#include "globals.h" #include "ini.h" #include "../shared/log.h" #include "../types.h" #include #include #include char *_configDir = NULL; char *_basePath = NULL; bool _vmdkLegacyMode = false; volatile bool _shutdown = false; int _serverPenalty = 0; int _clientPenalty = 0; bool _isProxy = false; bool _proxyPrivateOnly = false; bool _backgroundReplication = true; int _listenPort = PORT; int _uplinkTimeout = 1250; int _clientTimeout = 15000; #define SAVE_TO_VAR_STR(ss, kk) do { if (strcmp(section, #ss) == 0 && strcmp(key, #kk) == 0) { if (_ ## kk != NULL) free(_ ## kk); _ ## kk = strdup(value); } } while (0) #define SAVE_TO_VAR_BOOL(ss, kk) do { if (strcmp(section, #ss) == 0 && strcmp(key, #kk) == 0) _ ## kk = atoi(value) != 0 || strcmp(value, "true") == 0 || strcmp(value, "True") == 0 || strcmp(value, "TRUE") == 0; } while (0) #define SAVE_TO_VAR_INT(ss, kk) do { if (strcmp(section, #ss) == 0 && strcmp(key, #kk) == 0) _ ## kk = atoi(value); } while (0) static void handleMaskString( const char *value, void(*func)(logmask_t) ); static int ini_handler(void *custom UNUSED, const char* section, const char* key, const char* value) { if ( _basePath == NULL ) SAVE_TO_VAR_STR( dnbd3, basePath ); SAVE_TO_VAR_BOOL( dnbd3, vmdkLegacyMode ); SAVE_TO_VAR_BOOL( dnbd3, isProxy ); SAVE_TO_VAR_BOOL( dnbd3, proxyPrivateOnly ); SAVE_TO_VAR_BOOL( dnbd3, backgroundReplication ); SAVE_TO_VAR_INT( dnbd3, serverPenalty ); SAVE_TO_VAR_INT( dnbd3, clientPenalty ); SAVE_TO_VAR_INT( dnbd3, uplinkTimeout ); SAVE_TO_VAR_INT( dnbd3, clientTimeout ); SAVE_TO_VAR_INT( dnbd3, listenPort ); if ( strcmp( section, "logging" ) == 0 && strcmp( key, "fileMask" ) == 0 ) handleMaskString( value, &log_setFileMask ); if ( strcmp( section, "logging" ) == 0 && strcmp( key, "consoleMask" ) == 0 ) handleMaskString( value, &log_setConsoleMask ); if ( strcmp( section, "logging" ) == 0 && strcmp( key, "file" ) == 0 ) { if ( log_openLogFile( value ) ) { logadd( LOG_INFO, "Opened log file %s", value ); } else { logadd( LOG_ERROR, "Could not open log file %s", value ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } return 1; } void globals_loadConfig() { char *name = NULL; asprintf( &name, "%s/%s", _configDir, CONFIG_FILENAME ); if ( name == NULL ) return; ini_parse( name, &ini_handler, NULL ); free( name ); // Validate settings after loading: // base path for images valid? if ( _basePath == NULL || _basePath[0] == '\0' ) { logadd( LOG_ERROR, "Need to specify basePath in " CONFIG_FILENAME ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if ( _basePath[0] != '/' ) { logadd( LOG_ERROR, "_basePath must be absolute!" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } char *end = _basePath + strlen( _basePath ) - 1; while ( end >= _basePath && *end == '/' ) *end-- = '\0'; // listen port if ( _listenPort < 1 || _listenPort > 65535 ) { logadd( LOG_ERROR, "listenPort must be 1-65535, but is %d", _listenPort ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } // Silently "fix" invalid values if ( _serverPenalty < 0 ) _serverPenalty = 0; if ( _clientPenalty < 0 ) _clientPenalty = 0; } #define SETLOGBIT(name) do { if ( strstr( value, #name ) != NULL ) mask |= LOG_ ## name; } while (0) static void handleMaskString( const char *value, void(*func)(logmask_t) ) { logmask_t mask = 0; SETLOGBIT( ERROR ); SETLOGBIT( WARNING ); SETLOGBIT( MINOR ); SETLOGBIT( INFO ); SETLOGBIT( DEBUG1 ); SETLOGBIT( DEBUG2 ); (*func)( mask ); }