#include "userlist.h" #include "warn.h" #include "x11util.h" #include "util.h" #include "main.h" #include "rpc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CAP_SLEEP(newval) do { if ( (newval) < sleepTime ) sleepTime = (newval); } while (0) static time_t lastActivity; static int userCount; // Tracked user sessions #define USERS (50) static struct user *users; // List of reboot and shutdown times static const char *shutdownActions[SHUTDOWN_ENUM_END] = { [REBOOT] = "reboot", [POWEROFF] = "poweroff", [KEXEC] = "kexec", [SUSPEND] = "suspend", }; #define TABMAX (20) static struct { time_t deadline; // MONOTONIC; 0 = none, or last one was disarmed and time elapsed past deadline time_t noUserDeadline; // In case no user is logged in, consider this deadline too enum Shutdown action; bool disarmed; bool force; } nextAction; // Config via command line static struct { char *shutdownCommand; struct time shutdown[TABMAX]; int shutdowns; int poweroffTimeout; int logoutTimeout; int suspendTimeout; int saverTimeout; int dpmsTimeout; int gracePeriod; int minIdle; bool killUserProcesses; } config; static time_t combineTime( const time_t now, const struct time * time ); static void getXAuthority( struct user *user ); static bool parseCmdline( int argc, char **argv ); static void execShutdown( enum Shutdown action ); static void userLoggedOut(struct user* usr); int main( int argc, char **argv ) { int idx; time_t startWall, startMono, endWall, endMono; init_time(); if ( ! parseCmdline( argc, argv ) ) return 2; // Always line buffered output setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, -BUFSIZ ); setvbuf( stderr, NULL, _IOLBF, -BUFSIZ ); if ( _testmode ) { fprintf( stderr, "Test mode only!\n" ); } users = calloc( USERS, sizeof(*users) ); nextAction.deadline = 0; startWall = time( NULL ); startMono = now(); // Calculate shortest possible sleep time without delaying any timeout related actions int defaultSleep = 60; if ( config.logoutTimeout > 0 && config.logoutTimeout < defaultSleep ) { defaultSleep = config.logoutTimeout; } if ( config.saverTimeout > 0 && config.saverTimeout < defaultSleep ) { defaultSleep = config.saverTimeout; } if ( config.dpmsTimeout > 0 && config.dpmsTimeout < defaultSleep ) { defaultSleep = config.dpmsTimeout; } int listenFd = rpc_open(); if ( listenFd == -1 ) return 1; lastActivity = now(); for ( ;; ) { int sleepTime = defaultSleep; const int count = getUserList( users, USERS ); userCount = count; for ( idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx ) { struct user * const usr = &users[idx]; if ( !usr->online ) { if ( !usr->lastOnline ) { fprintf( stderr, "This will never happen \\o/\n" ); continue; } // User was logged in, but isn't anymore userLoggedOut( usr ); continue; } const time_t NOW = time( NULL ); const time_t monoNOW = now(); if ( *usr->display ) { // User has an X11 session going, get actual idle time struct x11state screen; getXAuthority( usr ); if ( !getX11IdleTimes( usr->xauth, usr->display, &screen ) ) { // Failed, assume active to be safe printf( "X11 query failed. Using NOW.\n "); usr->lastActivity = NOW; usr->lastActivityOffset = 0; } else { // Fiddle and fumble usr->isLocked = ( screen.saverState == SAVER_LOCKED ); if ( screen.lockTimestamp == 0 && ( NOW - usr->lockTime ) > 4 ) { // Session is not locked, unconditionally update timestamp if ( usr->lockTime != 0 ) { //printf( "%s #### Session got unlocked.\n", usr->display ); } usr->lockTime = 0; usr->lockTimeOffset = 0; usr->lastActivity = NOW - screen.idleSeconds; usr->lastActivityOffset = 0; } else if ( screen.lockTimestamp - usr->lockTime > 10 ) { // Allow for slight offset in case we manually set this // Session is locked //printf( "%s #### Session got externally locked.