path: root/FAQ
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diff --git a/FAQ b/FAQ
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+- What is memtest86+, what do I use it for?
+ Memtest86+ is a utility designed to test whether your memory is in working
+ order. It repeatedly writes an enormous amount of different patterns to all
+ memory locations and reads them back again and verifies whether the result
+ of the read is the same as what was written to memory.
+ There can be a multitude of reasons for running memtest, but foremost of all
+ is of course to test whether your memory modules might be bad. Whenever you
+ suspect your modules to be bad because of system crashes, lockups or reboots
+ it would be nice to know whether the modules are in working order.
+ Memtest86+ is a utility which tries to answer that question for you.
+ Another common use exists in the overclocking scene. When overclocking a
+ system you are essentially pushing your system to the limits and at some
+ point it will simply give way and break. Unfortunately there isn't a clear
+ cut way of deciding whether a system is still working correctly. Because of
+ the complexity of a computer a system which is pushed to the limits doesn't
+ just break completely when it starts to fail, instead little errors start
+ showing up in many different places in the system growing more frequent and
+ widespread the more the system is pushed. Each one of these little errors
+ can lead to a crash of your system but can also go unnoticed for days or
+ weeks in a running system. The art so to speak of overclocking is thus to
+ push the system as far as it can go without introducing any such errors. As
+ memory is usually one of the first places these such errors start coming up
+ a memory test is very useful.
+- How do I get it to run?
+ There are several ways to use memtest, which are described below:
+ + Run from floppydisk
+ Memtest86+ is directly executable by any modern x86 compatible machine, by
+ writing the bootable binary to a floppy disk one can boot from the disk to
+ run memtest.
+ Simply download the appropriate package, the Pre-Compiled Bootable Binary
+ (.gz) package for Linux users and the Pre-Compiled package for Floppy (DOS
+ - Win) for Windows users.
+ For Windows, unzip the package into a directory like C:\memtest, insert a
+ blank floppy into your a: disk drive and run the install.bat file. As the
+ install prompts you, to use memtest directly, leave the disk in the drive
+ and reboot your machine.
+ For Linux, unpack the package into your home directory, insert a blank
+ floppy into your floppy drive and execute 'dd if=~/memtest+-1.xx.bin.gz
+ of=/dev/fd0 conv=osync' replacing 1.xx with the correct version number of
+ the memtest86+ you downloaded. To run memtest immediately reboot your
+ machine.
+ Your machine should now boot from the disk, display the word Loading
+ folowed by a series of periods and then show a screen much like the
+ screenshots on the memtest86+ web page. The test is automatically started.
+ If your machine simply boots back into Windows/Linux you will most likely
+ have to configure your BIOS to attempt to boot from floppy disk on
+ startup, refer to your computer's/mainboard's manual how to do this.
+ When you are done testing simply remove the floppy and reset your
+ computer, if ever you want to execure the test again simply reinsert the
+ disk and reboot/start your computer.
+ + Run from CD
+ Memtest86+ is directly executable by any modern x86 compatible machine, by
+ writing the iso to a CD one can boot from the CD to run memtest.
+ Simply download the appropriate package, the Download - Pre-Compiled
+ Bootable ISO (.gz) for Linux users and the Pre-Compiled Bootable ISO
+ (.zip) for Windows users.
+ For Windows, unzip the package into a directory like C:\memtest. You will
+ now see a file called memtest86+-1.xx.iso in this directory. You will need
+ to burn this file to a CD with a CD recording program. Do note however
+ that you should not make a regular data CD on which you for instance write
+ your text documents and holiday photographs. Instead the iso file is a so
+ called image of a CD, it is a direct copy of a CD. Your CD recording
+ program will most likely have a feature called burn image or something to
+ that effect which you should use to burn the CD.
+ For linux, unzip the package into your home directory. and execute
+ 'cdrecord dev=<your burner> ~/memtest86+-1.xx.iso' where you replace <your
+ burner> with the scsi address of your CD burner and replace 1.xx with the
+ correct version number of the memtest86+ your downloaded.
+ When the burning completed your drive will most likely have ejected the CD
+ and you should have a bootable memtest86+ CD. To run the test directly
+ reinsert the CD and reboot your machine.
+ Your machine should now boot from the CD, display the word Loading folowed
+ by a series of periods and then show a screen much like the screenshots on
+ the memtest86+ web page. The test is automatically started.
