#!/bin/bash # This script will be exectutet in docker lectures # and provide the functonallity to mount netshares in the bwlp maxilinux system for the logged in user. # # VARS # NETSHAREFILE="$CONFDIR/netshares" CONFIGFILE="$TMPDIR/configfile" MOUNTS=() DIRECTORY_LINKS=() GVFS_MOUNTDIR="/run/user/$( id -u "$USER" )/gvfs" declare -a ROHSHARES function cleanup_gio_mount() { for i in "${MOUNTS[@]}"; do gio mount -u "$i" done for i in "${DIRECTORY_LINKS[@]}"; do unlink "$i" done } function do_mount() { gio mount "$MOUNT_PREFIX$SHAREPATH" < /dev/null if [[ "$DO_MOUNT_RETVAL" -eq 0 ]]; then writelog "+ ... mount was successfull" sleep 1 provide_directory_links MOUNTS+=("$MOUNT_PREFIX$SHAREPATH") else writelog "+ ... mount faild" fi done unset MOUNT_USER MOUNT_PASS } function gio_mount() { # CLEANUP rm -f -- "$CONFIGFILE" touch "$CONFIGFILE" # TODO existing gio mounts shouldn´t exist at this points # remove them anyway for location in "$GVFS_MOUNTDIR"/*; do [ -d "$location" ] && gio mount -u "$location" done sleep 1 # Fill CONFIGFILE with pwdaemon info, how it is done in /opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt.d/setup_virtual_floppy.inc # TODO some checks if everthing run fine. pwdaemon --query "$HOME/.pwsocket" > "$CONFIGFILE" sed -i 's/^/\t/' "$CONFIGFILE" # Attach netshares to CONFIGFILE cat "$NETSHAREFILE" >> "$CONFIGFILE" # With this preparetion of CONFIGFILE functions from /opt/openslx/vmchooser/data/linux/includes/ # can be uesed. NATADDR, PORT, KEYTEMP, RAWKEYTEMP and BYTES required in get_creds NATADDR=$( head -n 1 "$CONFIGFILE" | cut -f 1 -d$'\t' ) PORT=$( head -n 1 "$CONFIGFILE" | cut -f 2 -d$'\t' ) KEYTEMP="$( mktemp -t XXXXXXXXXX.dat )" RAWKEYTEMP="$( mktemp -t XXXXXXXXXX.dat )" BYTES=256 source /opt/openslx/vmchooser/data/linux/includes/10_functions.inc source /opt/openslx/vmchooser/data/linux/includes/20_get_creds.inc source /opt/openslx/vmchooser/data/linux/includes/30_get_shares.inc # getting user credentials get_creds # load shares from CONFIGFILE (../metadata/netshares) into ROHSHARES variable get_shares # check if required VARS for mounting are non zero if [[ -n "$ROHSHARES" && -n "$PW" && -n "$USER" ]]; then # mount each mountpoint writelog "+ initialize complete ... mount shares" mount_shares else writelog "+ initialize failed" fi } # check if size of NETSHAREFILE > 0 if [[ -s "$NETSHAREFILE" ]]; then writelog "+ NETSHAREFILE: ${NETSHAREFILE} contains informations for network drives... initialize gio mount" gio_mount add_cleanup cleanup_gio_mount else writelog "+ NETSHAREFILE: ${NETSHAREFILE} empty ... nothing to mount" fi unset PW rm -f -- "$KEYTEMP" "$RAWKEYTEMP" "$CONFIGFILE"