\n", usr->display ); usr->lockTime = screen.lockTimestamp; usr->lockTimeOffset = 0; if ( usr->lastActivity == 0 || usr->lockTime != 0 ) { // We have no activity log yet, or quickly unlocked and relocked -- update idle time usr->lastActivity = usr->lockTime; usr->lastActivityOffset = 0; } } // If this file exists, the user doesn't want screen saver or DPMS to trigger const bool useSaver = ( config.saverTimeout > 0 || config.dpmsTimeout > 0 ) && ( usr->saverFile[0] == '-' || access( usr->saverFile, F_OK ) == -1 ); const int idleTime = NOW - ( usr->lastActivity + usr->lastActivityOffset ); if ( config.dpmsTimeout > 0 && screen.screenStandby != SCREEN_UNKNOWN ) { int want = SCREEN_UNKNOWN; if ( config.logoutTimeout > 0 && idleTime + 300 > config.logoutTimeout ) { want = SCREEN_ON; } else if ( ! nextAction.disarmed && nextAction.deadline != 0 && nextAction.deadline - monoNOW < 300 ) { want = SCREEN_ON; } else if ( useSaver && idleTime > config.dpmsTimeout && screen.idleSeconds >= 60 ) { want = SCREEN_OFF; } if ( want != SCREEN_UNKNOWN && screen.screenStandby != want ) { //printf( "#### Powering %s %s.\n", usr->display, want == SCREEN_ON ? "ON" : "OFF" ); setScreenDpms( usr->xauth, usr->display, want ); } } if ( useSaver && config.saverTimeout > 0 ) { int want = SAVER_OFF; if ( config.gracePeriod >= 0 && idleTime > config.saverTimeout + config.gracePeriod && ( screen.saverState == SAVER_OFF || screen.saverState == SAVER_ACTIVE ) ) { want = SAVER_LOCKED; } else if ( idleTime > config.saverTimeout && screen.saverState == SAVER_OFF ) { want = SAVER_ACTIVE; } else if ( screen.saverState == SAVER_OFF ) { CAP_SLEEP( config.saverTimeout - idleTime ); } if ( want != SAVER_OFF ) { enableScreenSaver( usr->xauth, usr->display, want ); usr->lockTime = NOW; usr->lockTimeOffset = 0; if ( screen.screenStandby == SCREEN_OFF ) { // Screen was off before, but our ugly vmware ungrab hack might // have simulated input and woke up the screen - enable standby // again right away setScreenDpms( usr->xauth, usr->display, SCREEN_OFF ); } } } } // End X11 handling } //printf( "Have User %d: %s Locked %d (%+d) Idle %d (%+d) -- Leader: %d\n", idx, usr->user, (int)usr->lockTime, usr->lockTimeOffset, (int)usr->lastActivity, usr->lastActivityOffset, (int)usr->sessionLeader ); const int idleTime = NOW - usr->lastActivity; // See if we need to shorten sleep time for a pending session kill // or warn the user about an imminent session kill // or whether the screen saver is supposed to activate if ( config.logoutTimeout > 0 ) { // Idle logout is enabled const int remaining = config.logoutTimeout - idleTime; if ( remaining <= 2 ) { killSession( usr ); } else if ( remaining <= 65 ) { warn_showDefaultWarning( usr, WARN_LOGOUT, remaining ); CAP_SLEEP( remaining ); } else if ( remaining < 310 ) { if ( remaining % 30 < 10 ) { warn_showDefaultWarning( usr, WARN_LOGOUT_LOW, remaining ); } CAP_SLEEP( ( remaining % 30 ) - 2 ); } else { CAP_SLEEP( remaining - 305 ); } usr->logoutTime = NOW + remaining; } // Update timestamp of last use of system const time_t laMono = monoNOW - idleTime; if ( laMono > lastActivity ) { lastActivity = laMono; } } // End loop over users const time_t monoNOW = now(); // See if any reboot or poweroff is due (if none is currently pending or still 5min+ away) if ( ! nextAction.force && config.shutdowns > 0 // Next action is not forced, and have shutdown schedule // and no current