function mutesound() { local PACTL=$(which pactl) local AMIXER=$(which amixer) local SYSTEM=alsa local PACTLERR local AMIXERERR local time if [[ -z "${AMIXER}" && -z "${PACTL}" ]]; then logger "openslx sound muter: Neither pactl (pulseaudio) nor amixer (alsa) found. Exiting." return 1 fi if [ -n "${PACTL}" ]; then SYSTEM=pulse logger "openslx sound muter: pulseaudio seems to be installed..." time=2 # while [ $(su -c "pulseaudio --check" "${LOCALUSER}") ]; do while [ -z "$(ps aux|grep /pulseaudio|grep -v grep)" ]; do if [ "$x" -gt 30 ]; then logger "openslx sound muter: Waited ${time} sec for pulseaudio, giving up." break fi sleep ${time}; time=$((time + 2)) logger "openslx sound muter: Waited $x seconds for pulseaudio..." done else SYSTEM=alsa logger "openslx sound muter: alsa seems to be installed..." fi # MUTESOUND: Sound 1=aus, 0=an # This is a bit problematic as there is no way to actually know whether # a command works within different distributions, esp. alsamixer commands # tend to successfully mute but not unmute. So we (at this stage) just # hammer known commands through - one will work, hopefully. case "${MUTESOUND}" in 0) logger "openslx sound muter: Unmuting sound, using ${SYSTEM}." case $SYSTEM in pulse) XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u $LOCALUSER) su -c "${PACTL} set-sink-mute 0 0" "${LOCALUSER}" PACTLMUTEERR=$? XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u $LOCALUSER) su -c "${AMIXER} -q -D pulse sset Master unmute" "${LOCALUSER}" AMIXERMUTEERR=$? XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u $LOCALUSER) su -c "${PACTL} set-sink-volume 0 ${SOUNDVOL}" "${LOCALUSER}" PACTLVOLERR=$? XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u $LOCALUSER) su -c "${AMIXER} -D pulse sset Master ${SOUNDVOL}" "${LOCALUSER}" PACTLVOLERR=$? logger "openslx sound muter: Sound hopefully unmuted, pactl: ${PACTLMUTEERR}, amixer: ${AMIXERMUTEERR}." logger "openslx sound muter: Volume set, pactl: ${PACTLVOLERR}, amixer: $AMIXERVOLERR}." ;; alsa) "${AMIXER} set Master unmute" AMIXERMUTEERR=$? "${AMIXER} set Master ${SOUNDVOL}" AMIXERVOLERR=$? logger "openslx sound muter: Sound hopefully unmuted, amixer: ${AMIXERMUTEERR}." logger "openslx sound muter: Volume set, amixer: ${AMIXERVOLERR}." ;; esac ;; 1) logger "openslx sound muter: Muting sound, using ${SYSTEM}" case "${SYSTEM}" in pulse) XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u ${LOCALUSER}) su -c "${PACTL} set-sink-mute 0 1" "${LOCALUSER}" PACTLMUTEERR=$? XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u ${LOCALUSER}) su -c "${AMIXER} -q -D pulse sset Master mute" "${LOCALUSER}" AMIXERMUTEERR=$? logger "openslx sound muter: Sound hopefully unmuted, pactl: ${PACTLMUTEERR}, amixer: ${AMIXERVOLERR}." ;; alsa) "${AMIXER}" set Master mute AMIXERMUTEERR=$? logger "openslx sound muter: Sound hopefully unmuted, amixer: ${AMIXERMUTEERR}." ;; esac ;; *) logger "openslx sound muter: Unknown muteSound option ${MUTESOUND}." ;; esac logger "openslx sound muter: end." }