#include "rpc.h" #include "helper.h" #include "net.h" #include "uplink.h" #include "locks.h" #include "image.h" #include "altservers.h" #include "../shared/sockhelper.h" #include "../version.h" #include "fileutil.h" #include "picohttpparser/picohttpparser.h" #include "urldecode.h" #include "reference.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if JANSSON_VERSION_HEX < 0x020600 #define json_stringn_nocheck(a,b) json_string_nocheck(a) #endif #define ACL_ALL 0x7fffffff #define ACL_STATS 1 #define ACL_CLIENT_LIST 2 #define ACL_IMAGE_LIST 4 #define ACL_CONFIG 8 #define ACL_LOG 16 #define ACL_ALTSERVERS 32 #define HTTP_CLOSE 4 #define HTTP_KEEPALIVE 9 // Make sure compiler does not reserve more space for static strings than required (or rather, does not tell so in sizeof calls) // TODO Might be time for a dedicated string.h _Static_assert( sizeof("test") == 5 && sizeof("test2") == 6, "Stringsize messup :/" ); #define STRCMP(str,chr) ( (str).s != NULL && (str).l == sizeof(chr)-1 && strncmp( (str).s, (chr), MIN((str).l, sizeof(chr)-1) ) == 0 ) #define STRSTART(str,chr) ( (str).s != NULL && (str).l >= sizeof(chr)-1 && strncmp( (str).s, (chr), MIN((str).l, sizeof(chr)-1) ) == 0 ) #define SETSTR(name,value) do { name.s = value; name.l = sizeof(value)-1; } while (0) #define DEFSTR(name,value) static struct string name = { .s = value, .l = sizeof(value)-1 }; #define chartolower(c) ((char)( (c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z' ? (c) + ('a'-'A') : (c) )) DEFSTR(STR_CONNECTION, "connection") DEFSTR(STR_CLOSE, "close") DEFSTR(STR_QUERY, "/query") DEFSTR(STR_CACHEMAP, "/cachemap") DEFSTR(STR_Q, "q") DEFSTR(STR_ID, "id") static inline bool equals(struct string *s1,struct string *s2) { if ( s1->s == NULL ) { return s2->s == NULL; } else if ( s2->s == NULL || s1->l != s2->l ) { return false; } return memcmp( s1->s, s2->s, s1->l ) == 0; } static inline bool iequals(struct string *cmpMixed, struct string *cmpLower) { if ( cmpMixed->s == NULL ) { return cmpLower->s == NULL; } else if ( cmpLower->s == NULL || cmpMixed->l != cmpLower->l ) { return false; } for ( size_t i = 0; i < cmpMixed->l; ++i ) { if ( chartolower( cmpMixed->s[i] ) != cmpLower->s[i] ) return false; } return true; } #define MAX_ACLS 100 static int aclCount = 0; static dnbd3_access_rule_t aclRules[MAX_ACLS]; static json_int_t randomRunId; static pthread_mutex_t aclLock; #define MAX_CLIENTS 50 #define CUTOFF_START 40 static struct { atomic_int count; atomic_bool overloaded; } status; static bool handleStatus(int sock, int permissions, struct field *fields, size_t fields_num, int keepAlive); static bool handleCacheMap(int sock, int permissions, struct field *fields, size_t fields_num, int keepAlive); static bool sendReply(int sock, const char *status, const char *ctype, const char *payload, ssize_t plen, int keepAlive); static void parsePath(struct string *path, struct string *file, struct field *getv, size_t *getc); static bool hasHeaderValue(struct phr_header *headers, size_t numHeaders, struct string *name, struct string *value); static int getacl(dnbd3_host_t *host); static void addacl(int argc, char **argv, void *data); static void loadAcl(); void rpc_init() { mutex_init( &aclLock, LOCK_RPC_ACL ); randomRunId = (((json_int_t)getpid()) << 16) | (json_int_t)time(NULL); // if ( sizeof(randomRunId) > 4 ) { int fd = open( "/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY ); if ( fd != -1 ) { uint32_t bla = 1; (void)!read( fd, &bla, 4 ); randomRunId = (randomRunId << 32) | bla; } close( fd ); } loadAcl(); } #define UPDATE_LOADSTATE(cnt) do { \ if ( cnt < (CUTOFF_START/2) ) { \ if ( status.overloaded ) status.overloaded = false; \ } else if ( cnt > CUTOFF_START ) { \ if ( !status.overloaded ) status.overloaded = true; \ } \ } while (0) void rpc_sendStatsJson(int sock, dnbd3_host_t* host, const void* data, const int dataLen) { int permissions = getacl( host ); if ( permissions == 0 ) { sendReply( sock, "403 Forbidden", "text/plain", "Access denied", -1, HTTP_CLOSE ); return; } do { const int curCount = ++status.count; UPDATE_LOADSTATE( curCount ); if ( curCount > MAX_CLIENTS ) { sendReply( sock, "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable", "text/plain", "Too many HTTP clients", -1, HTTP_CLOSE ); goto func_return; } } while (0); char headerBuf[3000]; if ( dataLen > 0 ) { // We call this function internally with a maximum data len of sizeof(dnbd3_request_t) so no bounds checking memcpy( headerBuf, data, dataLen ); } size_t hoff = dataLen; bool hasName = false; bool ok; int keepAlive = HTTP_KEEPALIVE; while ( !_shutdown ) { // Read request from client struct phr_header headers[100]; size_t numHeaders, prevLen = 0, consumed; struct string method, path; int minorVersion; while ( !_shutdown ) { // Parse before calling recv, there might be a complete pipelined request in the buffer already // If the request is incomplete, we allow exactly one additional recv() to complete it. // This should suffice for real world scenarios as I don't know of any // HTTP client that sends the request headers in multiple packets. Even // with pipelining this should not break as we re-enter this loop after // processing the requests one by one, so a potential partial request in the // buffer will get another recv() (blocking mode) // The alternative would be manual tracking of idle/request time to protect // against never ending requests (slowloris) int pret; if ( hoff >= sizeof(headerBuf) ) goto func_return; // Request too large if ( hoff != 0 ) { numHeaders = 100; pret = phr_parse_request( headerBuf, hoff, &method, &path, &minorVersion, headers, &numHeaders, prevLen ); } else { // Nothing in buffer yet, just set to -2 which is the phr goto func_return code for "partial request" pret = -2; } if ( pret > 0 ) { // > 0 means parsing completed without error consumed = (size_t)pret; break; } // Reaching here means partial request or parse error if ( pret == -2 ) { // Partial, keep reading prevLen = hoff; #ifdef AFL_MODE ssize_t ret = recv( 0, headerBuf + hoff, sizeof(headerBuf) - hoff, 0 ); #else ssize_t ret = recv( sock, headerBuf + hoff, sizeof(headerBuf) - hoff, 0 ); #endif if ( ret == 0 ) goto func_return; if ( ret == -1 ) { if ( errno == EINTR ) continue; if ( errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK ) { sendReply( sock, "500 Internal Server Error", "text/plain", "Server made a boo-boo", -1, HTTP_CLOSE ); } goto func_return; // Timeout or unknown error } hoff += ret; } else { // Parse error sendReply( sock, "400 Bad Request", "text/plain", "Server cannot understand what you're trying to say", -1, HTTP_CLOSE ); goto func_return; } } // Loop while request header incomplete if ( _shutdown ) break; if ( keepAlive == HTTP_KEEPALIVE ) { // Only keep the connection alive (and indicate so) if the client seems to support this if ( minorVersion == 0 || hasHeaderValue( headers, numHeaders, &STR_CONNECTION, &STR_CLOSE ) ) { keepAlive = HTTP_CLOSE; } else { // And if there aren't too many active HTTP sessions if ( status.overloaded ) keepAlive = HTTP_CLOSE; } } if ( method.s != NULL && path.s != NULL ) { // Basic data filled from request parser // Handle stuff struct string file; struct field getv[10]; size_t getc = 10; parsePath( &path, &file, getv, &getc ); if ( method.s && method.s[0] == 'P' ) { // POST only methods } // Don't care if GET or POST if ( equals( &file, &STR_QUERY ) ) { ok = handleStatus( sock, permissions, getv, getc, keepAlive ); } else if ( equals( &file, &STR_CACHEMAP ) ) { ok = handleCacheMap( sock, permissions, getv, getc, keepAlive ); } else { ok = sendReply( sock, "404 Not found", "text/plain", "Nothing", -1, keepAlive ); } if ( !ok ) break; } // hoff might be beyond end if the client sent another request (burst) const ssize_t extra = hoff - consumed; if ( extra > 0 ) { memmove( headerBuf, headerBuf + consumed, extra ); } hoff = extra; if ( !hasName ) { hasName = true; setThreadName( "HTTP" ); } } // Loop while more requests func_return:; do { const int curCount = --status.count; UPDATE_LOADSTATE( curCount ); } while (0); } void rpc_sendErrorMessage(int sock, const char* message) { static const char *encoded = NULL; static size_t len; if ( encoded == NULL ) { json_t *tmp = json_pack( "{ss}", "errorMsg", message ); encoded = json_dumps( tmp, 0 ); json_decref( tmp ); len = strlen( encoded ); } sendReply( sock, "200 Somewhat OK", "application/json", encoded, len, HTTP_CLOSE ); } static bool handleStatus(int sock, int permissions, struct field *fields, size_t fields_num, int keepAlive) { bool ok; bool stats = false, images = false, clients = false, space = false; bool logfile = false, config = false, altservers = false, version = false; #define SETVAR(var) if ( !var && STRCMP(fields[i].value, #var) ) var = true for (size_t i = 0; i < fields_num; ++i) { if ( !equals( &fields[i].name, &STR_Q ) ) continue; SETVAR(stats); else SETVAR(space); else SETVAR(images); else SETVAR(clients); else SETVAR(logfile); else SETVAR(config); else SETVAR(altservers); else SETVAR(version); } #undef SETVAR if ( ( stats || space || version ) && !(permissions & ACL_STATS) ) { return sendReply( sock, "403 Forbidden", "text/plain", "No permission to access statistics", -1, keepAlive ); } if ( images && !(permissions & ACL_IMAGE_LIST) ) { return sendReply( sock, "403 Forbidden", "text/plain", "No permission to access image list", -1, keepAlive ); } if ( clients && !(permissions & ACL_CLIENT_LIST) ) { return sendReply( sock, "403 Forbidden", "text/plain", "No permission to access client list", -1, keepAlive ); } if ( logfile && !(permissions & ACL_LOG) ) { return sendReply( sock, "403 Forbidden", "text/plain", "No permission to access log", -1, keepAlive ); } if ( config && !(permissions & ACL_CONFIG) ) { return sendReply( sock, "403 Forbidden", "text/plain", "No permission to access config", -1, keepAlive ); } if ( altservers && !(permissions & ACL_ALTSERVERS) ) { return sendReply( sock, "403 Forbidden", "text/plain", "No permission to access altservers", -1, keepAlive ); } json_t *statisticsJson; if ( stats ) { int clientCount, serverCount; uint64_t bytesSent; const uint64_t bytesReceived = uplink_getTotalBytesReceived(); net_getStats( &clientCount, &serverCount, &bytesSent ); statisticsJson = json_pack( "{sIsIsisisIsI}", "bytesReceived", (json_int_t) bytesReceived, "bytesSent", (json_int_t) bytesSent, "clientCount", clientCount, "serverCount", serverCount, "uptime", (json_int_t) dnbd3_serverUptime(), "runId", randomRunId ); } else { statisticsJson = json_pack( "{sI}", "runId", randomRunId ); } if ( version ) { json_object_set_new( statisticsJson, "version", json_string( VERSION_STRING ) ); json_object_set_new( statisticsJson, "build", json_string( TOSTRING( BUILD_TYPE ) ) ); } if ( space ) { uint64_t spaceTotal = 0, spaceAvail = 0; file_freeDiskSpace( _basePath, &spaceTotal, &spaceAvail ); json_object_set_new( statisticsJson, "spaceTotal", json_integer( spaceTotal ) ); json_object_set_new( statisticsJson, "spaceFree", json_integer( spaceAvail ) ); } if ( clients ) { json_object_set_new( statisticsJson, "clients", net_getListAsJson() ); } if ( images ) { json_object_set_new( statisticsJson, "images", image_getListAsJson() ); } if ( logfile ) { char logbuf[4000]; ssize_t len = log_fetch( logbuf, sizeof(logbuf) ); json_t *val; if ( len <= 0 ) { val = json_null(); } else { val = json_stringn_nocheck( logbuf, (size_t)len ); } json_object_set_new( statisticsJson, "logfile", val ); } if ( config ) { char buf[2000]; size_t len = globals_dumpConfig( buf, sizeof(buf) ); json_object_set_new( statisticsJson, "config", json_stringn_nocheck( buf, len ) ); } if ( altservers ) { json_object_set_new( statisticsJson, "altservers", altservers_toJson() ); } char *jsonString = json_dumps( statisticsJson, 0 ); json_decref( statisticsJson ); ok = sendReply( sock, "200 OK", "application/json", jsonString, -1, keepAlive ); free( jsonString ); return ok; } static bool handleCacheMap(int sock, int permissions, struct field *fields, size_t fields_num, int keepAlive) { if ( !(permissions & ACL_IMAGE_LIST) ) { return sendReply( sock, "403 Forbidden", "text/plain", "No permission to access image list", -1, keepAlive ); } int imgId = -1; static const char one = (char)0xff; for (size_t i = 0; i < fields_num; ++i) { if ( equals( &fields[i].name, &STR_ID ) ) { char *broken; imgId = (int)strtol( fields[i].value.s, &broken, 10 ); if ( broken != fields[i].value.s ) break; imgId = -1; } } if ( imgId == -1 ) return sendReply( sock, "400 Bad Request", "text/plain", "Missing parameter 'id'", -1, keepAlive ); dnbd3_image_t *image = image_byId( imgId ); if ( image == NULL ) return sendReply( sock, "404 Not found", "text/plain", "Image not found", -1, keepAlive ); dnbd3_cache_map_t *cache = ref_get_cachemap( image ); image_release( image ); int len; const char *map; if ( cache == NULL ) { map = &one; len = 1; } else { _Static_assert( sizeof(const char) == sizeof(_Atomic uint8_t), "Atomic assumption exploded" ); map = (const char*)cache->map; len = IMGSIZE_TO_MAPBYTES( image->virtualFilesize ); } bool ok = sendReply( sock, "200 OK", "application/octet-stream", map, len, keepAlive ); if ( cache != NULL ) { ref_put( &cache->reference ); } return ok; } static bool sendReply(int sock, const char *status, const char *ctype, const char *payload, ssize_t plen, int keepAlive) { if ( plen == -1 ) plen = strlen( payload ); char buffer[600]; const char *connection = ( keepAlive == HTTP_KEEPALIVE ) ? "Keep-Alive" : "Close"; int hlen = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "HTTP/1.1 %s\r\n" "Connection: %s\r\n" "Content-Type: %s; charset=utf-8\r\n" "Content-Length: %u\r\n" "\r\n", status, connection, ctype, (unsigned int)plen ); if ( hlen < 0 || hlen >= (int)sizeof(buffer) ) return false; // Truncated if ( send( sock, buffer, hlen, MSG_MORE ) != hlen ) return false; if ( !sock_sendAll( sock, payload, plen, 10 ) ) return false; if ( keepAlive == HTTP_CLOSE ) { // Wait for flush shutdown( sock, SHUT_WR ); #ifdef AFL_MODE sock = 0; #endif // Don't wait too long in case other side ignores the shutdown sock_setTimeout( sock, 600 ); while ( read( sock, buffer, sizeof