action pending, or next action more than 5 mins away && ( nextAction.deadline == 0 || nextAction.deadline - monoNOW > 300 ) ) { // next action is more than 5 mins away, reset for now if ( nextAction.deadline != 0 && nextAction.deadline - monoNOW > 300 ) { nextAction.deadline = 0; } const time_t NOW = time( NULL ); time_t deadline; int delta; // Loop through all scheduled actions and find the next one for ( idx = 0; idx < config.shutdowns; ++idx ) { deadline = combineTime( NOW, &config.shutdown[idx] ); if ( deadline == 0 ) continue; delta = deadline - NOW; if ( delta >= -6 && ( nextAction.deadline == 0 || ( nextAction.deadline - monoNOW - 3 ) > delta ) ) { // Engage nextAction.deadline = monoNOW + ( delta < 0 ? 0 : delta ); nextAction.noUserDeadline = nextAction.deadline; nextAction.disarmed = false; nextAction.action = config.shutdown[idx].action; if ( delta < 300 ) { printf( "Scheduling reboot/poweroff in %d seconds\n", delta ); } CAP_SLEEP( delta ); } } } // Check unused idle time if ( count == 0 ) { if ( config.poweroffTimeout != 0 ) { int delta = config.poweroffTimeout - ( monoNOW - lastActivity ); if ( delta <= 0 ) { execShutdown( POWEROFF ); } else { CAP_SLEEP( delta ); } } if ( config.suspendTimeout != 0 ) { int delta = config.suspendTimeout - ( monoNOW - lastActivity ); if ( delta <= 0 ) { execShutdown( SUSPEND ); } else { CAP_SLEEP( delta ); } } } if ( nextAction.deadline != 0 && ( count == 0 || ( monoNOW - lastActivity ) >= config.minIdle || nextAction.force ) ) { // Some action seems pending int remaining; // No user logged in, no user deadline is max. 300 seconds in the past -> use that value if ( userCount == 0 && nextAction.noUserDeadline + 300 > monoNOW && nextAction.noUserDeadline < nextAction.deadline ) { remaining = nextAction.noUserDeadline - monoNOW; if ( remaining < 0 ) { remaining = 0; } } else { remaining = nextAction.deadline - monoNOW; } if ( remaining < -60 ) { if ( ! nextAction.disarmed ) { fprintf( stderr, "Missed planned action!? Late by %d seconds. Ignored.\n", -remaining ); } nextAction.deadline = 0; nextAction.noUserDeadline = 0; } else if ( ! nextAction.disarmed ) { if ( remaining <= 1 ) { // Execute! execShutdown( nextAction.action ); nextAction.disarmed = true; nextAction.force = false; } else if ( remaining < 310 ) { if ( remaining % 30 < 8 ) { enum Warning w = WARN_REBOOT; if ( nextAction.action == POWEROFF ) { w = WARN_POWEROFF; } for ( idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx ) { warn_showDefaultWarning( &users[idx], w, remaining ); } } CAP_SLEEP( ( remaining % 15 ) - 2 ); } else { CAP_SLEEP( remaining - 305 ); } } } do { // Handle requests const time_t oldDeadline = nextAction.deadline; // Sleep until next run int sn = sleepTime - ( endMono - startMono ); //printf( "Sleeping %d seconds\n ", sn ); if ( rpc_wait( listenFd, sn < 1 ? 1 : sn ) ) { rpc_handle( listenFd ); if ( nextAction.deadline != oldDeadline ) { // Might have set a new scheduled action, run main loop again soon CAP_SLEEP( 1 ); } else { // Otherwise, still update rather quickly, in case we get polled again CAP_SLEEP( 5 ); } } // Detect time changes endWall = time( NULL ); endMono = now(); // Sloppy way of preventing we loop too fast -- handle rpc callbacks but don't run main logic } while ( sleepTime > ( endMono - startMono ) ); // Adjust for clock changes const int diff = ( endWall - startWall ) - ( endMono - startMono ); if ( diff != 0 ) { printf( "Correcting time by %d seconds\n", diff ); for ( idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx ) { if ( users[idx].display[0] == '\0' ) continue; if ( users[idx].lockTime != 0 ) { users[idx].lockTimeOffset += diff; } users[idx].lastActivityOffset += diff; } } startWall = endWall; startMono = endMono; } return 0; } static time_t combineTime( const time_t now, const struct time * time ) { struct tm dtime; if ( localtime_r( &now, &dtime ) == NULL ) return 0; time_t result; dtime.tm_hour = time->hour; dtime.tm_min = time->minute; dtime.tm_sec = 0; result = mktime( &dtime ); if ( result + 6 < now ) { // Try again tomorrow dtime.tm_mday++; result = mktime( &dtime ); } if ( result == -1 ) { perror( "Cannot convert struct tm to time_t via mktime" ); return 0; } if ( result < now ) { fprintf( stderr, "combineTime: Even +1 day seems in the past!?\n" ); return 0; } return result; } /** * This doesn't really use any clever logic but rather assumes that * it will be $HOME/.Xauthority */ static void getXAuthority( struct user *user ) { if ( user->xauth[0] != '\0' ) return; char buffer[1000]; struct passwd p, *ok; if ( getpwnam_r( user->user, &p, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &ok ) != 0 || ok == NULL ) { user->xauth[0] = '-'; user->xauth[1] = '\0'; user->saverFile[0] = '-'; user->saverFile[1] = '\0'; return; } // Got valid data snprintf( user->saverFile, SAVERLEN, "%s/.no-saver", p.pw_dir ); snprintf( user->xauth, AUTHLEN, "%s/.Xauthority", p.pw_dir ); if ( access( user->xauth, F_OK ) == -1 ) { user->xauth[0] = '-'; user->xauth[1] = '\0'; } } // cmdline options. Only support long for now. static struct option long_options[] = { { "reboot", required_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { "poweroff", required_argument, NULL, 'p' }, { "poweroff-timeout", required_argument, NULL, 'pot' }, { "suspend-timeout", required_argument, NULL, 'sbt' }, { "logout-timeout", required_argument, NULL, 'lot' }, { "screensaver-timeout", required_argument, NULL, 'sst' }, { "dpms-timeout", required_argument, NULL, 'dpms' }, { "grace-period", required_argument, NULL, 'gp' }, { "min-idle", required_argument, NULL, 'min' }, { "cmd", required_argument, NULL, 'cmd' }, { "send", required_argument, NULL, 'send' }, { "kill-user-processes", no_argument, NULL, 'kill' }, { "test", no_argument, NULL, 't' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static bool parseTime( const char *str, struct time *result ) { char *next; result->hour = (int)strtol( str, &next, 10 ); if ( result->hour < 0 || result->hour > 24 ) return false; result->hour %= 24; // Allow 24:00 if ( *next != ':' ) return false; result->minute = (int)strtol( next + 1, &next, 10 ); if ( result->minute < 0 || result->minute > 59 ) return false; if ( *next != '\0' ) { fprintf( stderr, "Ignoring trailing garbage after minute\n" ); } return true; } /** * Parse command line and fill all the tables / vars etc. * Return false if command line is unparsable. */ static bool parseCmdline( int argc, char **argv ) { int ch; config.shutdowns = 0; config.logoutTimeout = 0; config.poweroffTimeout = 0; config.suspendTimeout = 0; config.saverTimeout = 0; config.dpmsTimeout = 0; config.gracePeriod = -1; config.shutdownCommand = NULL; config.minIdle = 0; config.killUserProcesses = false; while ( ( ch = getopt_long( argc, argv, "", long_options, NULL ) ) != -1 ) { switch ( ch ) { case 'pot': config.poweroffTimeout = atoi( optarg ); break; case 'sbt': config.suspendTimeout = atoi( optarg ); break; case 'lot': config.logoutTimeout = atoi( optarg ); break; case 'sst': config.saverTimeout = atoi( optarg ); break; case 'dpms': config.dpmsTimeout = atoi( optarg ); break; case 'gp': config.gracePeriod = atoi( optarg ); break; case 