+ If your machine simply boots back into Windows/Linux you will most likely
+ have to configure your BIOS to attempt to boot from CD-ROM drive on
+ startup, refer to your computer's/mainboard's manual how to do this.
+ When you are done testing simply remove the CD and reset your computer, if
+ ever you want to execure the test again simply reinsert the CD and
+ reboot/start your computer.
+ + Run from USB Flash drive
+ + Run from boot manager
+- How long does memtest86+ run? How do I stop it?
+ Memtest86+ runs indefinately unless you stop it. It does however repeat the
+ same tests over and over again. Memtest86+ contains a number of different
+ tests which each take different approaches in trying to expose any errors in
+ your memory. In the top right of your screen you can see the progress of
+ each test in the lower of the two progress bars. The topmost progress bar
+ shows the progress of a pass, each pass consists of all the tests in the
+ memtest suite.
+ Thus all tests are executed in one pass, so does that mean that no errors
+ will show after the first pass if that pass didn't reveal any errors? Well
+ no, there are several reasons why errors might only show up after a number
+ of passes. Firstly as of this writing, the latest version of memtest also
+ includes a test which uses random test patterns, each pass these patterns
+ will of course be different. Secondly some types of errors simply don't show
+ up until the system has been running for a while or are very critical on a
+ certain timing condition, or other such conditions.
+ To conclude, one successful pass of memtest will give you a pretty good idea
+ that your memory is ok, only in rare cases will there be errors showing
+ after the first pass. To be sure though simply have the test run overnight
+ or even for a couple of days depending on the level of importance of the
+ system.
+- How many errors are acceptable?
+ No errors are acceptable. Even if there is just one error, something is
+ amiss which can cause your system to crash. Of course what the cause of the
+ errors is you will still have to determine.
+- What do I do when I get errors?
+ Firstly, don't start drawing any conclusions. You only know that memtest86+
+ is giving your errors, not what the cause is. Unfortunately it is not a
+ straightforward exercise to decisively test the memory in an actual system.
+ This is because a computer is not just built up of some memory, but also
+ includes many other elements such as a memory controller, cache, a cache
+ controller, algorithmic and logic units, etc, all of which contribute to the
+ machine. If there are faults in any of these other parts of the computer you
+ will likely also see errors showing up in memtest.
+ So what to do? First verify that the BIOS settings of your machine are
+ correctly configured. Look up the memory timing settings applicable to the
+ brand and type of memory modules you have and check they match your BIOS
+ settings, correct them if they don't and run memtest again
+ Ok, you have all the settings correctly set and you're still getting errors.
+ Well of course a very likely cause are the memory modules and the logical
+ course of action is to look into them further.
+ If you are well stocked, have a few other machines at your disposal, or just
+ want to spend the cash for some new modules the best way to test if the
+ cause are your memory modules is just to replace them and test again. If you
+ are less fortunate though there is still something you can do.
+ If you have more then one module in your system, test them one by one, if
+ one is consistently giving errors and another is consistently showing no
+ errors it's a pretty good bet that the module giving the errors is simply
+ defective. To exclude the possibility that a defective slot is throwing your
+ results, use the same slot to test each different module.
+ If each module by itself shows no errors, but when you place two or more
+ modules into the machine at the same time you do get errors, you are most
+ likely stuck with a compatibility issue and unfortunately there isn't a
+ whole lot you can do about it. Be sure to check your computer/motherboard
+ manual to see if the setup you are trying is allowed, some boards require
+ special restrictions in the sizes of modules, the order of modules, the
+ placement of double sided and single sides modules and more of such things.
+ If you have only one module in your system, or all modules are giving
+ errors, there are only very few options left. The only thing you can do
+ really is to try the module(s) in another slot. Finally simply try out
+ different orders of the memory modules, although your manual might not
+ mention anything on the matter sometimes there simply exist timing or other
+ issues which can be resolved by changing the order of your modules. And of
+ course test each slot by putting a single module into that slot and running
+ memtest on it.
+ In the end if you still have not been able to localize the problem you will
+ have to find a replacement module to establish whether the problem lies in
+ your modules. See if you can borrow a module from someone else.
+ When you have replaced the memory by new memory and the errors still
+ persist, first check if you can rule out any compatibility issues or timing
+ issues. If you are sure the memory should work in the system the cause of
+ the errors must obviously lie someplace else in the system.
