
ndgui Class Reference

the GUI. More...

#include <ndgui.h>

Collaboration diagram for ndgui:

List of all members.

Public Slots

void handleConnectionEstablished (QString ifName)
 handle if a interface is able to connect
void abortBoot (QString msg)
 show abortBoot dialog
void chooseInterfaceDialog (QString msg)
 opens ths chooseInterfaceDialog
void handleAllProcessesFinished ()
 determines if we continue the boot sequence or if we show the chooseInterface or abortBoot dialog
void restartSystem ()
 restart the system
void shutDownSystem ()
 shut down the system
void continueBoot (QString ifName)
 continue the boot sequence
void continueBootWithoutCheck (QString ifName)
 continue the boot sequence without further checking if the connection is still possible.
void tryAgain ()
 starts the whole application again.
void startSingleShot ()
 starts a singleshot event.
void startNetworkDiscovery ()
 start the network discovery
void attachToDOM ()
 stellt ein ndgui/fbgui Objekt zur verwendung durch die html bereit.
void loadJQuery ()
 load jQuery and js scripts into the page so that all javascript functions will work.
void addInterface (const QString &ifName)
 adds an interface to the DOM tree. Creates its progress bar and it's status label.
void updateIfStatus (const QString &ifName, const QString &status)
 update the status for each interface
void updateStatus (const QString &status)
 updates the over all status
void updateIfProgressBar (const QString &ifName, const int &percent)
 updates the progress bar for each interface.
void notifyCall (QString msg)
 just for debugging.


void initFbgui ()

Public Member Functions

 ndgui (QMainWindow *parent=0)
 ~ndgui ()
Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList getManualConfInterfaces ()
 fills the drop down box of the manual interface configuration dialog.
Q_INVOKABLE int ip4_setManualConfiguration (QVariantMap result)
 takes the entered manual configuration dates and delivers it to the networkDiscovery for further actions.
Q_INVOKABLE QString readLogFile ()
 read the log file. Log File will be presented inside of a dialog.
Q_INVOKABLE QVariantMap getInterfaceConf (QString ifName)
 return a json formated interface configuration

Detailed Description

the GUI.

This class is responsible for creating and displaying the user interface. It also connects the webView via QWebBridge to javascript functions inside the html files.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ndgui::ndgui ( QMainWindow *  parent = 0)


ndgui::~ndgui ( )


Member Function Documentation

void ndgui::abortBoot ( QString  msg) [slot]

show abortBoot dialog

msgthe message, displayed in the dialog.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ndgui::addInterface ( const QString &  ifName) [slot]

adds an interface to the DOM tree. Creates its progress bar and it's status label.

ifNamename of the new interface.
void ndgui::attachToDOM ( ) [slot]

stellt ein ndgui/fbgui Objekt zur verwendung durch die html bereit.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ndgui::chooseInterfaceDialog ( QString  msg) [slot]

opens ths chooseInterfaceDialog

msgthe interfaces as json formated string. will be displayed in a select box.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ndgui::continueBoot ( QString  ifName) [slot]

continue the boot sequence

represents the end of the NetworkDiscovery life time. will start the fbgui screen. All networkDiscovery signals will be ignored after this point.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ndgui::continueBootWithoutCheck ( QString  ifName) [slot]

continue the boot sequence without further checking if the connection is still possible.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

QVariantMap ndgui::getInterfaceConf ( QString  ifName)

return a json formated interface configuration

ifNamethe name of the interface

Here is the call graph for this function:

QVariantList ndgui::getManualConfInterfaces ( )

fills the drop down box of the manual interface configuration dialog.

void ndgui::handleAllProcessesFinished ( ) [slot]

determines if we continue the boot sequence or if we show the chooseInterface or abortBoot dialog

if we have a user choice (_userChoice = true) than networkDiscovery will emit a allProcessesFinished signal if all processes are done. This method determines if user will see an abort boot dialog (no interface names in the ifNameList list) or an choose interface dialog (one or more interface names in the list (add with handleConnectionEstablished)).

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ndgui::handleConnectionEstablished ( QString  ifName) [slot]

handle if a interface is able to connect

if we have a user choice (_userChoice = true) than networkDiscovery will emit connectionEstablished signals. Add the interface name to a _ifNameList. This list holds all interfaces the user can choose out of.

void ndgui::initFbgui ( ) [signal]

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ndgui::ip4_setManualConfiguration ( QVariantMap  jsonArr)

takes the entered manual configuration dates and delivers it to the networkDiscovery for further actions.

jsonArra jsonArr which contains the manual entered interface configuration

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ndgui::loadJQuery ( ) [slot]

load jQuery and js scripts into the page so that all javascript functions will work.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ndgui::notifyCall ( QString  msg) [slot]

just for debugging.

QString ndgui::readLogFile ( )

read the log file. Log File will be presented inside of a dialog.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ndgui::restartSystem ( ) [slot]

restart the system

this method will restart the system. triggered through a button click in the gui.

void ndgui::shutDownSystem ( ) [slot]

shut down the system

this method will restart the system. triggered through a button click in the gui.

void ndgui::startNetworkDiscovery ( ) [slot]

start the network discovery

main starting point of the whole procedure. disconnect the loadFinished signal with the startNetworkDiscovery and starts the networkDiscovery.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ndgui::startSingleShot ( ) [slot]

starts a singleshot event.

is connected to the singleShot event. Triggering this method means that we go on with the main NetworkDiscovery screen. connects the loadFinished signal of the _webView with the startNetworkDiscovery slot and removes the action.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ndgui::tryAgain ( ) [slot]

starts the whole application again.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ndgui::updateIfProgressBar ( const QString &  ifName,
const int &  percent 
) [slot]

updates the progress bar for each interface.

ifnamethe name ot the interface to update
percentthe progress in percent
void ndgui::updateIfStatus ( const QString &  ifName,
const QString &  status 
) [slot]

update the status for each interface

ifNamethe name ot the interface to update
statusthe new status of the interface.
void ndgui::updateStatus ( const QString &  status) [slot]

updates the over all status

statusthe new status message

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Files Functions Variables Defines