/* * This file is part of the Distributed Network Block Device 3 * * Copyright(c) 2011-2012 Johann Latocha * * This file may be licensed under the terms of of the * GNU General Public License Version 2 (the ``GPL''). * * Software distributed under the License is distributed * on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the GPL for the specific language * governing rights and limitations. * * You should have received a copy of the GPL along with this * program. If not, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sockhelper.h" #include "helper.h" #include "server.h" #include "image.h" #include "uplink.h" #include "memlog.h" #include "../serialize.h" #include "../config.h" #include "../types.h" #include "locks.h" static inline char recv_request_header(int sock, dnbd3_request_t *request) { int ret; // Read request header from socket if ( (ret = recv( sock, request, sizeof(*request), MSG_WAITALL )) != sizeof(*request) ) { if ( ret == 0 ) return 0; printf( "[DEBUG] Error receiving request: Could not read message header (%d/%d)\n", ret, (int)sizeof(*request) ); return FALSE; } // Make sure all bytes are in the right order (endianness) fixup_request( *request ); if ( request->magic != dnbd3_packet_magic ) { printf( "[DEBUG] Magic in client request incorrect (cmd: %d, len: %d)\n", (int)request->cmd, (int)request->size ); return FALSE; } // Payload sanity check if ( request->cmd != CMD_GET_BLOCK && request->size > MAX_PAYLOAD ) { memlogf( "[WARNING] Client tries to send a packet of type %d with %d bytes payload. Dropping client.", (int)request->cmd, (int)request->size ); return FALSE; } #ifdef _DEBUG if ( _fake_delay ) usleep( _fake_delay ); #endif return TRUE; } static inline char recv_request_payload(int sock, uint32_t size, serialized_buffer_t *payload) { if ( size == 0 ) { memlogf( "[BUG] Called recv_request_payload() to receive 0 bytes" ); return FALSE; } if ( size > MAX_PAYLOAD ) { memlogf( "[BUG] Called recv_request_payload() for more bytes than the passed buffer could hold!" ); return FALSE; } if ( recv( sock, payload->buffer, size, MSG_WAITALL ) != size ) { printf( "[ERROR] Could not receive request payload of length %d\n", (int)size ); return FALSE; } // Prepare payload buffer for reading serializer_reset_read( payload, size ); return TRUE; } static inline char send_reply(int sock, dnbd3_reply_t *reply, void *payload) { const unsigned int size = reply->size; fixup_reply( *reply ); if ( !payload || size == 0 ) { if ( send( sock, reply, sizeof(dnbd3_reply_t), MSG_WAITALL ) != sizeof(dnbd3_reply_t) ) { printf( "[DEBUG] Send failed (header-only)\n" ); return FALSE; } } else { struct iovec iov[2]; iov[0].iov_base = reply; iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(dnbd3_reply_t); iov[1].iov_base = payload; iov[1].iov_len = size; if ( writev( sock, iov, 2 ) != sizeof(dnbd3_reply_t) + size ) { printf( "[DEBUG] Send failed (reply with payload of %u bytes)\n", size ); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } void *net_client_handler(void *dnbd3_client) { dnbd3_client_t *client = (dnbd3_client_t *)(uintptr_t)dnbd3_client; dnbd3_request_t request; dnbd3_reply_t reply; dnbd3_image_t *image = NULL; int image_file = -1; int num; int bOk = FALSE; serialized_buffer_t payload; char *image_name; uint16_t rid, client_version; /* char map_x, bit_mask; uint64_t map_y; uint64_t todo_size = 0; uint64_t todo_offset = 0; uint64_t cur_offset = 0; uint64_t last_offset = 0; */ dnbd3_server_entry_t server_list[NUMBER_SERVERS]; // Set to zero to make valgrind happy memset( &reply, 0, sizeof(reply) ); memset( &payload, 0, sizeof(payload) ); reply.magic = dnbd3_packet_magic; // Receive first packet. This must be CMD_SELECT_IMAGE by protocol specification if ( recv_request_header( client->sock, &request ) ) { if ( request.cmd != CMD_SELECT_IMAGE ) { printf( "[DEBUG] Client sent invalid handshake (%d). Dropping Client\n", (int)request.cmd ); } else { if ( recv_request_payload( client->sock, request.size, &payload ) ) { client_version = serializer_get_uint16( &payload ); image_name = serializer_get_string( &payload ); rid = serializer_get_uint16( &payload ); client->is_server = serializer_get_uint8( &payload ); if ( request.size < 3 || !image_name || client_version < MIN_SUPPORTED_CLIENT ) { if ( client_version < MIN_SUPPORTED_CLIENT ) { printf( "[DEBUG] Client too old\n" ); } else { printf( "[DEBUG] Incomplete handshake received\n" ); } } else { image = image_get( image_name, rid ); if ( image == NULL ) { printf( "[DEBUG] Client requested non-existent image '%s' (rid:%d), rejected\n", image_name, (int)rid ); } else if ( !image->working ) { printf( "[DEBUG] Client requested non-working image '%s' (rid:%d), rejected\n", image_name, (int)rid ); } else { image_file = open( image->path, O_RDONLY ); if ( image_file >= 0 ) { serializer_reset_write( &payload ); serializer_put_uint16( &payload, PROTOCOL_VERSION ); serializer_put_string( &payload, image->lower_name ); serializer_put_uint16( &payload, image->rid ); serializer_put_uint64( &payload, image->filesize ); reply.cmd = CMD_SELECT_IMAGE; reply.size = serializer_get_written_length( &payload ); if ( send_reply( client->sock, &reply, &payload ) ) { client->image = image; if ( !client->is_server ) image->atime = time( NULL ); bOk = TRUE; } } } } } } } // client handling mainloop if ( bOk ) { while ( recv_request_header( client->sock, &request ) ) { switch ( request.cmd ) { case CMD_GET_BLOCK: if ( request.offset >= image->filesize ) { // Sanity check memlogf( "[WARNING] Client requested non-existent block" ); reply.size = 0; reply.cmd = CMD_ERROR; send_reply( client->sock, &reply, NULL ); break; } if ( request.offset + request.size > image->filesize ) { // Sanity check memlogf( "[WARNING] Client requested data block that extends beyond image size" ); reply.size = 0; reply.cmd = CMD_ERROR; send_reply( client->sock, &reply, NULL ); break; } if ( request.size > image->filesize ) { // Sanity check memlogf( "[WARNING] Client requested data block that is bigger than the image size" ); reply.size = 0; reply.cmd = CMD_ERROR; send_reply( client->sock, &reply, NULL ); break; } reply.cmd = CMD_GET_BLOCK; reply.size = request.size; reply.handle = request.handle; fixup_reply( reply ); if ( send( client->sock, &reply, sizeof(dnbd3_reply_t), MSG_MORE ) != sizeof(dnbd3_reply_t) ) { printf( "[DEBUG] Sending CMD_GET_BLOCK header failed\n" ); goto exit_client_cleanup; } if ( request.size == 0 ) { // Request for 0 bytes, done after sending header send( client->sock, &reply, 0, 0 ); // Since we used MSG_MORE above... break; } // no cache map means image is complete if ( image->cache_map == NULL ) { const ssize_t ret = sendfile( client->sock, image_file, (off_t *)&request.offset, request.size ); if ( ret != request.size ) { printf( "[ERROR] sendfile failed (image to net %d/%d)\n", (int)ret, (int)request.size ); goto exit_client_cleanup; } break; } printf( "[DEBUG] Caching/Proxying not implemented yet!\n" ); goto exit_client_cleanup; /* // caching is on dirty = 0; todo_size = 0; todo_offset = request.offset; cur_offset = request.offset; last_offset = request.offset + request.size; // first make sure the whole requested part is in the local cache file while(cur_offset < last_offset) { map_y = cur_offset >> 15; // div 32768 map_x = (cur_offset >> 12) & 7; // (X div 4096) mod 8 bit_mask = 0b00000001 << (map_x); cur_offset += 4096; if ((image->cache_map[map_y] & bit_mask) != 0) // cache hit { if (todo_size != 0) // fetch missing chunks { lseek(image_cache, todo_offset, SEEK_SET); if (sendfile(image_cache, image_file, (off_t *) &todo_offset, todo_size) != todo_size) { if (image->file == NULL) printf("[ERROR] Device was closed when local copy was incomplete."); printf("[ERROR] sendfile failed (copy to cache 1)\n"); goto exit_client_cleanup; } todo_size = 0; dirty = 1; } todo_offset = cur_offset; } else { todo_size += 4096; } } // whole request was missing if (todo_size != 0) { lseek(image_cache, todo_offset, SEEK_SET); if (sendfile(image_cache, image_file, (off_t *) &todo_offset, todo_size) != todo_size) { printf("[ERROR] sendfile failed (copy to cache 2)\n"); goto exit_client_cleanup; } dirty = 1; } if (dirty) // cache map needs to be updated as something was missing locally { // set 1 in cache map for whole request cur_offset = request.offset; while(cur_offset < last_offset) { map_y = cur_offset >> 15; map_x = (cur_offset >> 12) & 7; // mod 8 bit_mask = 0b00000001 << (map_x); image->cache_map[map_y] |= bit_mask; cur_offset += 4096; } } // send data to client if (sendfile(client->sock, image_cache, (off_t *) &request.offset, request.size) != request.size) { memlogf("[ERROR] sendfile failed (cache to net)\n"); close(client->sock); client->sock = -1; } */ break; case CMD_GET_SERVERS: client->is_server = FALSE; // Only clients request list of servers // Build list of known working alt servers num = uplink_get_matching_alt_servers( &client->host, server_list, NUMBER_SERVERS ); reply.cmd = CMD_GET_SERVERS; reply.size = num * sizeof(dnbd3_server_entry_t); send_reply( client->sock, &reply, server_list ); break; case CMD_KEEPALIVE: reply.cmd = CMD_KEEPALIVE; reply.size = 0; send_reply( client->sock, &reply, NULL ); break; case CMD_SET_CLIENT_MODE: image->atime = time( NULL ); break; case CMD_GET_CRC32: reply.cmd = CMD_GET_CRC32; if ( image->crc32 == NULL ) { reply.size = 0; } else { reply.size = IMGSIZE_TO_HASHBLOCKS(image->filesize) * 4; } send_reply( client->sock, &reply, image->crc32 ); break; default: memlogf( "[ERROR] Unknown command: %d", (int)request.cmd ); break; } /* // Check for messages that have been queued from another thread while ( client->sendqueue != NULL ) { dnbd3_binstring_t *message = NULL; spin_lock( &client->lock ); if ( client->sendqueue != NULL ) { message = client->sendqueue->data; client->sendqueue = g_slist_remove( client->sendqueue, message ); } spin_unlock( &client->lock ); send_data( client->sock, message->data, message->len ); free( message ); } */ } } exit_client_cleanup: ; if ( image_file != -1 ) close( image_file ); dnbd3_remove_client( client ); client = dnbd3_free_client( client ); pthread_exit( (void *)0 ); }