#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Generates list of supported NICs with PCI vendor/device IDs, driver name # and other useful things. # # Initial version by Robin Smidsrød # use strict; use warnings; use autodie; use v5.10; use File::stat; use File::Basename qw(basename); use File::Find (); use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); GetOptions( 'help' => \( my $help = 0 ), 'format=s' => \( my $format = 'text' ), 'sort=s' => \( my $sort = 'bus-,ipxe_driver,ipxe_name' ), 'columns=s' => \( my $columns = 'bus,vendor_id,device_id,' . 'vendor_name,device_name,ipxe_driver,' . 'ipxe_name,ipxe_description,file,legacy_api' ), 'pci-url=s' => \( my $pci_url = 'http://pciids.sourceforge.net/v2.2/pci.ids' ), 'pci-file=s' => \( my $pci_file = '/tmp/pci.ids' ), 'output=s' => \( my $output = '' ), ); die(<<"EOM") if $help; Usage: $0 [options] [] Options: --help This page --format Set output format --sort Set output sort order (comma-separated) --columns Set output columns (comma-separated) --pci-url URL to pci.ids file --pci-file Cache file for downloaded pci.ids --output Output file (not specified is STDOUT) Output formats: text, csv, json, html, dokuwiki Column names (default order): bus, vendor_id, device_id, vendor_name, device_name, ipxe_driver, ipxe_name, ipxe_description, file, legacy_api Default sort order (minus at the end means reverse sort): bus-, ipxe_driver, ipxe_name EOM # Only load runtime requirements if actually in use if ( $format =~ /csv/ ) { eval { require Text::CSV; }; die("Please install Text::CSV CPAN module to use this feature.\n") if $@; } if ( $format =~ /json/ ) { eval { require JSON; }; die("Please install JSON CPAN module to use this feature.\n") if $@; } if ( $format =~ /html/ ) { eval { require HTML::Entities; }; die("Please install HTML::Entities CPAN module to use this feature.\n") if $@; } # Scan source dir and build NIC list my $ipxe_src_dir = shift || '.'; # Default to current directory my $ipxe_nic_list = build_ipxe_nic_list( $ipxe_src_dir ); # Download pci.ids file and parse it fetch_pci_ids_file($pci_url, $pci_file); my $pci_id_map = build_pci_id_map($pci_file); # Merge 'official' vendor/device names and sort list update_ipxe_nic_names($ipxe_nic_list, $pci_id_map); my $sorted_list = sort_ipxe_nic_list($ipxe_nic_list, $sort); # Run specified formatter my $column_names = parse_columns_param($columns); say STDERR "Formatting NIC list in format '$format' with columns: " . join(", ", @$column_names); my $formatter = \&{ "format_nic_list_$format" }; my $report = $formatter->( $sorted_list, $column_names ); # Print final report if ( $output and $output ne '-' ) { say STDERR "Printing report to '$output'..."; open( my $out_fh, ">", $output ); print $out_fh $report; close($out_fh); } else { print STDOUT $report; } exit; # fetch URL into specified filename sub fetch_pci_ids_file { my ($url, $filename) = @_; my @cmd = ( "wget", "--quiet", "-O", $filename, $url ); my @touch = ( "touch", $filename ); if ( -r $filename ) { my $age = time - stat($filename)->mtime; # Refresh if older than 1 day if ( $age > 86400 ) { say STDERR "Refreshing $filename from $url..."; system(@cmd); system(@touch); } } else { say STDERR "Fetching $url into $filename..."; system(@cmd); system(@touch); } return $filename; } sub build_pci_id_map { my ($filename) = @_; say STDERR "Building PCI ID map..."; my $devices = {}; my $classes = {}; my $pci_id = qr/[[:xdigit:]]{4}/; my $c_id = qr/[[:xdigit:]]{2}/; my $non_space = qr/[^\s]/; # open pci.ids file specified open( my $fh, "<", $filename ); # For devices my $vendor_id = ""; my $vendor_name = ""; my $device_id = ""; my $device_name = ""; # For classes my $class_id = ""; my $class_name = ""; my $subclass_id = ""; my $subclass_name = ""; while(<$fh>) { # skip # and blank lines next if m/^$/; next if m/^\s*#/; # Vendors, devices and subsystems. Please keep sorted. # Syntax: # vendor vendor_name # device device_name <-- single tab # subvendor subdevice subsystem_name <-- two tabs if ( m/^ ($pci_id) \s+ ( $non_space .* ) /x ) { $vendor_id = lc $1; $vendor_name = $2; $devices->{$vendor_id} = { name => $vendor_name }; next; } if ( $vendor_id and m/^ \t ($pci_id) \s+ ( $non_space .* ) /x ) { $device_id = lc $1; $device_name = $2; $devices->{$vendor_id}->{'devices'} //= {}; $devices->{$vendor_id}->{'devices'}->{$device_id} = { name => $device_name }; next; } if ( $vendor_id and $device_id and m/^ \t{2} ($pci_id) \s+ ($pci_id) \s+ ( $non_space .* ) /x ) { my $subvendor_id = lc $1; my $subdevice_id = lc $2; my $subsystem_name = $3; $devices->{$vendor_id}->{'devices'}->{$device_id}->{'subvendor'} //= {}; $devices->{$vendor_id}->{'devices'}->{$device_id}->{'subvendor'}->{$subvendor_id} //= {}; $devices->{$vendor_id}->{'devices'}->{$device_id}->{'subvendor'}->{$subvendor_id}->{'devices'} //= {}; $devices->{$vendor_id}->{'devices'}->{$device_id}->{'subvendor'}->{$subvendor_id}->{'devices'}->{$subdevice_id} = { name => $subsystem_name }; next; } # List of known device classes, subclasses and programming interfaces # Syntax: # C class class_name # subclass subclass_name <-- single tab # prog-if prog-if_name <-- two tabs if ( m/^C \s+ ($c_id) \s+ ( $non_space .* ) /x ) { $class_id = lc $1; $class_name = $2; $classes->{$class_id} = { name => $class_name }; next; } if ( $class_id and m/^ \t ($c_id) \s+ ( $non_space .* ) /x ) { $subclass_id = lc $1; $subclass_name = $2; $classes->{$class_id}->{'subclasses'} //= {}; $classes->{$class_id}->{'subclasses'}->{$subclass_id} = { name => $subclass_name }; next; } if ( $class_id and $subclass_id and m/^ \t{2} ($c_id) \s+ ( $non_space .* ) /x ) { my $prog_if_id = lc $1; my $prog_if_name = $2; $classes->{$class_id}->{'subclasses'}->{$subclass_id}->{'programming_interfaces'} //= {}; $classes->{$class_id}->{'subclasses'}->{$subclass_id}->{'programming_interfaces'}->{$prog_if_id} = { name => $prog_if_name }; next; } } close($fh); # Populate subvendor names foreach my $vendor_id ( keys %$devices ) { my $device_map = $devices->{$vendor_id}->{'devices'}; foreach my $device_id ( keys %$device_map ) { my $subvendor_map = $device_map->{$device_id}->{'subvendor'}; foreach my $subvendor_id ( keys %$subvendor_map ) { $subvendor_map->{$subvendor_id}->{'name'} = $devices->{$subvendor_id}->{'name'} || ""; } } } return { 'devices' => $devices, 'classes' => $classes, }; } # Scan through C code and parse ISA_ROM and PCI_ROM lines sub build_ipxe_nic_list { my ($dir) = @_; say STDERR "Building iPXE NIC list from " . ( $dir eq '.' ? 'current directory' : $dir ) . "..."; # recursively iterate through dir and find .c files my @c_files; File::Find::find(sub { # only process files return if -d $_; # skip unreadable files return unless -r $_; # skip all but files with .c extension return unless /\.c$/; push @c_files, $File::Find::name; }, $dir); # Look for ISA_ROM or PCI_ROM lines my $ipxe_nic_list = []; my $hex_id = qr/0 x [[:xdigit:]]{4} /x; my $quote = qr/ ['"] /x; my $non_space = qr/ [^\s] /x; my $rom_line_counter = 0; foreach my $c_path ( sort @c_files ) { my $legacy = 0; open( my $fh, "<", $c_path ); my $c_file = $c_path; $c_file =~ s{^\Q$dir\E/?