########################################################### # Include: Setup dnbd for image access, nfs/cifs fallback # ########################################################### # This will currently make sure that the variable # VM_DISKFILE_RO is set which will contain the # absolute path to the disk image to use for the vm # session. # When using DNBD3 this will differ from SRC_IMG_ABSOLUTE, # otherwise it will be identical. # In the future DNBD3 (or something else) might provide # a CoW layer so we don't need snapshots etc. anymore. # This include should set VM_DISKFILE_RW in that case to # indicate to the virt plugin that it doesn't need to # handle creating a temporary CoW layer itself. # Helper to cleanup the image mounted with dnbd3-fuse cleanup_dnbd3() { if ! isset DNBD3_MOUNT_POINT; then writelog "'DNBD3_MOUNT_POINT' is not set! Aborting DNBD3 cleanup." return 1 fi # try to umount it now for timeout in 1 1 1 2 2 3 FAIL; do fs_path_ismountpoint "${DNBD3_MOUNT_POINT}" || break fusermount -u "${DNBD3_MOUNT_POINT}" && break writelog "dnbd3 still busy...." [ "$timeout" = "FAIL" ] && break sleep "$timeout" done } setup_dnbd3_proxy () { [ -d "/mnt/dnbd3/images" ] || return 1 writelog "Trying to access via dnbd3-server-fuse" echo "${SRC_IMG_RELATIVE}:0" > "/mnt/dnbd3/control" || return 1 VM_DISKFILE_REVISION=0 VM_DISKFILE_RO="/mnt/dnbd3/images/${SRC_IMG_RELATIVE}:0" writelog "Success." return 0 } setup_dnbd3 () { # Mount path for images mounted with dnbd3-fuse declare -rg DNBD3_MOUNT_POINT="${TMPDIR}/dnbd3fuse.mnt" mkdir -p "${DNBD3_MOUNT_POINT}" # start dnbd3-fuse in subshell local DNBD3_TMPLOG="${TMPDIR}/dnbd3fuse.log" local DNBD3_EXITFLAG="${TMPDIR}/dnbd3exit$RANDOM" local TIMEOUT VM_DISKFILE_REVISION rm -f -- "${DNBD3_EXITFLAG}" ( startup="$( date +%s )" while [ "$( date +%s )" -lt "$(( startup + 4 ))" ]; do dnbd3-fuse -f -o allow_other,max_readahead=262144 -h "${SLX_DNBD3_SERVERS}" -i "${SRC_IMG_RELATIVE}" "${DNBD3_MOUNT_POINT}" > "${DNBD3_TMPLOG}" 2>&1 RET=$? done touch "${DNBD3_EXITFLAG}" if [ "$RET" != "0" ]; then writelog "dnbd3-fuse stopped working (Exit code $RET)" slxlog "virt-dnbd3-fuse" "dnbd3-fuse stopped/refused serving '${SRC_IMG_RELATIVE}' from '${SLX_DNBD3_SERVERS}' with error code: $RET" "${DNBD3_TMPLOG}" fi ) & # give it a bit of time usleep 250000 # check if we have the image for TIMEOUT in 0.5 1 1 1 1 OUT; do if [ -r "${DNBD3_MOUNT_POINT}/img" ]; then VM_DISKFILE_REVISION="$(grep -m 1 "^Revision:" "${DNBD3_MOUNT_POINT}/status" | cut -d" " -f2)" VM_DISKFILE_RO="${DNBD3_MOUNT_POINT}/img" writelog "DNBD3: ${SRC_IMG_RELATIVE} on ${VM_DISKFILE_RO} with rid ${VM_DISKFILE_REVISION}" add_cleanup "cleanup_dnbd3" break fi [ "$TIMEOUT" = "OUT" ] || [ -e "$DNBD3_EXITFLAG" ] && break sleep "$TIMEOUT" done if isempty VM_DISKFILE_RO; then slxlog "virt-dnbd3" "No dnbd3 server for ${SRC_IMG_RELATIVE} found, trying NFS/CIFS..." "$DNBD3_TMPLOG" writelog "No working dnbd3 server