOW64 emulator # see also: hive_path = "Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall" try: key = except Exception as e: L.error("%s not found in %s: %r", hive_path, software, e) return apps if apps_emulator := _list_applications_windows_from_key(key): apps.extend(apps_emulator) return apps @log def _list_applications_windows_from_key(key): """Parse applications from windows registry key. See also: Args: key (Registry.Key): Registry key. Returns: List of applications. """ apps = [] for k in key.subkeys(): # name = # name does not say much, so take the display name name = version = "" for v in k.values(): if == "DisplayName": name = v.value() if == "DisplayVersion": version = v.value() # ignore applications with no display name if name and version: apps.append({ "name": name, "version": version }) return apps