'min': config.minIdle = atoi( optarg ); break; case 'r': case 'p': if ( config.shutdowns < TABMAX ) { if ( parseTime( optarg, &config.shutdown[config.shutdowns] ) ) { config.shutdown[config.shutdowns].action = ( ch == 'r' ? REBOOT : POWEROFF ); config.shutdowns++; } else { fprintf( stderr, "Could not parse shutdown time %s\n", optarg ); } } else { fprintf( stderr, "Ignoring shutdown time %s: Table full\n", optarg ); } break; case 't': _testmode = 1; break; case 'cmd': config.shutdownCommand = strdup( optarg ); break; case 'send': exit( !rpc_send( optarg ) ); break; case 'kill': config.killUserProcesses = true; break; default: fprintf( stderr, "Unhandled command line option %d, aborting\n", ch ); return false; } } return true; } static void execShutdown( enum Shutdown action ) { if ( action < 0 && action >= SHUTDOWN_ENUM_END ) { fprintf( stderr, "Invalid shutdown action %d\n", (int)action ); return; } if ( _testmode ) { printf( "[dryrun] Not execution shutdown(%d)\n", (int)action ); return; } if ( config.shutdownCommand != NULL ) { printf( "Executing shutdown via %s %s\n", config.shutdownCommand, shutdownActions[action] ); run( true, config.shutdownCommand, shutdownActions[action], (char*)NULL ); return; } // Builtin printf( "Executing shutdown via builtin handler for %s\n", shutdownActions[action] ); switch ( action ) { case REBOOT: case POWEROFF: case SUSPEND: run( true, "systemctl", shutdownActions[action], (char*)NULL ); break; case KEXEC: run( true, "systemctl", "isolate", "kexec.target", (char*)NULL ); break; default: fprintf( stderr, "BUG! Unhandled shutdown action %d\n", (int)action ); break; } } void main_getStatus( const char **nextString, time_t *deadline, int *numUsers ) { if ( nextAction.deadline == 0 || nextAction.disarmed ) { *deadline = 0; return; } *deadline = ( nextAction.deadline - now() ) + time( NULL ); *nextString = shutdownActions[nextAction.action]; *numUsers = userCount; } struct user* main_getUser( const char *terminal ) { for ( int i = 0; i < userCount; ++i ) { if ( strcmp( users[i].device, terminal ) == 0 || strcmp( users[i].display, terminal ) == 0 ) { return &users[i]; } } return NULL; } /** * Called from RPC, only by root: Set the next action (but only * if it's sooner than anything already pending) */ void main_queueAction( enum Shutdown action, int delta ) { if ( delta < 0 || action < 0 || action >= SHUTDOWN_ENUM_END ) return; time_t monoNOW = now(); int realDelta = delta; if ( userCount != 0 ) { int idleTime = monoNOW - lastActivity; if ( idleTime < 3600 ) { if ( delta < 306 ) { delta = 306; } } else if ( idleTime < 7200 ) { if ( delta < 66 ) { delta = 66; } } } if ( nextAction.deadline == 0 || ( nextAction.deadline - monoNOW - 3 ) > delta ) { // Engage nextAction.deadline = monoNOW + delta; nextAction.noUserDeadline = monoNOW + realDelta; nextAction.disarmed = false; nextAction.force = true; nextAction.action = action; printf( "RPC: Scheduling reboot/poweroff in %d seconds\n", delta ); } } void main_warnAll( const char *message ) { for ( int idx = 0; idx < userCount; ++idx ) { warn_showCustomWarning( &users[idx], "Warning", message ); } } static void userLoggedOut(struct user* usr) { if ( !config.killUserProcesses ) return; for ( int i = 0; i < userCount; ++i ) { if (users[i].online && strcmp(users[i].user, usr->user) == 0) return; // Still an active session } struct passwd *u = getpwnam( usr->user ); if ( u == NULL || u->pw_uid < 1000 ) return; // Ignore system users printf( "Killing remaining processes of %s\n", usr->user ); run( true, "pkill", "-u", usr->user, (char*)NULL ); }