found :-(" fi } setup_fallback() { # Maybe we're reading a dnbd3 directory with RIDs encoded into the filename - use latest one unset VM_DISKFILE_REVISION local VM_DISKFILE_REVISION=$(ls -1 "${SRC_IMG_ABSOLUTE}.r"* | grep -E -o '\.r[0-9]+$' | grep -o -E '[0-9]+$' | sort -n | tail -n 1) if notempty VM_DISKFILE_REVISION; then # found VM_DISKFILE_RO="${SRC_IMG_ABSOLUTE}.r${VM_DISKFILE_REVISION}" elif [ -e "${SRC_IMG_ABSOLUTE}" ]; then # try name we got from xml in the first place VM_DISKFILE_RO="${SRC_IMG_ABSOLUTE}" fi } ## MAIN PART / Sanity checks ## setup_image_access() { writelog "Setting up virtual hard disk access for virtualizer/emulator ..." unset VM_DISKFILE_RO VM_DISKFILE_RW declare -g VM_DISKFILE_RO VM_DISKFILE_RW run_hooks "image-access" if [ -n "$VM_DISKFILE_RW" ]; then writelog "A hook in setup_image_access supplied a writable diskfile. Not running default setup." elif [ -n "$VM_DISKFILE_RO" ]; then writelog "A hook in setup_image_access supplied a read-only diskfile. Not running default setup." else setup_image_access_default fi readonly VM_DISKFILE_RO VM_DISKFILE_RW if [ -n "$VM_DISKFILE_RW" ]; then writelog "\tVM disk file (RW):\t\t$VM_DISKFILE_RW" if ! [ -s "$VM_DISKFILE_RW" ]; then writelog ".... not found!" EXIT_TYPE="user" EXIT_REASON="Schreibbare VM nicht gefunden. Adminmodus fehlgeschlagen." cleanexit 1 fi if ! [ -w "$VM_DISKFILE_RW" ]; then writelog ".... not writable!" EXIT_TYPE="user" EXIT_REASON="VM-Image auf schreibbarem VM-Speicher nicht schreibbar. Adminmodus fehlgeschlagen." cleanexit 1 fi elif [ -n "$VM_DISKFILE_RO" ]; then writelog "\tVM disk file (RO):\t\t$VM_DISKFILE_RO" if ! [ -s "$VM_DISKFILE_RO" ]; then writelog ".... not found!" EXIT_TYPE="user" EXIT_REASON="VM-Image nicht gefunden." cleanexit 1 fi if ! [ -r "$VM_DISKFILE_RO" ]; then writelog ".... not readable!" EXIT_TYPE="user" EXIT_REASON="VM-Image nicht lesbar." cleanexit 1 fi else EXIT_TYPE="user" EXIT_REASON="Kein VM-Image Dateiname angegeben/gefunden." cleanexit 1 fi } setup_image_access_default() { # See if we should setup dnbd3 image access at all if ! isset SRC_IMG_RELATIVE; then writelog "\tCan't use dnbd3 as SRC_IMG_RELATIVE is not set" elif isempty SLX_DNBD3_SERVERS || [ "x${SLX_VM_DNBD3}" != "xyes" ]; then writelog "\tCan't use dnbd3 as no servers are given in config, or SLX_VM_DNBD3 is not set to yes" elif setup_dnbd3_proxy; then writelog "\tImage setup done." elif ! check_dep dnbd3-fuse fusermount; then writelog "\tCan't use dnbd3 as dnbd3-fuse/fusermount binaries are not in PATH" else # register setup_dnbd3 as start hook after sourcing this include writelog "Trying image access via DNBD3..." setup_dnbd3 fi # VM_DISKFILE_RO will be empty if dnbd3 is not used or failed to connect. if isempty VM_DISKFILE_RO; then # try to fallback to access the image via NFS/CIFS filesystem writelog "Trying fallback image access via NFS/CIFS..." setup_fallback fi } call_post_source setup_image_access