#!/bin/bash # Customized kernel from system: fetch Distro's kernel sources, patch configuration, recompile # This overrides get_kernel_version from kernel.inc, so the variables will be set properly get_kernel_version() { # Do not use MODULE_DIR here as this function might run when we process another module! [ -n "${TARGET_KERNEL_LONG}" ] && return 0 [ ! -e "${ROOT_DIR}/tmp/work/kernel/ksrc/include/generated/utsrelease.h" ] && pinfo "No UTS information" && return 0 # determine kernel version that will be running in the generated system # declare kernel version stuff declare -rg TARGET_KERNEL_LONG=$(grep 'UTS_RELEASE' "${ROOT_DIR}/tmp/work/kernel/ksrc/include/generated/utsrelease.h" | awk -F '"' '{print $2}') declare -rg TARGET_KERNEL_SHORT=$(echo "$TARGET_KERNEL_LONG" | grep -o -E '^[0-9\.]+') # declare path to kernel headers and modules/firmware declare -rg KERNEL_HEADERS_DIR="${ROOT_DIR}/tmp/work/kernel/ksrc" declare -rg KERNEL_BASE_DIR="${ROOT_DIR}/tmp/work/kernel/build" # print debug info pinfo "TARGET_KERNEL_LONG: '$TARGET_KERNEL_LONG'" pinfo "TARGET_KERNEL_SHORT: '$TARGET_KERNEL_SHORT'" pdebug "KERNEL_BASE_DIR: '$KERNEL_BASE_DIR'" pdebug "KERNEL_HEADERS_DIR: '$KERNEL_HEADERS_DIR'" } fetch_source() { pdebug "getting kernel sources via git ...." if grep -q -- "${REQUIRED_GIT}" "./ksrc/.git/config" && grep -q -- "v${REQUIRED_KERNEL}" "./ksrc/.git/config"; then pinfo "Trying to update existing clone" cd ksrc || perror "Could not cd to ksrc" git pull || perror "Could not pull already checked out repo" cd .. else rm -rf "./ksrc" git clone --depth 1 "${REQUIRED_GIT}" -b "v${REQUIRED_KERNEL}" ksrc || perror "Could not clone kernel git." fi # check for aufs local RSL=$(find ksrc/ -type d -name aufs) if [ -z "$RSL" ]; then pinfo "aufs not found in kernel sources, patching it..." patch_aufs else pinfo "aufs detected in kernel source :)" fi # remember the current kernel version echo "${SYSTEM_KERNEL_LONG}" > ksrc/KVERSION # Fetch all the firmware if ! [ -s "./fw/Makefile" ]; then rm -rf -- "./fw" git clone "git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git" "./fw" || perror "Could not clone linux-firmware repo." rm -rf -- ./fw/LICENSE.* ./fw/*.txt fi } build() { local TARGET_CONFIG_FILE="openslx.config" rm -f "${TARGET_CONFIG_FILE}" # update config and copy to ksrc pinfo "Updating kernel config..." update_config cp "${TARGET_CONFIG_FILE}" "ksrc/.config" # make kernel with the new config cd ksrc || perror "Could not cd to ksrc, was the kernel source fetched properly?" pinfo "Preparing kernel for new config ('make oldconfig')." if [ "x$MLTK_QUIET" = "x1" ]; then yes "" | make oldconfig || perror "make oldconfig failed." else make oldconfig || perror "make oldconfig failed." fi make prepare || perror "make prepare failed." make scripts || perror "make scripts failed." pinfo "Compiling kernel... (this will take some time)" # explicitly state number of cores here, as MAKEFLAGS seems to be overridden make "-j$CPU_CORES" || perror "make failed." # install modules to build directory pinfo "Installing kernel modules..." if [ -d "${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}/lib/modules" ]; then rm -r "${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}/lib/modules" || pwarning "Could not clean old modules." fi make INSTALL_MOD_PATH="${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}" INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 modules_install || perror "make modules_install failed in ${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}." cd - 2> /dev/null # copy most recent firmware cp -r ./fw/* "${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}/lib/firmware/" || perror "Could not copy linux-firmware to '${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}/lib/firmware/'" # copy kernel to build cp ksrc/arch/x86/boot/bzImage "${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}/kernel" pinfo "Kernel was successfully built at ${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}/kernel" [ -z "${KERNEL_BUILD_DIR}" ] && KERNEL_BUILD_DIR="${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}" } post_copy() { : } # helper function to update the current kernel config with our parameters update_config() { # first we need to update the current config local BASE_CONFIG_FILE="/boot/config-$(uname -r)" [ -e "${BASE_CONFIG_FILE}" ] || perror "$BASE_CONFIG_FILE could not be found! This should not happen." # check for our wanted config parameter local OPENSLX_WANTED_CONFIG="${ROOT_DIR}/data/kernel.wanted.config" [ -e "${OPENSLX_WANTED_CONFIG}" ] || perror "$OPENSLX_WANTED_CONFIG does not exist! Please add a list of wanted kernel config parameters." # copy basic config file cp "$BASE_CONFIG_FILE" "$TARGET_CONFIG_FILE" for WANTED_CONFIG in $(cat $OPENSLX_WANTED_CONFIG|sort -u); do local CONFIG_PARAM_NAME="$(echo $WANTED_CONFIG | awk -F "=" '{print $1}')" local SEARCH_RESULT="$(grep -E "^\s*$(echo "$CONFIG_PARAM_NAME" | escape_search)=" "$BASE_CONFIG_FILE")" #echo "Process: $SEARCH_RESULT" # analyse results if [ "x$SEARCH_RESULT" == "x" ]; then # no match, add it sed -i -r "s/^\s*#.*\s$(echo "$CONFIG_PARAM_NAME" | escape_search)[^_A-Z0-9].*$//" "$TARGET_CONFIG_FILE" echo "$WANTED_CONFIG" >> "$TARGET_CONFIG_FILE" else # match, change to our setting if they differ if [ "x$SEARCH_RESULT" != "x$WANTED_CONFIG" ]; then sed -i "s/$(echo "$SEARCH_RESULT" | escape_search)/$(echo "$WANTED_CONFIG" | escape_replace)/" "$TARGET_CONFIG_FILE" fi fi done } # helper to patch aufs patch_aufs() { local KERNEL_MAJOR=${REQUIRED_KERNEL%%.*} local AUFS="aufs${KERNEL_MAJOR}" pinfo "Cloning ${AUFS} standalone git" cd "${MODULE_WORK_DIR}" [ -d "${AUFS}-standalone/.git" ] && rm -rf "${AUFS}-standalone" # if already there, kill it. # git: --depth 1 won't work here due to later "checkout origin/branch" if [ "$KERNEL_MAJOR" = "3" ]; then git clone "git://aufs.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/aufs/${AUFS}-standalone.git" || perror "Cloning ${AUFS} failed." else git clone "git://github.com/sfjro/${AUFS}-standalone.git" || perror "Cloning ${AUFS} failed." fi # get the needed version [ -n "${SYSTEM_KERNEL_LONG}" ] && local NEEDED_BRANCH=$(echo $REQUIRED_KERNEL | awk -F "." '{print $1"."$2}') \ || perror "REQUIRED_KERNEL not set, this should not happen!" pinfo "Getting branch origin/$NEEDED_BRANCH" cd "${MODULE_WORK_DIR}/${AUFS}-standalone" || perror "Could not CD to ${AUFS}-standalone" git checkout "origin/aufs$NEEDED_BRANCH" || git checkout "origin/aufs4.x-rcN" || perror "Could not checkout needed branch." pinfo "Starting to patch... $NEEDED_BRANCH" tarcopy "Documentation fs" "$MODULE_WORK_DIR/ksrc" # Quick-and-dirty aufs_type.h copying: [ -e "include/linux/aufs_type.h" ] && cp "include/linux/aufs_type.h" "$MODULE_WORK_DIR/ksrc/include/linux/" [ -e "include/uapi/linux/aufs_type.h" ] && cp "include/uapi/linux/aufs_type.h" "$MODULE_WORK_DIR/ksrc/include/uapi/linux/" cd "$MODULE_WORK_DIR/ksrc" || perror "Could not CD to kernel-source dir ksrc" local PATCH # Mandatory for PATCH in "${AUFS}-kbuild" "${AUFS}-base" "${AUFS}-mmap"; do patch -p1 < "$MODULE_WORK_DIR/${AUFS}-standalone/${PATCH}.patch" || perror "${PATCH}.patch failed!" pinfo "Applied '$MODULE_WORK_DIR/${AUFS}-standalone/${PATCH}.patch'" done # Optional - should we error too? for PATCH in "${AUFS}-loopback" "tmpfs-idr" "vfs-ino"; do [ -e "$MODULE_WORK_DIR/${AUFS}-standalone/${PATCH}.patch" ] || continue patch -p1 < "$MODULE_WORK_DIR/${AUFS}-standalone/${PATCH}.patch" || pwarning "${PATCH}.patch failed!" pinfo "Applied '$MODULE_WORK_DIR/${AUFS}-standalone/${PATCH}.patch'" done pinfo "Patched kernel source with aufs-${NEEDED_BRANCH}" cd "$MODULE_WORK_DIR" }