
SysInfo Class Reference

#include <sysinfo.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SysInfo ()
 ~SysInfo ()
const QString getInfo (const QString &infoName)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SysInfo::SysInfo ( )

A empty constructor.

SysInfo::~SysInfo ( )

A empty destructor.

Member Function Documentation

const QString SysInfo::getInfo ( const QString &  infoName)

This method returns system informations.

This method returns system informations according to the parameter. This method can be called from the JavascriptInterface class with the method JavascriptInterface::getSysInfo(const QString& info).

infoNameIs of type QString. Defines which method will be called. Possible values are:

  • mbserial
  • usb
QString the output of the called method or "info_error" if an error occurred (e. g. invalid parameter).
See also:
JavascriptInterface::getSysInfo(const QString& info)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

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