# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (C) 2020 Manuel Bentele # macro(gen_project_version VERSION_INPUT_FILE VERSION_INPUT_FILE_TEMPLATE VERSION_OUTPUT_FILE GIT_EXECUTABLE REPOSITORY_DIR) get_filename_component(VERSION_OUTPUT_FILENAME ${VERSION_OUTPUT_FILE} NAME) # command that will trigger a rebuild of version.h every time add_custom_command(OUTPUT regenerate-version-file COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E sleep 0 COMMENT "Trigger generating ${VERSION_OUTPUT_FILENAME}") # call the GenerateVersion.cmake file to generate the version.c file add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${VERSION_OUTPUT_FILE} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -D VERSION_MODULE_PATH=${PROJECT_MODULES_DIR} -D VERSION_INPUT_FILE=${VERSION_INPUT_FILE} -D VERSION_INPUT_FILE_TEMPLATE=${VERSION_INPUT_FILE_TEMPLATE} -D VERSION_OUTPUT_FILE=${VERSION_OUTPUT_FILE} -D VERSION_BUILD_TYPE=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} -D GIT_EXECUTABLE=${GIT_EXECUTABLE} -D REPOSITORY_DIR=${REPOSITORY_DIR} -P ${PROJECT_MODULES_DIR}/GenerateVersion.cmake COMMENT "Generating ${VERSION_OUTPUT_FILENAME}" DEPENDS regenerate-version-file) add_custom_target(dnbd3-generate-version DEPENDS ${VERSION_OUTPUT_FILE}) # create target to expose project version add_library(dnbd3-version INTERFACE) target_include_directories(dnbd3-version INTERFACE ${PROJECT_INCLUDE_GEN_DIR}) add_dependencies(dnbd3-version dnbd3-generate-version) endmacro(gen_project_version VERSION_INPUT_FILE VERSION_INPUT_FILE_TEMPLATE VERSION_OUTPUT_FILE) # macro to get Git version information macro(get_repository_version REPOSITORY_VERSION REPOSITORY_BRANCH VERSION_HEADER_FILE VERSION_BUILD_TYPE GIT_EXECUTABLE REPOSITORY_DIR) # set empty Git version information set(GIT_VERSION "") # set empty Git branch information set(GIT_BRANCH "") # check if generated version header from source package is available if(EXISTS ${VERSION_HEADER_FILE}) # get version information from the generated version header of the source package file(READ ${VERSION_HEADER_FILE} GIT_VERSION_VERBOSE) string(REGEX MATCH "DNBD3_VERSION[ \t]+\"([0-9][A-Za-z0-9.+~-]*)\"" GIT_VERSION ${GIT_VERSION_VERBOSE}) set(GIT_VERSION "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") # get branch information from the generated version header of the source package file(READ ${VERSION_HEADER_FILE} GIT_BRANCH_VERBOSE) string(REGEX MATCH "DNBD3_BRANCH[ \t]+\"([0-9][A-Za-z0-9.+~-]*)\"" GIT_BRANCH ${GIT_BRANCH_VERBOSE}) set(GIT_BRANCH "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") else(EXISTS ${VERSION_HEADER_FILE}) # get detailed Git version information from Git repository execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} describe HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY ${REPOSITORY_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_VERSION_VERBOSE RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_RETURN_CODE ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) # parse version information from repository if Git command succeeds if(GIT_RETURN_CODE EQUAL 0) # remove the first letter of the version to satisfy packaging rules string(REGEX MATCH "([0-9]+:)?[0-9][A-Za-z0-9.+~-]*" GIT_VERSION ${GIT_VERSION_VERBOSE}) endif(GIT_RETURN_CODE EQUAL 0) # overwrite version from Git if version is unknown if(GIT_VERSION STREQUAL "") # overwrite version information with unknown version 'v0.0' set(GIT_VERSION "0.0") # print a message in Release build configuration to warn about the unknown version if(${VERSION_BUILD_TYPE} MATCHES "Release") message(WARNING "The version information from Git tags in this dnbd3 Git repository is missing! Please fetch all Git tags of this repository for a ${VERSION_BUILD_TYPE} build!") endif(${VERSION_BUILD_TYPE} MATCHES "Release") endif(GIT_VERSION STREQUAL "") # get current branch of Git repository execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY ${REPOSITORY_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_BRANCH_VERBOSE RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_RETURN_CODE ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) # check output to get branch information if(GIT_RETURN_CODE EQUAL 0) set(GIT_BRANCH ${GIT_BRANCH_VERBOSE}) endif(GIT_RETURN_CODE EQUAL 0) if(GIT_BRANCH STREQUAL "") # overwrite branch information with 'unknown' branch set(GIT_BRANCH "unknown") # print a message in Release build configuration to warn about the unknown branch if(${VERSION_BUILD_TYPE} MATCHES "Release") message(WARNING "The current branch in the dnbd3 Git repository is unknown! Please check the branches of this repository for a ${VERSION_BUILD_TYPE} build!") endif(${VERSION_BUILD_TYPE} MATCHES "Release") endif(GIT_BRANCH STREQUAL "") # get status of Git repository execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} status --porcelain WORKING_DIRECTORY ${REPOSITORY_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_STATUS RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_RETURN_CODE ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) # check if Git repository is dirty if(GIT_RETURN_CODE EQUAL 0 AND NOT GIT_STATUS STREQUAL "") # the Git repository is dirty, thus extend the version information set(GIT_VERSION "${GIT_VERSION}+MOD") # print a message in Release build configuration to warn about the dirty repository if(${VERSION_BUILD_TYPE} MATCHES "Release") message(WARNING "This dnbd3 Git repository is dirty! Please commit or revert all changes for a ${VERSION_BUILD_TYPE} build!") endif(${VERSION_BUILD_TYPE} MATCHES "Release") endif(GIT_RETURN_CODE EQUAL 0 AND NOT GIT_STATUS STREQUAL "") endif(EXISTS ${VERSION_HEADER_FILE}) # return version and branch to caller set(${REPOSITORY_VERSION} ${GIT_VERSION}) set(${REPOSITORY_BRANCH} ${GIT_BRANCH}) endmacro(get_repository_version)