#!/bin/ash [ -r "/etc/system-uuid" ] || exit 0 . /opt/openslx/config [ -z "$SLX_REMOTE_LOG" ] && exit 0 UUID=$(cat "/etc/system-uuid") [ -z "$UUID" ] && exit 1 USED=0 Name= # detect if we need '--no-legend' or not... LEGEND= loginctl --help 2>&1 | grep -q -- '--no-legend' && LEGEND="--no-legend" for SESSION in $(loginctl $LEGEND | awk '{print $1}'); do unset Display Remote State eval $(loginctl -p Display -p Remote -p State -p Class -p Name show-session "$SESSION") if [ "$Display" = ":0" ] && [ "$Remote" = "no" ] && [ "$State" = "active" -o "$State" = "online" ] && [ "$Class" = "user" ]; then USED=1 # We only consider sessions on the primary display, which should always be the case break fi done # Also report usage of /tmp and swap TMP="$( slx-tools fs_path_space /tmp )" TMP_FREE="${TMP% *}" TMP_SIZE="${TMP#* }" SWAP_SIZE=$( awk '{if ($1 == "SwapTotal:") { print $2; exit; }}' /proc/meminfo ) SWAP_FREE=$( awk '{if ($1 == "SwapFree:") { print $2; exit; }}' /proc/meminfo ) MEM_SIZE=$( awk '{if ($1 == "MemTotal:") { print $2; exit; }}' /proc/meminfo ) MEM_FREE=$( awk '{if ($1 == "MemAvailable:") { print $2; exit; }}' /proc/meminfo ) if [ -z "$MEM_FREE" ]; then MEM_FREE=$( awk 'BEGIN{n=0}{if ($1 == "MemFree:" || $1 == "Buffers:" || $1 == "Cached:") n += $2}END{print n}' /proc/meminfo ) fi if [ -n "$SLX_EXAM" ]; then # This isn't an actual runmode, but in case exam mode is active on a client you definitely want # to know about it, more than other runmodes actually SLX_RUNMODE_MODULE="exams" fi curl --retry 3 --retry-connrefused -m 6 -s --data-urlencode "type=~runstate" --data-urlencode "uuid=$UUID" --data-urlencode "used=$USED" \ --data-urlencode "user=$Name" --data-urlencode "tmpsize=$TMP_SIZE" --data-urlencode "tmpfree=$TMP_FREE" \ --data-urlencode "swapsize=$SWAP_SIZE" --data-urlencode "swapfree=$SWAP_FREE" \ --data-urlencode "memsize=$MEM_SIZE" --data-urlencode "memfree=$MEM_FREE" \ --data-urlencode "runmode=$SLX_RUNMODE_MODULE" "$SLX_REMOTE_LOG" > /dev/null 2>&1 # Warn user if tmp or swap usage is high; system might crash soon # ..but not if flag to shut up is present [ -e "/run/openslx/no-ram-warning" ] && exit 0 WARN= if [ "$SWAP_FREE" -gt 0 ] && [ "$SWAP_FREE" -lt 500000 ]; then # less than 500MB swap WARN="$WARN Der Arbeitsspeicher des Computers ist fast voll. The computer is running out of RAM." fi if [ -n "$TMP_FREE" ] && [ "$TMP_FREE" -lt 500000 ]; then WARN="$WARN Es verbleibt wenig temporärer Speicher für die Arbeitsdaten der laufenden VM. Little temporary storage is left for the current VM." fi if [ -n "$WARN" ]; then WARN="$WARN Bitte sichern Sie Ihre Arbeit und starten Sie den PC neu. Please save your work and reboot this machine. Sie können einen bwLehrpool-Admin bitten, eine größere ID-44-Partition einzurichten. You could ask a bwLehrpool administrator to create a larger ID-44 partition." idle-daemon --send "warn $WARN" fi exit 0