# use Archlinux as base image FROM archlinux:latest # declare arguments that should be set by 'docker build --build-arg ...' ARG DNBD3_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME # copy built package file from host to docker image COPY ${DNBD3_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME} /tmp # install required dependencies RUN pacman --noconfirm -Sy RUN pacman --noconfirm -S fuse2 jansson # install installation package RUN tar -xf /tmp/${DNBD3_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME} --strip-components=1 -C / # use default config for dnbd3-server RUN ln -s /etc/dnbd3-server/sample/server.conf /etc/dnbd3-server RUN ln -s /etc/dnbd3-server/sample/alt-servers /etc/dnbd3-server # make default storage point for dnbd3-server RUN mkdir -p /mnt/storage # expose the port of the dnbd3-server to the host EXPOSE 5003 # run dnbd3-server CMD [ "dnbd3-server", "-n" ]