#ifndef _COW_CONFIG_H_ #define _COW_CONFIG_H_ // +++++ COW +++++ #define COW_BITFIELD_SIZE 40 // NEVER CHANGE THIS OR THE WORLD WILL ALSO END! #define COW_FILE_META_MAGIC_VALUE ((uint64_t)0xEBE44D6E72F7825E) // Magic Value to recognize a Cow meta file #define COW_FILE_DATA_MAGIC_VALUE ((uint64_t)0xEBE44D6E72F7825F) // Magic Value to recognize a Cow data file #define COW_MIN_UPLOAD_DELAY 60 // in seconds #define COW_STATS_UPDATE_TIME 5 // time in seconds the cow status files gets updated (while uploading blocks) #define COW_MAX_PARALLEL_UPLOADS 10 // maximum number of parallel uploads #define COW_MAX_PARALLEL_BACKGROUND_UPLOADS 2 // maximum number of parallel uploads while the image is still mounted #define COW_URL_STRING_SIZE 500 // Max string size for an url #define COW_SHOW_UL_SPEED 1 // enable display of ul speed in cow status file #define COW_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE (1000LL * 1000LL * 1000LL * 1000LL) // Maximum size an image can have(tb*gb*mb*kb) // +++++ COW API Endpoints +++++ #define COW_API_PREFIX "%s/v1/" #define COW_API_CREATE COW_API_PREFIX "file/create" #define COW_API_UPDATE COW_API_PREFIX "file/update?uuid=%s&clusterindex=%lu" #define COW_API_START_MERGE COW_API_PREFIX "file/merge" #endif