+ The only way to find out where, is by trial and error really. Simply start
+ replacing and/or removing parts of your computer one by one, running memtest
+ each time you changed anything, until the errors are resolved.
+- I'm getting errors in test #x, what doest that mean?
+ Interpreting memtest results is as scientific an endeavour as testing
+ whether a person is a witch by the methods used in Monty Python's Holy
+ Grail. In short, don't even start, it's not going to get you anywhere. Just
+ interpret any error as you should any other and use the methods descibed in
+ the previous question to determine the cause.
+- I'm getting errors in test #5 and/or #8 and have read a lot about it.
+ Yes there are just about enough discussions on the topic to fill a book, but
+ it all boils down to the answer given above. The only thing that can be said
+ is that many a times, when memory latencies are incorrectly set in the BIOS
+ you will experience errors in test #5 and #8. (Though #8 does not exist
+ anymore as of version 1.40 and might be reinstated as a different test in a
+ later version.) This does however NOT mean that errors in these tests are
+ always the cause of incorrect settings, your memory might just as well be
+ defective.
+- I'm getting errors in memtest on one machine, but not when I put the same
+ memory in another, what does that mean?
+ It can mean one of two things:
+ - The machine that is giving the errors is defective. Errors don't just
+ orginate from the memory module itself, but can also be caused by
+ defects in the cpu, chipset, motherboard, PSU and even by timing issues
+ introduced by any other component in the machine.
+ - The machine giving the errors is imposing stricter timing than the other
+ which the memory module simply can't cope with. If the module should
+ work with the machine according to its specifications then it most
+ likely is defective.
+- Which memory is tested?
+ As much as possible of the system memory is tested. Unfortunately memtest86+
+ can usually not test all of the memory. The reason for this is that todays
+ processors have become so complex that they require a small amount of memory
+ to keep accounting data of the processor state. If memtest were to write
+ over these areas the state of the processor becomes invalid and it's
+ behaviour unpredictable. Alas it is also impossible to relocate these areas
+ in the memory.
+ This means that a small area of your memory can not be tested by memtest. If
+ this part of the memory is defective you will know soon enough though as the
+ processor, or parts of the processor simply won't work correctly if this
+ part of your memory is defective. Do realise though that in very rare cases
+ memtest will show no errors even though the module is defective, not because
+ memtest can't detect the error, but because memtest can't test the area the
+ error is located in.
+- When I select BIOS-ALL I get many errors / my machine crashes.
+ This is normal. With todays computers this option should never be selected.
+ See the previous question about the reason for the errors.
+- I want to use memtest on a multiboot CD, how do I do this?
+ This is of course very dependent on which boot loader you use for your CD.
+ Below is a description of how to set up a multiboot CD including memtest+
+ with isolinux, if you have experience with any other bootloader(s) please
+ consider writing a small description of using memtest with that bootloader
+ for the FAQ.
+ -isolinux
+ For general instructions on how to make a bootable CD with isolinux see
+ the syslinux website and the manual. What you need to do to get memtest
+ working is as follows.
+ Download the Pre-Compiled Bootable Binary, the .gz if you are working
+ under linux, the .zip if you are working under windows. Unpack the file
+ from the package and rename it to an 8.3 filename with an extension other
+ than .bin, renaming to memtest. (without an extension) is a good choice.
+ Put the file somewhere in your CD directory structure, for example in
+ images/memtest and edit your config file to include the following:
+ label memtest
+ kernel /images/memtest
+ If you want to boot memtest automatically insert or change a line at the
+ top to:
+ default memtest
+ If you want to display a prompt from which you can start memtest add or
+ change the lines at the top to: (Change the timeout to suit your needs)
+ prompt 1
+ timeout 200
+- If memtest86+ shows no errors does that mean my memory is not defective?
+ Of course no answers are definitive, no matter how good memtest86+ will
+ eventually become there is always the possibility that a particular type of
+ error will go unnoticed. As long as you are having no problems with the
+ system it will be pretty safe to say that the modules are good. If you are
+ having problems with the system however you will just have to check by trial
+ and error, ie swapping the modules for new ones and/or testing with modules
+ of a different brand/type.
+- When I run install.bat it doesn't write anything to floppy.
+ You most likely have unpacked the file into a
+ folder with a long pathname and/or containing + and - signs. It seems
+ rawrite doesn't like that. Just move the files you unpacked to a directory
+ like c:\memtest and execure it from there.