/* * cow.c * * Created on: 22.08.2018 * Author: Michael Scherle */ #include "cow.h" #include "../types.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../shared/log.h" #define ClearBit(A,k) ( A[(k/32)] &= ~(1 << (k%32)) ) #define TestBit(A,k) ( A[(k/32)] & (1 << (k%32)) ) #define SetBit(A,k) ( A[(k/32)] |= (1 << (k%32)) ) const unsigned int version = 1; int fh; uint64_t MaxImageSizeInBytes = 1099511627776; //1 Tebibyte in byte off_t *filePointers; size_t imageBlockCount; bool debug = true; uint64_t remoteImageSize; cow_metadata metadata; typedef struct { cow_request *head; cow_request *tail; } cow_requests_queue; #define SIGPOOLSIZE 6 static cow_requests_queue cowRequestsactive; static cow_requests_queue cowRequestsQueued; static pthread_spinlock_t requestsQueueLock; static pthread_spinlock_t sigLock; static dnbd3_signal_t *signalPool[SIGPOOLSIZE]; static dnbd3_signal_t **sigEnd = signalPool + SIGPOOLSIZE; static void signalInit() { pthread_spin_init( &sigLock, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < SIGPOOLSIZE; ++i ) { signalPool[i] = NULL; } } static inline dnbd3_signal_t *signalGet() { pthread_spin_lock( &sigLock ); for ( dnbd3_signal_t **it = signalPool; it < sigEnd; ++it ) { if ( *it != NULL ) { dnbd3_signal_t *ret = *it; *it = NULL; pthread_spin_unlock( &sigLock ); return ret; } } pthread_spin_unlock( &sigLock ); return signal_newBlocking(); } static inline void signalPut(dnbd3_signal_t *signal) { pthread_spin_lock( &sigLock ); for ( dnbd3_signal_t **it = signalPool; it < sigEnd; ++it ) { if ( *it == NULL ) { *it = signal; pthread_spin_unlock( &sigLock ); return; } } pthread_spin_unlock( &sigLock ); signal_close( signal ); } static void enqueueCowRequest(cow_requests_queue queue,cow_request *request) { request->next = NULL; if ( queue.head == NULL ) { queue.head = queue.tail = request; } else { queue.tail->next = request; queue.tail = request; } } static cow_request* removeCowRequest(cow_requests_queue queue,cow_request *request) { cow_request *iterator, *prev = NULL; for ( iterator = queue.head; iterator != NULL; iterator = iterator->next ) { if ( iterator == request ) { // Found it, break! if ( prev != NULL ) { prev->next = iterator->next; } else { queue.head = iterator->next; } if ( queue.tail == iterator ) { queue.tail = prev; } break; } prev = iterator; } return iterator; } void cow_writeImageSizeToFile(uint64_t size) { if(debug) { printf("ImageSize Changed to %"PRIu64"\n", size); } size = net_order_64(size); metadata.imageSize = size; pwrite( fh, &metadata, sizeof(cow_metadata), 0 ); } uint64_t cow_init(char *cow_path, char *image_Name, uint64_t imageSize, bool overWrite){ if( access( cow_path, F_OK ) != -1 && !overWrite ) { return loadFile( cow_path, image_Name, imageSize ); } else { return createFile( cow_path, image_Name, imageSize ); } } uint64_t createFile(char *cow_path, char *image_Name, uint64_t imageSize) { remoteImageSize = imageSize; if(( fh = open (cow_path, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR) ) == -1 ){ logadd( LOG_ERROR, "Could not create COW File. Bye.\n" ); return false; } int pageSize = getpagesize(); int nameLenght = (unsigned int) strlen( image_Name ); metadata.version = version; metadata.imageSize = imageSize; metadata.nameLenght = nameLenght; metadata.pageSize = pageSize; fixup_cow_metadata(metadata); write( fh, &metadata, sizeof(metadata)); write( fh, image_Name, sizeof(char)*strlen( image_Name )); imageBlockCount = ( MaxImageSizeInBytes / (1024 * 1024)); off_t mmapStart = lseek( fh, 0L, SEEK_CUR); int maxPageSize = 8192; //compute next fitting multiple of getpagesize() mmapStart = (( mmapStart + maxPageSize - 1 ) / maxPageSize ) * maxPageSize; pwrite( fh, "", 1, mmapStart + imageBlockCount * sizeof( uint64_t )); filePointers = mmap( NULL, imageBlockCount * sizeof( uint64_t ), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fh, mmapStart ); if(filePointers == MAP_FAILED ){ close( fh ); printf( "Error creating mmap in COW File.\n%s\nBye.