buffer ) > 0 ); return false; } return true; } static void parsePath(struct string *path, struct string *file, struct field *getv, size_t *getc) { size_t i = 0; while ( i < path->l && path->s[i] != '?' ) ++i; if ( i == path->l ) { *getc = 0; *file = *path; return; } file->s = path->s; file->l = i; ++i; path->s += i; path->l -= i; urldecode( path, getv, getc ); path->s -= i; path->l += i; } static bool hasHeaderValue(struct phr_header *headers, size_t numHeaders, struct string *name, struct string *value) { for (size_t i = 0; i < numHeaders; ++i) { if ( !iequals( &headers[i].name, name ) ) continue; if ( iequals( &headers[i].value, value ) ) return true; } return false; } static int getacl(dnbd3_host_t *host) { if ( aclCount == 0 ) return 0x7fffff; // For now compat mode - no rules defined == all access for (int i = 0; i < aclCount; ++i) { if ( aclRules[i].bytes == 0 && aclRules[i].bitMask == 0 ) return aclRules[i].permissions; if ( memcmp( aclRules[i].host, host->addr, aclRules[i].bytes ) != 0 ) continue; if ( aclRules[i].bitMask != 0 && aclRules[i].host[aclRules[i].bytes] != ( host->addr[aclRules[i].bytes] & aclRules[i].bitMask ) ) continue; return aclRules[i].permissions; } #ifdef AFL_MODE return 0x7fffff; #else return 0; #endif } #define SETBIT(x) else if ( strcmp( argv[i], #x ) == 0 ) mask |= ACL_ ## x static void addacl(int argc, char **argv, void *data UNUSED) { if ( argv[0][0] == '#' ) return; mutex_lock( &aclLock ); if ( aclCount >= MAX_ACLS ) { logadd( LOG_WARNING, "Too many ACL rules, ignoring %s", argv[0] ); goto unlock_end; } int mask = 0; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (false) {} SETBIT(ALL); SETBIT(STATS); SETBIT(CLIENT_LIST); SETBIT(IMAGE_LIST); else logadd( LOG_WARNING, "Invalid ACL flag '%s' for %s", argv[i], argv[0] ); } if ( mask == 0 ) { logadd( LOG_INFO, "Ignoring empty rule for %s", argv[0] ); goto unlock_end; } dnbd3_host_t host; char *slash = strchr( argv[0], '/' ); if ( slash != NULL ) { *slash++ = '\0'; } if ( !parse_address( argv[0], &host ) ) goto unlock_end; long int bits; if ( slash != NULL ) { char *last; bits = strtol( slash, &last, 10 ); if ( last == slash ) slash = NULL; if ( host.type == HOST_IP4 && bits > 32 ) bits = 32; if ( bits > 128 ) bits = 128; } if ( slash == NULL ) { if ( host.type == HOST_IP4 ) { bits = 32; } else { bits = 128; } } memcpy( aclRules[aclCount].host, host.addr, 16 ); aclRules[aclCount].bytes = (int)( bits / 8 ); aclRules[aclCount].bitMask = 0; aclRules[aclCount].permissions = mask; bits %= 8; if ( bits != 0 ) { for (long int i = 0; i < bits; ++i) { aclRules[aclCount].bitMask = ( aclRules[aclCount].bitMask >> 1 ) | 0x80; } aclRules[aclCount].host[aclRules[aclCount].bytes] &= (uint8_t)aclRules[aclCount].bitMask; } // We now have .bytes set to the number of bytes to memcmp. // In case we have an odd bitmask, .bitMask will be != 0, so when comparing, // we need AND the host[.bytes] of the address to compare with the value // in .bitMask, and compate it, otherwise, a simple memcmp will do. aclCount++; unlock_end:; mutex_unlock( &aclLock ); } static void loadAcl() { static bool inProgress = false; char *fn; if ( asprintf( &fn, "%s/%s", _configDir, "rpc.acl" ) == -1 ) return; mutex_lock( &aclLock ); if ( inProgress ) { mutex_unlock( &aclLock ); return; } aclCount = 0; inProgress = true; mutex_unlock( &aclLock ); file_loadLineBased( fn, 1, 20, &addacl, NULL ); mutex_lock( &aclLock ); inProgress = false; mutex_unlock( &aclLock ); free( fn ); logadd( LOG_INFO, "%d HTTPRPC ACL rules loaded", (int)aclCount ); }