#!/bin/bash # If this doesn't exist, we don't support running VMs, so this is pointless [ -s /opt/openslx/vmchooser/config/virtualization.conf ] || exit 0 . /opt/openslx/config . /opt/openslx/vmchooser/config/virtualization.conf # Same as in service file for udhcpd DHCP_NAT_CONF="/opt/openslx/vmchooser/config/udhcpd-nat1.conf" FALLBACK_DOMAIN="virtual.localnet" getips () { [ -z "$1" ] && return [ "$1" = "$FALLBACK_DOMAIN" ] && return # Output in one line by using echo without quotes echo $(busybox timeout 2 nslookup "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep -A 4 '^Name:' | grep -E '^Address\s*[0-9]*: ' | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' | grep -oE '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | awk '{print $1}') } # read the DNS configuration and configure the udhcpd getresolvconf() { awk -vattr="$1" '$1 == attr {for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) printf "%s ",$i}' /etc/resolv.conf } [ -z "${SLX_DNS}" ] && SLX_DNS="$( getresolvconf nameserver )" [ -z "${SLX_NET_DOMAIN}" ] && SLX_NET_DOMAIN="$( getresolvconf domain )" [ -z "${SLX_NET_SEARCH}" ] && SLX_NET_SEARCH="$( getresolvconf search )" [ -z "${SLX_DNS}" ] && SLX_DNS="" [ -z "${SLX_NET_DOMAIN}" ] && SLX_NET_DOMAIN="$FALLBACK_DOMAIN" [ -z "${SLX_NET_SEARCH}" ] && SLX_NET_SEARCH="$FALLBACK_DOMAIN" # WINS - if not supplied, try to get it from the search base of our ldap config if [ -z "${SLX_NET_WINS}" ]; then DC=$(grep -m1 -i '^BASE\s*DC=' "/etc/ldap.conf" | grep -o -i 'DC=.*' | sed -r 's/\s*,\s*DC=/./gI;s/^\s*DC=//I') [ -z "$DC" ] && DC=$(grep -m1 -i '^ldap_search_base\s*=\s*DC=' "/etc/sssd/sssd.conf" | grep -o -i 'DC=.*' | sed -r 's/\s*,\s*DC=/./gI;s/^\s*DC=//I') [ -n "$DC" ] && SLX_NET_WINS=$(getips "$DC") fi # NTP - default to pool.ntp.org NTPSRV= [ -z "$SLX_NTP_SERVER" ] && SLX_NTP_SERVER="pool.ntp.org" for ips in $SLX_NTP_SERVER; do if ! printf "%s" "$ips" | grep -qE '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$'; then ips="$( getips "$ips" )" [ -z "$ips" ] && continue fi NTPSRV="$NTPSRV $ips" done [ -z "$NTPSRV" ] && NTPSRV="" [ -z "${SLX_NET_WINS}" ] && SLX_NET_WINS=$(getips "$SLX_NET_DOMAIN") [ -z "${SLX_NET_WINS}" ] && SLX_NET_WINS="" sed "s#%DNSSERVER%#${SLX_DNS}#;s#%DOMAIN%#${SLX_NET_DOMAIN}#;s#%SEARCH%#${SLX_NET_SEARCH}#;s#%WINS%#${SLX_NET_WINS}#;s#%NTPSERVER%#${NTPSRV}#" "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}.template" > "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}.$$" # Make sure the primary vm running (we most likely never run more than one at a time anyways) always gets the same ip echo "static_lease $(echo "$MACADDRPREFIX:$MACADDRSUFFIX" | sed 's/%VMID%/01/')" >> "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}.$$" mkdir -p /var/lib/udhcpd if [ -s "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}" ] && cmp -s "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}.$$" "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}"; then # Files are the same, nothing to do rm -f -- "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}.$$" elif [ -s "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}" ] && [ "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}.$$" -ot "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}" ]; then # Lost race rm -f -- "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}.$$" else # Changed, replace and restart echo "NAT1 dhcpd config changed; restarting service..." diff -u "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}" "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}.$$" mv -f -- "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}.$$" "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}" systemctl --no-block try-restart run-virt-dhcpd.service fi exit 0