from dmiparser import DmiParser from subprocess import PIPE from os import listdir, path from glob import glob import argparse import json import re import requests import shlex import subprocess import sys import netifaces __debug = False # Run dmi command as subprocess and get the stdout def run_subprocess(_cmd): global __debug proc =, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout = proc.stdout stderr = proc.stderr if __debug: eprint(_cmd + ':') eprint() eprint('Errors:') eprint(stderr.decode()) eprint() # stderr len instead of proc.returncode > 0 is used because some have returncode 2 but are still valid if len(stderr.decode()) > 0: eprint(_cmd + ' Errors:') eprint(stderr.decode()) if proc.returncode != 0: eprint('Error Return Code: ' + str(proc.returncode)) eprint() return False else: return stdout.decode() else: return stdout.decode() # Get and parse dmidecode using dmiparser def get_dmidecode(): _dmiraw = run_subprocess('dmidecode') _dmiparsed = '' if _dmiraw: # Parse dmidecode _dmiparsed = DmiParser(_dmiraw) return json.loads(str(_dmiparsed)) else: return [] # Get the readlink -f output def get_readlink(link): resolved_path = path.realpath(link) if path.exists(resolved_path): return resolved_path return '' # Try parsing string to json def parse_to_json(program_name, raw_string): parsed = {} if isinstance(raw_string, str): try: parsed = json.loads(raw_string) except ValueError as e: eprint(program_name + ' output couldn\'t be parsed') eprint(e) eprint('Output of ' + program_name + 'was:') eprint(raw_string) eprint() return parsed # Get smartctl output in json format def get_smartctl(disk_path, disk_name): output = run_subprocess('smartctl -x --json ' + disk_path + disk_name) smartctl = parse_to_json('smartctl', output) return smartctl # Get sfdisk info in json format def get_sfdisk(disk_path, disk_name): output = run_subprocess('sfdisk --json ' + disk_path + disk_name) sfdisk = parse_to_json('sfdisk', output) return sfdisk # Get lsblk info in json format def get_lsblk(disk_path, disk_name): output = run_subprocess('lsblk --json -b --output-all ' + disk_path + disk_name) lsblk = parse_to_json('lsblk', output) return lsblk def file_get_contents(path, strip_lf = True): try: with open(path, "r") as file: s = if strip_lf and s and s[-1] == '\n': s = s[:-1] return s except FileNotFoundError: print("File not found: " + path) except IOError: print("IO Error reading file " + path) return "" # Get CD/DVD Information def get_cdrom(): cdromdir = '/proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info' cdrom = [] if path.exists(cdromdir): cdrom_raw = file_get_contents(cdromdir) # Skip first two entries because of useless information and empty row for row in cdrom_raw.split('\n')[2:]: if row == '': continue # Split at one or more tabs values = re.split('\t+', row) key = values[0][:-1].replace('drive ', '').replace(' ', '_') for index, val in enumerate(values[1:]): if len(cdrom) < index + 1: cdrom.append({ 'read': [], 'write': [], 'functions': [] }) if 'Can_read_' in key: if val == '1': cdrom[index]['read'].append(key[9:]) elif 'Can_write_' in key: cdrom[index]['write'].append(key[10:]) elif 'Can_' in key: cdrom[index]['functions'].append(key[4:]) else: cdrom[index][key] = val return {cd['name']:cd for cd in cdrom} # Get informations about the disks def get_disk_info(): diskdir = '/dev/disk/by-path/' disk_informations = {} dupcheck = {} cdrom = get_cdrom() # Get and filter all disks if path.exists(diskdir): disks = listdir(diskdir) filtered_disks = [i for i in disks if (not '-part' in i) and (not '-usb-' in i)] # Call all disk specific tools for d in filtered_disks: disk_path = diskdir + d devpath = get_readlink(disk_path).rstrip() # Sometimes there are multiple links to the same disk, e.g. named # pci-0000:00:1f.2-ata-1.0 and pci-0000:00:1f.2-ata-1 if devpath in dupcheck: continue dupcheck[devpath] = 1 disk_info = {} disk_info['readlink'] = devpath # Check if it's a cd/dvd if disk_info['readlink'].split('/')[-1] in cdrom.keys(): disk_info['type'] = 'cdrom' disk_info['info'] = cdrom[disk_info['readlink'].split('/')[-1]] else: disk_info['type'] = 'drive' disk_info['smartctl'] = get_smartctl(diskdir, d) disk_info['lsblk'] = get_lsblk(diskdir, d) if disk_info['type'] != 'cdrom': disk_info['sfdisk'] = get_sfdisk(diskdir, d) disk_informations[d] = disk_info return disk_informations # Get and process "lspci -mn" output def get_lspci(): lspci = [] lspci_raw = run_subprocess('lspci -mmn').split('\n') # Prepare addition of iommu group iommu_groups = {} iommu_split = glob('/sys/kernel/iommu_groups/*/devices/*') for iommu_path in iommu_split: if iommu_path == "": continue iommu = iommu_path.split('/') iommu_groups[iommu[6][5:]] = iommu[4] for line in lspci_raw: if len(line) <= 0: continue # Parsing shell like command parameters parse = shlex.split(line) lspci_parsed = {} arguments = [] values = [] for parameter in parse: # Split values from arguments if parameter.startswith('-'): arguments.append(parameter) else: values.append(parameter) # Prepare values positions are in order if len(values) >= 6: lspci_parsed['slot'] = values[0] # The busybox version of lspci has "Class " instead of "" lspci_parsed['class'] = values[1].replace("Class ", "") lspci_parsed['vendor'] = values[2] lspci_parsed['device'] = values[3] lspci_parsed['subsystem_vendor'] = values[4] lspci_parsed['subsystem'] = values[5] # Additional add iommu group if values[0] in