# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (C) 2020 Manuel Bentele # # get Git short hash and tag of latest repository commit execute_process(COMMAND git describe HEAD OUTPUT_VARIABLE DNBD3_BUILD_VERSION OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(DNBD3_BUILD_VERSION STREQUAL "") set(DNBD3_BUILD_VERSION "unknown") endif(DNBD3_BUILD_VERSION STREQUAL "") # get status of Git repository execute_process(COMMAND git status --porcelain OUTPUT_VARIABLE DNBD3_GIT_STATUS OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) # check if Git repository is dirty if(NOT DNBD3_GIT_STATUS STREQUAL "") # the Git repository is dirty, thus extend the version information set(DNBD3_BUILD_VERSION "${DNBD3_BUILD_VERSION}-modified") # print a message in Release build configuration to warn about the dirty repository if(VERSION_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "Release") message(WARNING "This dnbd3 Git repository is dirty! Please commit or revert all changes for a ${VERSION_BUILD_TYPE} build!") endif(VERSION_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "Release") endif(NOT DNBD3_GIT_STATUS STREQUAL "") # set current build type of the project set(DNBD3_BUILD_TYPE ${VERSION_BUILD_TYPE}) # write dnbd3 version into a new C source file based on the specified version template configure_file(${VERSION_INPUT_FILE} ${VERSION_OUTPUT_FILE})