#!/bin/bash ####################################################### # Include: Set functions needed by vmchooser-run_virt # ####################################################### ## Assigns an ID to the currently starting VM to support # multiple instances running simultaneously. # Note that VM_ID will always have two digits. get_vm_id() { local script=${BASH_SOURCE[-1]} [ -z "$script" ] && script="$0" if [ -n "$script" ]; then script=$(readlink -f "$script") if [ -n "$script" ] && [ -s "$script" ]; then #bingo declare -g VM_ID=$(ps ax | grep -F "$script" | grep -v 'grep' | grep -o -- "${script}.*\$" | sort -u | wc -l) if [ "$VM_ID" -gt 0 ]; then [ "${#VM_ID}" -eq 1 ] && VM_ID="0${VM_ID}" [ "${#VM_ID}" -gt 2 ] && VM_ID="${VM_ID:0:2}" [ "${#VM_ID}" -eq 2 ] && readonly VM_ID && return fi fi fi # fallback: take last two digits of current pid... VM_ID=$(expr substr $$ $(expr ${#$} - 1) 2) [ "${#VM_ID}" -eq 1 ] && VM_ID="0${VM_ID}" readonly VM_ID } ################# LOGGING FUNCTIONS ################## # Helper function to write to stdout and logfile writelog() { local DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S) # write to stdout? if [ "x$1" = "x--quiet" ]; then shift else echo -e "$DATE: $@" fi # log into file echo -e "$DATE: ${SLX_DEBUG:+(${FUNCNAME[1]}) }$@" >> "${LOGFILE}" } # Helper function to notify the user. # This directly returns and do not wait for a user confirmation. notify_user() { local TOPIC="$1" shift notify-send -u normal "$TOPIC" "$*" writelog "Notify: **${TOPIC}**: $*" } # Helper to display an error message box to the user. # Only returns when the user dismisses the message. error_user() { local TITLE="$(translate "$1")" shift local BODY="$*" local MSG if [ -n "$BODY" ]; then BODY="$(translate "$BODY")" MSG=" $TITLE $BODY" else MSG="$TITLE" BODY="$TITLE" TITLE="ERROR" fi # Zenity should yield the nicest result # TODO the title is only set as the window name, # which cannot be seen without a window manager zenity --error --title "$TITLE" --text "$BODY" local RET=$? [ $RET -le 1 ] && return # no zenity... # QnD abuse printergui for error message as it's blocking /opt/openslx/cups/printergui --error "$MSG" && return # no printergui... # xmessage is ugly but gets the job done xmessage "$MSG" && return # unfortunately, I can only think of notify+sleep right now notify-send -u critical "$TITLE" "$BODY" sleep 10 } ################## CLEANUP FUNCTIONS ################## # Registers functions to be called when cleanexit is called. # Only accepts functions that were not previously registered. # This kinda detects when a cleanup function was overriden, # or at least that something is fishy. declare -ag CLEANUP_TASKS add_cleanup() { [ $# -lt 1 ] && writelog "'${FUNCNAME[0]}' needs at least one argument! $# given." && return # check if the given function name is already used while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do if array_contains CLEANUP_TASKS "$1"; then writelog "Cleanup function '$1' already registered! Are there multiple definitions of this function?" writelog "This might suggest that a previously defined cleanup function was overriden!" return 1 fi CLEANUP_TASKS+=("$1") shift done return 0 } # This function will be called at the end of vmchooser-run_virt # or upon critical errors during the runtime. # It will call the cleanup functions registered through 'add_cleanup' # and clean TMPDIR if appropriate. Further, it will evaluate and # process the EXIT_{TYPE,REASON} variables that hold information # on why we are about to exit. # # EXIT_TYPE should be either: # - 'internal' for critical internal errors, this will # automatically send the logfile via slxlog. # - 'user' for errors related to the user's choice # Others could be thought of like 'external' for failures # with remote services (e.g. slx apis, external image repo, ...) # # EXIT_REASON should contain a user-friendly message to print to the user. # it can be prefixed with err.