iommu_groups: lspci_parsed['iommu_group'] = iommu_groups[values[0]] # Prepare arguments if len(arguments) > 0: for arg in arguments: if arg.startswith('-p'): lspci_parsed['progif'] = arg[2:] elif arg.startswith('-r'): lspci_parsed['rev'] = arg[2:] else: continue lspci.append(lspci_parsed) return lspci # Get ip data in json format def get_ip(): ip_raw = run_subprocess('ip --json addr show') return parse_to_json('ip', ip_raw) def get_net_fallback(): netdir = '/sys/class/net/' result = {} # Get MAC address and speed if path.exists(netdir): interfaces = listdir(netdir) for interface in interfaces: # Skip local stuff if interface == 'lo' or interface == '': continue net = {} speed = file_get_contents(netdir + interface + '/speed') if speed: net['speed'] = speed duplex = file_get_contents(netdir + interface + '/duplex') if duplex: net['duplex'] = duplex mac = file_get_contents(netdir + interface + '/address') if mac: net['mac'] = mac result[interface] = net # Get IP address for interface in netifaces.interfaces(): if interface == '' or interface == 'lo': continue if interface not in result: result[interface] = {} ifaddrs = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface) if netifaces.AF_INET in ifaddrs: ipv4_address = ifaddrs[netifaces.AF_INET][0]['addr'] result[interface]['ipv4'] = ipv4_address if netifaces.AF_INET6 in ifaddrs: ipv6_address = ifaddrs[netifaces.AF_INET6][0]['addr'] result[interface]['ipv6'] = ipv6_address return result # Get and convert EDID data to hex def get_edid(): edid = {} edid_hex = '' display_paths = glob('/sys/class/drm/*/edid') for dp in display_paths: if dp == '': continue try: with open(dp, 'rb') as file: edid_hex = except FileNotFoundError: print("File not found: " + dp) except IOError: print("IO Error reading file " + dp) if len(edid_hex) > 0: # The path is always /sys/class/drm/[..]/edid, so cut the first 15 chars and the last 5 chars edid[dp[15:-5]] = edid_hex return edid def get_lshw(): result = [] lshw_raw = run_subprocess('lshw -json') if isinstance(lshw_raw, str): result = json.loads(lshw_raw) return result def get_uuid(): uuid_path = '/sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid' uuid = 'N/A' if path.exists(uuid_path): uuid_raw = file_get_contents(uuid_path) # uuid_raw = False if no sudo permission: if uuid_raw: uuid = uuid_raw.rstrip() return uuid def prepare_location(parent, bay, slot): location = {} if parent: location['parent'] = parent if bay: location['bay'] = int(bay) if slot: location['slot'] = int(slot) return location def prepare_contacts(contact_list): contacts = [] if contact_list == None: return contacts for contact in contact_list: contacts.append(contact[0]) return contacts def send_post(url, payload): # headers = { 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain' } # req =, json=payload, headers=headers) req =, json=payload) # Print the response print("POST-Request Response: \n") print(req.text) def eprint(*args, **kwargs): print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) def main(): global __debug # Create and parse arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Collects hardware data from different tools and returns it as json.') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Prints all STDERR messages. (Non critical included)') parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', action='append', help='[multiple] If given, a post request with the generated JSON is sent to the given URLs') parser.add_argument('-uu', '--uuidurl', action='append', help='[multiple] Same as -u but UUID in the url is replaced with the actual uuid of the client') parser.add_argument('-p', '--print', action='store_true', help='Prints the generated JSON') parser.add_argument('-l', '--location', action='store', help='Room-/Rackname where the client is located') parser.add_argument('-s', '--slot', action='store', help='The slot number (int) where the client is located in the rack') parser.add_argument('-b', '--bay', action='store', help='The bay number (int) where the client is located in the slot (segment)') parser.add_argument('-c', '--contact', action='append', help='[multiple] The idoit_username of the person responsible for this machine', nargs=1) parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', action='store', help='Name of the client') parser.add_argument('-S', '--SERVER', action='store_true', help='Defines the type of the client to be a server') args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: __debug = True # Run the tools _collecthw = {} _collecthw['version'] = 2.0 _collecthw['dmidecode'] = get_dmidecode() # Includes smartctl, lsblk, readlink and sfdisk _collecthw['drives'] = get_disk_info() # Includes iommu group _collecthw['lspci'] = get_lspci() _collecthw['ip'] = get_ip() _collecthw['edid'] = get_edid() _collecthw['lshw'] = get_lshw() _collecthw['net'] = get_net_fallback() _collecthw['location'] = prepare_location(args.location, args.bay, args.slot) _collecthw['contacts'] = prepare_contacts( if _collecthw['name'] = if args.SERVER: _collecthw['type'] = 'SERVER' collecthw_json = json.dumps(_collecthw) if args.url: for url in args.url: send_post(url, _collecthw) if args.uuidurl: uuid = get_uuid() for uuidurl in args.uuidurl: url = uuidurl.replace("UUID", uuid) send_post(url, _collecthw) # Print out the final json if args.print: print(json.dumps(_collecthw)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()