#!/bin/ash # # This script is to be called by PAM (specifically pam_exec). # We expect the username in the form: username@organisation # If it is in that form, we will query the masterserver for the list # of supported IdPs and if one matches the user's organisation # we will try to authenticate against it. # fix PATH as PAM clears it export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/openslx/sbin:/opt/openslx/bin" # grab the password from stdin asap, since there is no guarantee some tool just reads it unset USER_PASSWORD if [ "x$PAM_TYPE" == "xauth" ]; then read -r USER_PASSWORD > /dev/null 2>&1 readonly USER_PASSWORD [ -z "$USER_PASSWORD" ] && echo "No password given." && exit 1 fi if ! busybox which curl || ! busybox which mktemp; then echo "'curl/mktemp' missing. This script won't work without it." exit 1 fi # redirect stdout/stderr to temporary logfile readonly LOGFILE="$(mktemp)" # URL to query masterserver for IDPs readonly IDP_QUERY_URL="https://bwlp-masterserver.ruf.uni-freiburg.de/webif/pam.php" readonly IDP_QUERY_CACHE="/run/openslx/bwlp-idp" # everything in a subshell in an effort to hide sensitive information # from this script's environment ( # redirect stdout and stderr to logfile exec > "${LOGFILE}" 2>&1 # check if we are allowed to run . /opt/openslx/config if [ "x${SLX_BWIDM_AUTH}" = "xyes" ]; then : # Allow everything elif [ "x${SLX_BWIDM_AUTH}" = "xselective" ]; then if [ -z "${SLX_BWIDM_ORGS}" ]; then echo "bwIDM selective mode with empty org list - exiting" exit 1 fi else echo "bwIDM login disabled in openslx-config." exit 1 fi # sanity check on PAM_USER: contains '@'? if [ -z "$PAM_USER" ] || [ "x${PAM_USER}" == "x${PAM_USER%@*}" ]; then # no @ contained, invalid username, abort echo "Invalid username '$PAM_USER'. Aborting." exit 1 fi # valid username, we can already split it here readonly USER_USERNAME="${PAM_USER%@*}" readonly USER_ORGANISATION="${PAM_USER#*@}" [ -z "$USER_ORGANISATION" ] && echo "Could not parse organisation from given login: ${PAM_USER}. Aborting." && exit 1 [ -z "$USER_USERNAME" ] && echo "Could not parse user from given login: ${PAM_USER}. Aborting." && exit 1 # Check if we're in selective mode and if so, whether the user's organization is whitelisted if [ "x${SLX_BWIDM_AUTH}" = "xselective" ]; then FOUND= for org in ${SLX_BWIDM_ORGS}; do if [ "x$org" = "x$USER_ORGANISATION" ]; then FOUND=ya break fi done if [ -z "$FOUND" ]; then echo "bwIDM organization $USER_ORGANISATION not in whitelist, abort" exit 1 fi fi # The given username is valid. Now we get the list of IdPs from the bwlp masterserver # and try to find the user's organisation mkdir -p /run/openslx # check if we have a (non-zero bytes) cached copy of the list if [ ! -s "${IDP_QUERY_CACHE}" ]; then idpret="$(curl -w "%{http_code}" -o "${IDP_QUERY_CACHE}" --connect-timeout 5 --max-time 15 "$IDP_QUERY_URL")" if [ "x$idpret" != "x200" ]; then echo "Could not download the list of identity providers from '$IDP_QUERY_URL'. Aborting." rm -f -- "$IDP_QUERY_CACHE" exit 7 fi fi # here we have the cache for sure, search for the given organisation's ECP URL USER_ECP_URL="$(awk -v idp="${USER_ORGANISATION}" -F '=' '{if($1==idp) print $2}' < "$IDP_QUERY_CACHE")" [ -z "$USER_ECP_URL" ] && echo "Could not determine ECP URL for '${USER_ORGANISATION}'" && exit 1 # recap: here we have validated # - username # - organisation # - ECP URL for that organisation # now create the bwidm group: find the first free GID from 1000 "downwards" to 100 BWIDM_GROUP="$(getent group bwidm)" if [ -z "$BWIDM_GROUP" ]; then BWIDM_GID=999 while [ "$BWIDM_GID" -gt 100 ]; do getent group "$BWIDM_GID" || break let BWIDM_GID-- done if [ "$BWIDM_GID" -eq 100 ]; then # use demo's gid as a fallback readonly BWIDM_GID="$(id -g "demo")" [ -z "$BWIDM_GID" ] && echo "Could not determine the GID of 'demo'. Cannot use it as fallback. Aborting." && exit 1 fi # now create the group if ! echo "bwidm:x:$BWIDM_GID:" >> /etc/group; then