\n ", strerror( errno ) ); return 0; } for( unsigned int i = 0; i < imageBlockCount; i++ ){ filePointers[i] = 0; } if( debug ){ printf( "Creating COW File\n" ); printf( "Version: %u\n", version ); printf( "ImageName: %s\n", image_Name ); printf( "Size: %"PRIu64"\n", imageSize ); printf( "Blocks: %"PRIu64"\n", imageBlockCount ); printf( "mmap start: %"PRIu64"\n", mmapStart ); printf( "End: %lu\n", lseek( fh, 0L, SEEK_CUR ) ); } signalInit(); if( pthread_spin_init( &requestsQueueLock, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE ) != 0 ){ printf( "Spinlock init failure" ); } return imageSize; } uint64_t loadFile( char *cow_path, char *image_Name, uint64_t imageSize ) { remoteImageSize = imageSize; if(( fh = open (cow_path, O_RDWR, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR)) == -1 ){ logadd( LOG_ERROR, "Could not load COW File. Bye.\n" ); return false; } read( fh, &metadata, sizeof( cow_metadata ) ); fixup_cow_metadata( metadata ); char *imageName = malloc(sizeof(char) * ( metadata.nameLenght + 1 ) ); read( fh, imageName, metadata.nameLenght * sizeof( char ) ); off_t mmapStart = lseek( fh, 0L, SEEK_CUR ); int maxPageSize = 8192; mmapStart = ( ( mmapStart + maxPageSize - 1) / maxPageSize ) * maxPageSize; if( debug ){ printf( "Version: %u\n", metadata.version ); printf( "länge: %i \n", metadata.nameLenght); printf( "Image Name: %s\n", imageName ); printf( "Size: %ld\n", (long) metadata.imageSize ); printf( "pageSize: %i\n", metadata.pageSize ); printf( "mmap start: %"PRIu64"\n", mmapStart ); } if( strcmp( image_Name, imageName ) != 0 ) { logadd( LOG_ERROR, "Wrong COW File for this Image.\n" ); return 0; } free( imageName ); imageBlockCount = ( MaxImageSizeInBytes / (1024 * 1024) ); filePointers = mmap( NULL, imageBlockCount * sizeof( uint64_t ), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fh, mmapStart ); if( filePointers == MAP_FAILED ){ printf( "Error creating mmap in COW File.\n%s\nBye.\n", strerror( errno ) ); close( fh ); return 0; } signalInit(); if( pthread_spin_init( &requestsQueueLock, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE ) != 0 ){ printf( "Spinlock init failure" ); } uint64_t imageSizeCow = metadata.imageSize; fixup_cow_metadata( metadata ); return imageSizeCow ; } bool createBigBlock(unsigned long id) { //goto File end and then to next 4096 Block off_t blockStart = lseek( fh, 0, SEEK_END ); blockStart = ( ( blockStart + 4096 - 1) / 4096) * 4096; filePointers[id] = (uint64_t) blockStart; // go to next Page size int blockState[8] = {0}; pwrite( fh, &blockState, sizeof( int ) * 8, blockStart); // go to next Page size blockStart = ( ( ( blockStart + sizeof( int ) * 8 ) + 4096 - 1 ) / 4096 ) * 4096; char data[ 256 * 4096 ] = {0}; pwrite( fh, &data, sizeof( char ) * 4096 * 256, blockStart); return true; } void onClose() { close(fh); } bool queckAndUpdateQueues(cow_request *request, cow_requests_queue queue) { bool foundDependencie = false; if( queue.head != NULL ){ cow_request *iterator = NULL; for ( iterator = queue.head; iterator != NULL; iterator = iterator->next ) { if( !( ( ( request->end ) < iterator->offset ) || ( request->offset > ( iterator->end ) ) ) ) { foundDependencie = true; int i = 0; while( i <= 6) { if( i == 6 ){ printf( "Error to much requests in queue" ); break; }else if( iterator->dependencies[i] == NULL ) { iterator->dependencies[i] = request; break; } i++; } i = 0; while( i <= 6 ) { if( i == 6 ) { printf( "Error to much requests in queue" ); break; } else if ( request->myDependencies[i] == NULL ) { request->myDependencies[i] = request; break; } i++; } } } } return foundDependencie; } cow_request getAccess(off_t offset, size_t size) { cow_request request; request.offset = ( offset - ( offset % 4096 ) ); request.end = ( offset + (off_t) size) + ( ( offset + (off_t)size ) % 4096) - 1; request.signal = signalGet(); for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { request.dependencies[i] = NULL; } for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { request.myDependencies[i] = NULL; } pthread_spin_lock( &requestsQueueLock ); if( queckAndUpdateQueues( &request, cowRequestsactive ) ) { queckAndUpdateQueues( &request, cowRequestsQueued); enqueueCowRequest(cowRequestsQueued, &request); pthread_spin_unlock( &requestsQueueLock ); int ret = -1; while( ret < 0 ){ int ret = signal_wait( request.signal, 5000 ); if( ret < 0 ) { printf( "Error Cow Request timed out" ); } } signalPut( request.signal ); }else{ enqueueCowRequest( cowRequestsactive, &request ); pthread_spin_unlock( &requestsQueueLock ); } return request; } void closeAcccess(cow_request *request) { pthread_spin_lock( &requestsQueueLock ); removeCowRequest( cowRequestsactive, request ); for ( int i = 0; i< 6; i++ ) { cow_request *otherRequest = request->dependencies[i]; if( otherRequest != NULL ) { bool canStart = true; for ( int j = 0; j< 6; j++ ) { if( otherRequest->myDependencies[j] == request ) { otherRequest->myDependencies[j] = NULL; } else if( otherRequest->myDependencies[j] != NULL ) { canStart=false; } } if( canStart ) { removeCowRequest( cowRequestsQueued, otherRequest ); enqueueCowRequest( cowRequestsactive, otherRequest ); signal_call( otherRequest->signal ); } } request->dependencies[i] = NULL; } pthread_spin_unlock(&requestsQueueLock); } int cow_write(const char *data, size_t size, off_t offset) { int writtenBytes = 0; size_t sizeToBigBlock = 0; off_t bigBlockOffset = 0; off_t bigBlockStart = 0; unsigned long bigBlockStartId = offset / ( 4096 * 256 ); unsigned long bigBlockId = bigBlockStartId; cow_request request = getAccess( offset, size ); while ( writtenBytes < (int) size ) { bigBlockStart = ( bigBlockId * ( 4096 * 256 ) ); bigBlockOffset =( offset + writtenBytes )- bigBlockStart; // how much i can write in this block sizeToBigBlock = 4096 * 256 - bigBlockOffset; if( ( size - writtenBytes ) < sizeToBigBlock ) { sizeToBigBlock = size - writtenBytes; } writtenBytes += writeToBigBlock( bigBlockId, data + writtenBytes, bigBlockOffset, sizeToBigBlock ); bigBlockId++; } /////////////////////////////// /* if( debug ){ char *tmp = malloc( size ); cow_read( tmp, size, offset ); if( strncmp( data, tmp, size ) != 0 ) { printf( "Error\n" ); printf( "%.*s", size, data ); printf( "\n"); printf( "%.*s", size, tmp ); } free(tmp); } */ /////////////////////////////// closeAcccess( &request ); return writtenBytes; } /* * Writes Data in a bigblock, offset reltive to start of bigblock * */ int writeToBigBlock(unsigned long bigBlockId, const char *data, off_t offset,size_t size) { int writtenBytes = 0; if( filePointers[bigBlockId] == 0 ) { createBigBlock( bigBlockId ); } int firstSmallBlock = getSmallBlockId( offset ); int lastSmallBlock = getSmallBlockId( offset + size - 1) ; if( firstSmallBlock > 255 || lastSmallBlock > 255 ) { printf( "Error SmallBLock > 255" ); } int blockState[8] ; pread( fh, &blockState, sizeof( int ) * 8, ( (off_t) filePointers[bigBlockId] ) ); //If not on Block border and don't have this block, get the data. if( ( offset % 4096 != 0 ) && ( !TestBit( blockState, firstSmallBlock ) ) ) { size_t sizeToPrepend = offset % 4096; char *startData = calloc(sizeToPrepend,1); off_t offsetToPrepend = offset + ( bigBlockId * ( 4096 * 256 ) ) - sizeToPrepend; if( ( ( ( uint64_t ) offsetToPrepend ) + ( ( uint64_t ) sizeToPrepend) ) > remoteImageSize ) { sizeToPrepend = remoteImageSize-offsetToPrepend; } if( ( ( uint64_t ) offsetToPrepend ) < remoteImageSize ) { imageReadInternal( startData, sizeToPrepend, offsetToPrepend ); } pwrite( fh, startData, ( offset % 4096 ),( (off_t) filePointers[bigBlockId] + 4096 + offset - sizeToPrepend ) ); free( startData ); } int written = ( int ) pwrite( fh, data, size, ( (off_t) filePointers[bigBlockId] + 4096 + offset ) ); if( written < 0 ){ printf ( "Error on writing to Cow File, size: %zu offset: %"PRIu64"\n Error: %s \n", size, filePointers[bigBlockId] + 4096 + offset, strerror( errno ) ); }else { writtenBytes += written; } //If not on Block border and don't have this block, get the data. if( ( ( offset + size ) % 4096 != 0 ) && ( !TestBit( blockState, lastSmallBlock ) ) ) { size_t sizeToAppend= 4096 - ( ( ( ( size_t ) offset ) + size ) % 4096 ); off_t offsetToAppend = bigBlockId * 256 * 4096 +( ( off_t ) offset ) + size; char *startData = calloc( sizeToAppend, 1 ); if( ( ( ( size_t ) offsetToAppend ) + sizeToAppend ) > remoteImageSize ) { sizeToAppend = remoteImageSize - offsetToAppend; } if( ( ( size_t ) offsetToAppend) < remoteImageSize ) { imageReadInternal( startData, sizeToAppend, offsetToAppend ); } pwrite( fh, startData, ( 4096 -( ( ( ( size_t ) offset ) + size ) % 4096 ) ), ( (off_t) filePointers[bigBlockId] + 4096 + offset + size ) ); free( startData ); } for ( long i = firstSmallBlock; i <= lastSmallBlock; i++ ) { SetBit( blockState, i ); } pwrite( fh, &blockState, sizeof( int32_t ) * 8, ( (off_t) filePointers[bigBlockId] ) ); return writtenBytes; } int getSmallBlockId(off_t offset) { return ( int ) ( offset / 4096 ) % 256; } int cow_read(char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset) { unsigned long bigBlockStartId = offset / ( 4096 * 256 ); unsigned long bigBlockEndId = ( offset + size - 1) / ( 4096 * 256 ); unsigned long bigBlockId = bigBlockStartId; cow_request request = getAccess( offset, size ); size_t bigBlockStart = ( bigBlockId * ( 4096 * 256 ) ); size_t bigBlockOffset = offset- bigBlockStart; // how much i can read from this block size_t sizeToBigBlock = ( ( 4096 * 256 ) - bigBlockOffset ); if( sizeToBigBlock > size) { sizeToBigBlock = size; } int bytesRead = readBigBlock( bigBlockStartId, buf, sizeToBigBlock, bigBlockOffset ); if( bigBlockStartId != bigBlockEndId && ( size - sizeToBigBlock ) > 0 ) { bytesRead += readBigBlock( bigBlockEndId, buf + sizeToBigBlock, ( size - sizeToBigBlock ), 0 ); } closeAcccess( &request ); return bytesRead; } int readBigBlock(long bigBlockId, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset) { // If block isn't local if(filePointers[bigBlockId] == 0) { return imageReadInternal( buf, size, ( offset + ( bigBlockId * ( 4096 * 256 ) ) ) ); } int blockState[8]; pread( fh, &blockState, sizeof( int ) * 8, ( (off_t) filePointers[bigBlockId] )); int block = getSmallBlockId( offset ); int endBlock = getSmallBlockId( offset + size - 1 ); size_t readBytes = 0; while( readBytes < size ) { if( !TestBit( blockState, block ) ) { while( !TestBit( blockState, block ) && block != endBlock ) { block++; if( block > 255 ) { printf( "ERROR SmallBlack id > 255" ); } } off_t startOffset = offset + readBytes; size_t sizeToRead = ( ( block + 1 ) * 4096 ) - startOffset; if( sizeToRead > size - readBytes ) { sizeToRead = size - readBytes; } size_t sizeToRemoteRead = sizeToRead; if( ( ( uint64_t ) sizeToRead ) + ( ( uint64_t ) startOffset ) > remoteImageSize ) { if( ( ( uint64_t ) startOffset ) > remoteImageSize ) { sizeToRemoteRead = 0; } else { sizeToRemoteRead = ( ( size_t ) remoteImageSize ) - startOffset; } } startOffset = startOffset + ( bigBlockId * 4096 * 256 ); if( sizeToRemoteRead > 0 ) { readBytes += imageReadInternal( (buf + readBytes), sizeToRemoteRead, startOffset ); } /* char str[sizeToRemoteRead]; readBytes += imageReadInternal( str, sizeToRemoteRead, startOffset ); memcpy( buf + readBytes, str, sizeToRemoteRead ); */ if( readBytes < sizeToRead ) { for( int i = ( ( int )readBytes ); readBytes < sizeToRead; i++ ) { buf[i] = 0; readBytes++; } } } else { while( TestBit( blockState, block ) && block != endBlock) { block++; if( block > 255 ) { printf( "ERROR SmallBlack id > 255" ); } } off_t startOffset = offset + readBytes; size_t sizeToRead = ( ( block + 1 ) * 4096) - startOffset; if( sizeToRead > size - readBytes ) { sizeToRead = size - readBytes; } //read Data local size_t singleReadBytes = pread(fh, (buf + readBytes), sizeToRead, ( (off_t) filePointers[bigBlockId] + 4096 + startOffset ) ); /* char str[sizeToRead]; size_t singleReadBytes = pread(fh, str, sizeToRead, ( (off_t) filePointers[bigBlockId] + 4096 + startOffset ) ); memcpy( buf + readBytes, str, sizeToRead); */ if (singleReadBytes < sizeToRead) { printf("Error on reading data from COW File. File end reached?"); } readBytes += singleReadBytes; } } return (int) readBytes; }