import logging import os import tempfile from subprocess import run from . import log, rmdir __all__ = ["mount"] L = logging.getLogger(__name__) @log def mount(path, offset): """Mount a Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) volume system using `libvslvm`. See also: Make sure you have downloaded the latest source distribution package from, e.g. libvslvm-experimental-20210807.tar.gz and built it as follows: $ sudo apt install build-essential libfuse-dev $ tar xfv libvslvm-experimental-20210807.tar.gz $ cd libvslvm-20210807/ $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig Args: path (str): Path to the RAW image file containing LVM volume system. offset (str|int): Value in bytes where the LVM volume system starts. Returns: Path to the directory containing volumes as a virtual file named `lvm1`, `lvm2`, etc. """ mp = tempfile.mkdtemp() cmd = ["vslvmmount", "-o", str(offset), path, mp] try: p = run(cmd, capture_output=True, check=False, text=True) except Exception as e: L.error("failed to execute command %s: %r", cmd, e) rmdir(mp) return "" out, err = p.stdout.strip(), p.stderr.strip() if p.returncode or not os.path.ismount(mp): L.error("retcode: %d, stdout: %s, stderr: %s", p.returncode, out, err) rmdir(mp) return "" return mp