echo "Could not create 'bwidm' group with gid '$BWIDM_GID'. Aborting." exit 1 fi else readonly BWIDM_GID="$(echo $BWIDM_GROUP | cut -d: -f3)" fi if [ -z "$BWIDM_GID" ]; then echo "Could not determine BWIDM-GID. Aborting." exit 1 fi readonly USER_GID="$BWIDM_GID" # path to the SOAP envelope we are gonna need soon readonly SOAP_ENVELOPE="/opt/openslx/bwidm_soap.xml" [ ! -f "${SOAP_ENVELOPE}" ] && echo "Failed to find the SOAP envelope at '${SOAP_ENVELOPE}'. Aborting." && exit 1 # now the pam-type specific part starts if [ "x$PAM_TYPE" == "xauth" ]; then HA='Accept: text/html; application/vnd.paos+xml' HP='PAOS: ver="urn:liberty:paos:2003-08";"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:profiles:SSO:ecp"' CT='Content-Type: application/vnd.paos+xml; charset=utf-8' NOW=$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') HOST=$(echo "${USER_ECP_URL}" | awk -F '/' '{print $3}') RID="_c${RANDOM}a${RANDOM}f${RANDOM}f${RANDOM}e${RANDOM}e${RANDOM}" RID="${RID:0:32}" REQUEST=$(sed "s/%TIMESTAMP%/${NOW}/g;s/%REQUESTID%/${RID}/g" "${SOAP_ENVELOPE}") NETRC=$(mktemp -p /run/) [ -z "$NETRC" ] && NETRC="/run/netrc_$$_${USER}_${RANDOM}.tmp" touch "$NETRC" chmod 0600 "$NETRC" # now we are ready to actually send the credentials to the IdP # to be sure everything is working as expected # we will first send a wrong password and expect a 401 echo "machine ${HOST} login ${USER_USERNAME} password ___invalid-INVALID++~" > "${NETRC}" ret=$(curl --connect-timeout 5 --max-time 15 -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" -d "${REQUEST}" -H "$CT" -H "$HP" -H "$HA" --basic --netrc-file "$NETRC" "$USER_ECP_URL") if [ "x$ret" != "x401" ]; then # this means something else is bad, just exit echo "False authentication attempt did not return 401 as expected but: $ret" rm -- "${NETRC}" exit 7 fi # the fake auth call behaved as expected, do the actualy login echo "machine ${HOST} login ${USER_USERNAME} password ${USER_PASSWORD}" > "${NETRC}" ret=$(curl --connect-timeout 5 --max-time 15 -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" -d "${REQUEST}" -H "$CT" -H "$HP" -H "$HA" --basic --netrc-file "$NETRC" "$USER_ECP_URL") echo "machine ${HOST} login ${USER_USERNAME} password ********************" > "${NETRC}" # It should be a tmpfs but you never know rm -- "${NETRC}" if [ "x$ret" == "x200" ]; then # auth succeeded, lets create a local user representing the bwIDM user echo "Login for '$USER_USERNAME' on '$USER_ORGANISATION' succeeded." # create a random 6digit UID LOOPS=0 while [ "$LOOPS" -lt 5 ]; do USER_UID="$(( 100000 + $RANDOM ))" # check existence of this UID, if its free, use it getent passwd "$USER_UID" || break let LOOPS++ done if [ "$LOOPS" -eq 5 ]; then # could not find an empty random 6-digit UID, so we will use demo's UID... USER_UID="$(id -u demo)" [ -z "$USER_UID" ] && echo "Could not use UID of 'demo' as a fallback, aborting..." && exit 1 fi # we have a uid, gid, lets just create the local user now if ! grep -q "^${PAM_USER}:" /etc/passwd; then echo "${PAM_USER}:x:${USER_UID}:${USER_GID}:${PAM_USER}:/home/${PAM_USER}:/bin/bash" >> /etc/passwd fi exit 0 elif [ "x$ret" != "x401" ]; then # not 200, not 401, some other kind of error occured, inform slx-admin echo "Unexpected http response code for the login attempt: $ret" exit 7 fi exit 1 fi if [ "x$PAM_TYPE" == "xaccount" ]; then # the sanity checks we did before reacting to PAM_TYPE is enough to validate # the given username as a valid bwIDM username # ('@' contained and IdP found in the idp list fetched from the masterserver) # so just "accept" exit 0 fi # script should never get to the following line echo "$0 called for unsupported PAM_TYPE '$PAM_TYPE'. Aborting." exit 1 ) ## main script mainret=$? if [ "x$mainret" == "x7" ]; then # exit code 7 is our marker to push the logfile to the sat slxlog --delete "pam-bwidm" "Internal error during bwIDM authentication" "${LOGFILE}" exit 1 else rm -- "${LOGFILE}" fi exit "${mainret}"