[dnbd3] ; port to listen on (default: 5003) listenPort=5003 ; relative root directory for images, ending in .r[1-9][0-9]* basePath=/mnt/storage ; artificial connection delay for connecting servers serverPenalty=100000 ; artificial connection delay for connecting clients clientPenalty=0 ; is this server a proxy? if true, requests for non-existing images will be relayed to known alt-servers isProxy=true ; if proxy is true and an image is incomplete, should idle bandwidth be used to replicate missing blocks? backgroundReplication=true ; minimum amount of connected clients for background replication to kick in bgrMinClients=0 ; if isProxy==true and another proxy requests and image that we don't have, should we ask our alt-servers for it? lookupMissingForProxy=true ; create sparse files instead of preallocating; ignored if backgroundReplication=true -- only recommended if cache space is small sparseFiles=false ; if true (which is the default), images will automatically be removed from the list if they can't be accessed removeMissingImages=true ; timeout in ms for send/recv on connections to uplink servers (used for replication) uplinkTimeout=1250 ; timeout in ms for send/recv on connections to clients (using an image on this server) clientTimeout=15000 ; set this to true to close handles of unused images after some timeout closeUnusedFd=false ; set this to true to load files without the .r[0-9]+ extension too, assuming RID=1 vmdkLegacyMode=false [limits] maxClients=2000 maxImages=1000 maxPayload=9M maxReplicationSize=150G ; Log related config [logging] ; log file path and name ; comment out to disable logging to file ; protip: use SIGUSR2 to reopen log file file=./dnbd3.log ; which type of messages to log to file fileMask=ERROR WARNING MINOR INFO DEBUG1 ; which to log to console (stdout) consoleMask=ERROR WARNING MINOR INFO ; Valid types (warning: specifying invalid types will not yield an error!) ; ERROR Fatal error, server will terminate ; WARNING Major issue, something is broken but keep running ; MINOR Minor issue, more of a hickup than serious problem ; INFO Informational message ; DEBUG1 Debug information, used for medium verbosity ; DEBUG2 Used for debug messages that would show up a lot ; ; Whether timestamps should be output to console too (or just to file if false) consoleTimestamps=false