#ifndef _LOCKS_H_ #define _LOCKS_H_ #include #ifdef _DEBUG #include #include #include #define spin_init( lock, type ) debug_spin_init( #lock, __FILE__, __LINE__, lock, type) #define spin_lock( lock ) debug_spin_lock( #lock, __FILE__, __LINE__, lock) #define spin_trylock( lock ) debug_spin_trylock( #lock, __FILE__, __LINE__, lock) #define spin_unlock( lock ) debug_spin_unlock( #lock, __FILE__, __LINE__, lock) #define spin_destroy( lock ) debug_spin_destroy( #lock, __FILE__, __LINE__, lock) int debug_spin_init(const char *name, const char *file, int line, pthread_spinlock_t *lock, int shared); int debug_spin_lock(const char *name, const char *file, int line, pthread_spinlock_t *lock); int debug_spin_trylock(const char *name, const char *file, int line, pthread_spinlock_t *lock); int debug_spin_unlock(const char *name, const char *file, int line, pthread_spinlock_t *lock); int debug_spin_destroy(const char *name, const char *file, int line, pthread_spinlock_t *lock); void debug_dump_lock_stats(); #else #define spin_init( lock, type ) pthread_spin_init(lock, type) #define spin_lock( lock ) pthread_spin_lock(lock) #define spin_trylock( lock ) pthread_spin_trylock(lock) #define spin_unlock( lock ) pthread_spin_unlock(lock) #define spin_destroy( lock ) pthread_spin_destroy(lock) #endif #ifdef DEBUG_THREADS extern int debugThreadCount; #define thread_create(thread,attr,routine,arg) (logadd( LOG_THREAD CREATE, "%d @ %s:%d\n", debugThreadCount, __FILE__, (int)__LINE__), debug_thread_create(thread, attr, routine, arg)) static inline pthread_t debug_thread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*start_routine)(void*), void *arg) { int i; if (attr == NULL || pthread_attr_getdetachstate(attr, &i) != 0 || i == PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE) { ++debugThreadCount; } return pthread_create( thread, attr, start_routine, arg ); } #define thread_detach(thread) (logadd( LOG_THREAD DETACH, "%d @ %s:%d\n", debugThreadCount, __FILE__, __LINE__), debug_thread_detach(thread)) static inline int debug_thread_detach(pthread_t thread) { const int ret = pthread_detach(thread); if (ret == 0) { --debugThreadCount; } else { logadd( LOG_THREAD DETACH, "Tried to detach invalid thread (error %d)\n", (int)errno); exit(1); } return ret; } #define thread_join(thread,value) (logadd( LOG_THREAD JOIN, "%d @ %s:%d\n", debugThreadCount, __FILE__, __LINE__), debug_thread_join(thread,value)) static inline int debug_thread_join(pthread_t thread, void **value_ptr) { const int ret = pthread_join(thread, value_ptr); if (ret == 0) { --debugThreadCount; } else { logadd( LOG_THREAD JOIN, "Tried to join invalid thread (error %d)\n", (int)errno); exit(1); } return ret; } #else #define thread_create(thread,attr,routine,param) pthread_create( thread, attr, routine, param ) #define thread_detach(thread) pthread_detach( thread ) #define thread_join(thread,value) pthread_join( thread, value ) #endif void debug_locks_start_watchdog(); void debug_locks_stop_watchdog(); #endif /* LOCKS_H_ */