#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use constant DEVICES => "/proc/bus/pci/devices"; open my $fh, DEVICES or die "Could not open ".DEVICES.": $!"; while ( ( my $line = <$fh> ) ) { # Parse line from /proc/bus/pci/devices chomp $line; ( my $bus, my $devfn, my $vendor, my $device, my $irq, my $bars, my $lengths, my $driver ) = ( $line =~ /^ ([0-9a-f]{2}) ([0-9a-f]{2}) \s+ ([0-9a-f]{4}) ([0-9a-f]{4}) \s+ ([0-9a-f]+) \s+ ((?:[0-9a-f]+\s+){7}) ((?:[0-9a-f]+\s+){7}) (.+)?$/x ) or die "Invalid line \"".$line."\"\n"; ( $bus, $devfn, $vendor, $device, $irq ) = map { hex ( $_ ) } ( $bus, $devfn, $vendor, $device, $irq ); my $dev = ( $devfn >> 3 ); my $fn = ( $devfn & 0x7 ); $bars = [ map { hex ( $_ ) } split ( /\s+/, $bars ) ]; $lengths = [ map { hex ( $_ ) } split ( /\s+/, $lengths ) ]; # Calculate expansion ROM BAR presence and length my $rom_length = $lengths->[6]; # Look for a BAR that could support a .mrom my $mrom_ok; if ( $rom_length ) { for ( my $bar = 0 ; $bar < 7 ; $bar++ ) { # Skip I/O BARs next if $bars->[$bar] & 0x01; # Skip low half of 64-bit BARs $bar++ if $bars->[$bar] & 0x04; # Skip 64-bit BARs with high dword set next if $bars->[$bar] >> 32; # Skip BARs smaller than the expansion ROM BAR next if $lengths->[$bar] < $rom_length; # This BAR is usable! $mrom_ok = 1; last; } } printf "%02x:%02x.%x (%04x:%04x)", $bus, $dev, $fn, $vendor, $device; printf " supports a %dkB .rom", ( $rom_length / 1024 ) if $rom_length; printf " or .mrom" if $mrom_ok; printf "\n"; }