INTRODUCTION ============ DNBD (Distributed Network Block Device) is a read-only and caching network block device and supports following main features: * replication of servers for robustness * multicast communication and caching of network traffic for scalability These characteristics make it suitable especially for use in wireless networks, e.g. for diskless clients or to share multimedia files in such an environment. The servers can export a file or block device equipped with a operating system, movies, music, etc. Several clients can import the block device and access it like a local hard disk. However, each block transfer over the network can be cached by all clients: If several users on each client start to watch a movie within a certain time interval, the movie data has to be transmitted only once (depending on the cache size). The network is not burdened with unnecessary traffic. DNBD can be used together with cowloop [1] or unionfs [2] in order to get local write semantics, e.g. for diskless clients. Especially in wireless environments with limited bandwidth, caching can increase boot-up time enormously. COMPILATION =========== DNBD was developed for kernel 2.6.13 and later releases. Kernel 2.4 is not supported. The kernel sources and common tools (gcc, make, etc.) have to be installed. Server and Client -------------------- Unpacking: $ tar xzvf dnbd.tar.gz Compiling: $ cd dnbd; make USAGE ===== Server ------ To show available command line parameters, start the server without arguments: $ ./server/dnbd-server dnbd-server, version 0.9.0 Usage: dnbd-server -m
-d -i [-t ] description: -m|--mcast -d|--device -i|--id -t|--threads With the following command, the server will be started for the multicast network with address and export the given file or block device. Its unique id is 1: root@server1 $ ./server/dnbd-server -m -d -i 1 To start a server on another computer, the used file or block device must have the same content and size as on the first server. However, the id has to be changed: root@server2 $ ./server/dnbd-server -m -d -i 2 If DNBD is used for wired networks and on multi-processor machines, the number of threads should be increased to the number of CPUs. To access the exported file or block device, another computer is used as client. Client ------ The kernel module has to be loaded, before the client application can be used: root@client1 $ insmod ./kernel/dnbd.ko There should be an entry in syslog after successful loading. With no command line arguments the client gives available options: root@client1 $ ./client/dnbd-client dnbd-client, version 0.9.0 Usage: dnbd-client -d device -b
[-c ] or dnbd-client -d device -u or dnbd-client -d device -c description: -d|--device -b|--bind -u|--unbind -c|--cache We will now import the block device of the server, e.g.: root@client1 $ ./client/dnbd-client -d /dev/dnbd0 -b The client should tell you that it found a server with id "1". If you exported a CDROM with a movie, you can watch it on the client over the network, e.g. with mplayer (usually after mounting). If someone else wants to watch the movie on a different client, you should enable caching either during operation root@client1 $ ./client/dnbd-client -d /dev/dnbd0 -c or at the beginning root@client2 $ ./client/dnbd-client -d /dev/dnbd0 -b -c To create a cache with, e.g. 32M use root@client1$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/cachefile bs=1M count=32 Cache statistics are shown with root@client1$ cat /proc/driver/dnbd/dnbd0 The block device has to be unbound before the module can be unloaded: root@client1 $ ./client/dnbd-client -d /dev/dnbd0 -u root@client1 $ rmmod dnbd FILES ===== Client ------ ./client client.c # client application Server ------ ./server net.c # network routines query.c # server request handling filer.c # file/device I/O server.c # server application (main file) Kernel module ------------- ./kernel net.c # server management queue.c # queue handling for requests cache.c # cache implementation (red-black trees) main.c # module and block device (un)registration, threads [1] [2]