#ifndef SOCKHELPER_H_ #define SOCKHELPER_H_ /* * Helper functions for dealing with sockets. These functions should * abstract from the IP version by using getaddrinfo() and thelike. */ #include #include #include #include typedef struct _poll_list poll_list_t; /** * Connect to given dnbd3_host_t. * @param addr - address of host to connect to * @param connect_ms - timeout in milliseconds after which the connection attempt fails * @param rw_ms - read/write timeout in milliseconds to apply on successful connect * @return socket file descriptor, or -1 on error */ int sock_connect(const dnbd3_host_t * const addr, const int connect_ms, const int rw_ms); /** * Resolve/parse given address and put the result(s) into passed dnbd3_host_t array, * but only up to count entries. * @return Number of items added to array */ int sock_resolveToDnbd3Host(const char * const address, dnbd3_host_t * const dest, const int count); bool sock_sockaddrToDnbd3(struct sockaddr* sa, dnbd3_host_t *host); void sock_setTimeout(const int sockfd, const int milliseconds); size_t sock_printHost(const dnbd3_host_t * const host, char *output, const size_t len); size_t sock_printable(const struct sockaddr * const addr, const socklen_t addrLen, char *output, const size_t len); /** * Create new poll list. */ poll_list_t* sock_newPollList(); /** * Delete a poll list, closing all sockets first if necessary. */ void sock_destroyPollList(poll_list_t *list); /** * Listen on all interfaces/available IP addresses, using the given protocol. * IPv4 and IPv6 are supported. * @param protocol_family PF_INET or PF_INET6 * @param port port to listen on * @return true if any listen call was successful */ bool sock_listenAny(poll_list_t* list, uint16_t port); /** * Listen on a specific address and port. * @param bind_addr human readable address to bind to for listening * @param port to listen on */ bool sock_listen(poll_list_t* list, char* bind_addr, uint16_t port); /** * Asynchroneously connect to multiple hosts. * This can be called multiple times with varying timeouts. Calling it * the first time on an empty list is identical to sock_connect(). On * consecutive calls, more nonblocking sockets in connecting state will * be added to the list, and on each of these calls, all the pending * sockets will be checked for successful connection (or error), respecting * the passed timeout. * host can be NULL to just wait on the sockets already in the list. * If at least one socket completed the connection * within the given timeout, it will be removed from the list and * returned. On error or timeout, -1 is returned. If there are no more sockets * in the list, -2 is returned. */ int sock_multiConnect(poll_list_t* list, const dnbd3_host_t* host, int connect_ms, int rw_ms); /** * This is a multi-socket version of accept. Pass in an array of listening sockets. * If any of the sockets has an incoming connection, accept it and return the new socket's fd. * On error, return -1, just like accept(). * @param sockets array of listening socket fds * @param socket_count number of sockets in that array * @return fd of new client socket, -1 on error */ int sock_accept(poll_list_t *list, struct sockaddr_storage *addr, socklen_t *length_ptr); void sock_set_nonblock(int sock); void sock_set_block(int sock); /** * Add given socket to array. Take an existing empty slot ( == -1) if available, * append to end otherwise. Updates socket count variable passed by reference. * * @param poll_list_t list the poll list to add the socket to * @param sock socket fd to add * @param wantRead whether to set the EPOLLIN flag * @param wantWrite whether to set the EPOLLOUT flag * @return true on success, false iff the array is already full or socket is < 0 */ bool sock_append(poll_list_t *list, const int sock, bool wantRead, bool wantWrite); /** * Send the whole buffer, calling write() multiple times if neccessary. * Give up after calling write() maxtries times. * Set maxtries < 0 to try infinitely. */ ssize_t sock_sendAll(const int sock, const void *buffer, const size_t len, int maxtries); /** * Send given buffer, repeatedly calling recv on partial send or EINTR. */ ssize_t sock_recv(const int sock, void *buffer, const size_t len); #endif /* SOCKHELPER_H_ */