}{} if -d $dir; # Strip directory from reported filename my $ipxe_driver = basename($c_file, '.c'); while(<$fh>) { # Most likely EtherBoot legacy API $legacy = 1 if m/struct \s* nic \s*/x; # parse ISA|PCI_ROM lines into hashref and append to $ipxe_nic_list next unless m/^ \s* (?:ISA|PCI)_ROM /x; $rom_line_counter++; chomp; #say; # for debugging regexp if ( m/^ \s* ISA_ROM \s* \( \s* $quote ( .*? ) $quote \s* , \s* $quote ( .*? ) $quote \s* \) /x ) { my $image = $1; my $name = $2; push @$ipxe_nic_list, { file => $c_file, bus => 'isa', ipxe_driver => $ipxe_driver, ipxe_name => $image, ipxe_description => $name, legacy_api => ( $legacy ? 'yes' : 'no' ), }; next; } if ( m/^ \s* PCI_ROM \s* \( \s* ($hex_id) \s* , \s* ($hex_id) \s* , \s* $quote (.*?) $quote \s* , \s* $quote (.*?) $quote /x ) { my $vendor_id = lc $1; my $device_id = lc $2; my $name = $3; my $desc = $4; push @$ipxe_nic_list, { file => $c_file, bus => 'pci', vendor_id => substr($vendor_id, 2), # strip 0x device_id => substr($device_id, 2), # strip 0x ipxe_driver => $ipxe_driver, ipxe_name => $name, ipxe_description => $desc, legacy_api => ( $legacy ? 'yes' : 'no' ), }; next; } } close($fh); } # Verify all ROM lines where parsed properly my @isa_roms = grep { $_->{'bus'} eq 'isa' } @$ipxe_nic_list; my @pci_roms = grep { $_->{'bus'} eq 'pci' } @$ipxe_nic_list; if ( $rom_line_counter != ( @isa_roms + @pci_roms ) ) { say STDERR "Found ROM lines: $rom_line_counter"; say STDERR "Extracted ISA_ROM lines: " . scalar @isa_roms; say STDERR "Extracted PCI_ROM lines: " . scalar @pci_roms; die("Mismatch between number of ISA_ROM/PCI_ROM lines and extracted entries. Verify regular expressions.\n"); } return $ipxe_nic_list; } # merge vendor/product name from $pci_id_map into $ipxe_nic_list sub update_ipxe_nic_names { my ($ipxe_nic_list, $pci_id_map) = @_; say STDERR "Merging 'official' vendor/device names..."; foreach my $nic ( @$ipxe_nic_list ) { next unless $nic->{'bus'} eq 'pci'; $nic->{'vendor_name'} = $pci_id_map->{'devices'}->{ $nic->{'vendor_id'} }->{'name'} || ""; $nic->{'device_name'} = $pci_id_map->{'devices'}->{ $nic->{'vendor_id'} }->{'devices'}->{ $nic->{'device_id'} }->{'name'} || ""; } return $ipxe_nic_list; # Redundant, as we're mutating the input list, useful for chaining calls } # Sort entries in NIC list according to sort criteria sub sort_ipxe_nic_list { my ($ipxe_nic_list, $sort_column_names) = @_; my @sort_column_names = @{ parse_columns_param($sort_column_names) }; say STDERR "Sorting NIC list by: " . join(", ", @sort_column_names ); # Start at the end of the list and resort until list is exhausted my @sorted_list = @{ $ipxe_nic_list }; while(@sort_column_names) { my $column_name = pop @sort_column_names; my $reverse = substr($column_name, -1) eq '-' ? 1 : 0; # use reverse order if last character is minus $column_name = substr($column_name, 0, -1) if $reverse; # chop of the minus if ( $reverse ) { @sorted_list = sort { ( $b->{$column_name} || "" ) cmp ( $a->{$column_name} || "" ) } @sorted_list; } else { @sorted_list = sort { ( $a->{$column_name} || "" ) cmp ( $b->{$column_name} || "" ) } @sorted_list; } } return \@sorted_list; } # Parse comma-separated values into array sub parse_columns_param { my ($columns) = @_; return [ grep { is_valid_column($_) } # only include valid entries map { s/\s//g; $_; } # filter whitespace split( /,/, $columns ) # split on comma ]; } # Return true if the input column name is valid sub is_valid_column { my ($name) = @_; my $valid_column_map = { map { $_ => 1, $_ . "-" => 1 } # also supports keyword with a - suffix qw( bus file legacy_api ipxe_driver ipxe_name ipxe_description vendor_id device_id vendor_name device_name ) }; return unless $name; return unless $valid_column_map->{$name}; return 1; } # Output NIC list in plain text sub format_nic_list_text { my ($nic_list, $column_names) = @_; return join("\n", map { format_nic_text($_, $column_names) } @$nic_list ); } # Format one ipxe_nic_list entry for display # Column order not supported by text format sub format_nic_text { my ($nic, $column_names) = @_; my $labels = { bus => 'Bus: ', ipxe_driver => 'iPXE driver: ', ipxe_name => 'iPXE name: ', ipxe_description => 'iPXE description:', file => 'Source file: ', legacy_api => 'Using legacy API:', vendor_id => 'PCI vendor ID: ', device_id => 'PCI device ID: ', vendor_name => 'Vendor name: ', device_name => 'Device name: ', }; my $pci_only = { vendor_id => 1, device_id => 1, vendor_name => 1, device_name => 1, }; my $output = ""; foreach my $column ( @$column_names ) { next if $nic->{'bus'} eq 'isa' and $pci_only->{$column}; $output .= $labels->{$column} . " " . ( $nic->{$column} || "" ) . "\n"; } return $output; } # Output NIC list in JSON sub format_nic_list_json { my ($nic_list, $column_names) = @_; # Filter columns not mentioned my @nics; foreach my $nic ( @$nic_list ) { my $filtered_nic = {}; foreach my $key ( @$column_names ) { $filtered_nic->{$key} = $nic->{$key}; } push @nics, $filtered_nic; } return JSON->new->pretty->utf8->encode(\@nics); } # Output NIC list in CSV sub format_nic_list_csv { my ($nic_list, $column_names) = @_; my @output; # Output CSV header my $csv = Text::CSV->new(); if ( $csv->combine( @$column_names ) ) { push @output, $csv->string(); } # Output CSV lines foreach my $nic ( @$nic_list ) { my @columns = @{ $nic }{ @$column_names }; if ( $csv->combine( @columns ) ) { push @output, $csv->string(); } } return join("\n", @output) . "\n"; } # Output NIC list in HTML sub format_nic_list_html { my ($nic_list, $column_names) = @_; my @output; push @output, <<'EOM'; Network cards supported by iPXE

Network cards supported by iPXE

EOM # Output HTML header push @output, "" . join("", map { "" } @$column_names ) . ""; push @output, <<"EOM"; EOM # Output HTML lines my $counter = 0; foreach my $nic ( @$nic_list ) { my @columns = @{ $nic }{ @$column_names }; # array slice from hashref, see perldoc perldata if confusing push @output, q!! . join("", map { "" } @columns ) . ""; $counter++; } push @output, <<'EOM';
" . HTML::Entities::encode($_) . "
" . HTML::Entities::encode( $_ || "" ) . "
EOM return join("\n", @output); } # Output NIC list in DokuWiki format (for https://ipxe.org) sub format_nic_list_dokuwiki { my ($nic_list, $column_names) = @_; my @output; push @output, <<'EOM'; EOM # Output DokuWiki table header push @output, "^" . join("^", map { $_ || "" } @$column_names ) . "^"; # Output DokuWiki table entries foreach my $nic ( @$nic_list ) { my @columns = @{ $nic }{ @$column_names }; # array slice from hashref, see perldoc perldata if confusing push @output, '|' . join('|', map { $_ || "" } @columns ) . '|'; } return join("\n", @output); }