\S+, which will serve as a translation identifier cleanexit() { writelog "Cleanexit '$1' triggered by '${BASH_SOURCE[1]}:${FUNCNAME[1]}'" sleep 1 while isset CLEANUP_TASKS; do local TASK=${CLEANUP_TASKS[-1]} unset -v CLEANUP_TASKS[-1] if ! is_function $TASK; then writelog "Registered cleanup function '$TASK' is not a function. This should not be..." continue fi if ! ${TASK}; then writelog "Failed to run cleanup function '$TASK'! Exit code: $RET" fi done # If we're not in debug mode, remove all temporary files if notempty SLX_DEBUG && isset TMPDIR; then rm -rf -- "${TMPDIR}" fi # Now see if we need to do the catch all error stuff # if 0 given, exit 0 [ "x$1" = "x0" ] && exit 0 # if no code was given, exit 129 [ $# -eq 0 ] && writelog "Cleanexit called without arguments! Dev error?" # given exit code is set and not 0, handle the error now # now evaluate the EXIT_{TYPE,REASON} variables and generate error title/text local ERR_TITLE ERR_TEXT ERR_FOOTER # default error footer ERR_FOOTER="Versuchen Sie den Computer neuzustarten und falls das Problem bestehen bleibt, kontaktieren Sie den Support." if notempty EXIT_TYPE; then case "${EXIT_TYPE}" in user) ERR_TITLE="Auswahlfehler" ERR_FOOTER="Beim Start Ihrer Veranstaltung sind Fehler aufgetreten. Versuchen Sie es mit einer anderen Veranstaltung." ;; internal) ERR_TITLE="Interner Fehler" ;; *) ERR_TITLE="Unbekannter Fehler" writelog "Unknown EXIT_TYPE: '${EXIT_TYPE}'." ;; esac fi if notempty EXIT_REASON; then # Try i18n ERR_TEXT="$(translate "$EXIT_REASON")" else # this should never happen if EXIT_REASON is properly # used when calling cleanexit ! ERR_TEXT="Unbekannter Fehler" fi # first send the logfile (in case the user does not close the error before using magic keys e.g.) # for any other error types besides 'user'. Do no slxlog if we run wrapped (from /opt/openslx/scripts/vmchooser-run_virt) [ "x${EXIT_TYPE}" != "xuser" ] && ! isset WRAPPED && \ slxlog "runvirt-exit-${EXIT_TYPE}" "Critical error happened in '${BASH_SOURCE[1]}:${FUNCNAME[1]}', see logs." "${LOGFILE}" # finally display the error error_user "${ERR_TITLE}" " ${ERR_TEXT} ${ERR_FOOTER} " writelog "All done. Exiting." # if no exit code was given as $1, exit 129 exit "${1:-129}" } ## # Translate the given string using a lookup file for messages/strings # This expects one parameter in the form of "msg.foo.bar_baz${IFS}Fallback msg" # where the first word is really just of the format msg.* # If no translation is found, the rest of the string will be returned. If the # argument does not start with msg.*, the whole string will be returned as is translate() { local ERR_TEXT_CODE read -r ERR_TEXT_CODE _ <<<$1 # No quotes to strip leading spaces automatically if [[ "$ERR_TEXT_CODE" = msg.* ]]; then # Message starts with message identifier if ! is_array TRANSLATION_STRING; then unset TRANSLATION_STRING if [ -s "${RUN_VIRT_INCLUDE_DIR}/strings.inc" ]; then declare -A TRANSLATION_STRING $(safesource "${RUN_VIRT_INCLUDE_DIR}/strings.inc") fi fi if is_array TRANSLATION_STRING && [ -n "${TRANSLATION_STRING[$ERR_TEXT_CODE]}" ]; then echo "${TRANSLATION_STRING[$ERR_TEXT_CODE]}" return 0 fi # Identifier not found in translation file, fallback echo "${1#*$ERR_TEXT_CODE}" else # No identifier, output everything echo "$1" fi } ################# SOURCING FUNCTIONS ################# # Wrapped 'source' that first checks for existence and # syntax before actually sourcing the given file. # The option '--exit' triggers cleanexit upon syntax errors. # Without it, it returns 0 when tests passed, 1 otherwise. # Usage: # safesource [--exit] safesource() { declare -i EXIT_ON_FAILURE=0 [ "x$1" = "x--exit" ] && EXIT_ON_FAILURE=1 && shift while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do # sanitze filename just to be sure as it is part of the eval coming later # alphanumeric and - _ . should be enough for common file naming scheme if [[ ! "$1" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9./_-]+$ ]]; then writelog "'$1' is a weird filename to source! Ignoring." return 1 fi local FILE="$1" shift bash -n "${FILE}" local -i RET=$? if [ $RET -ne 0 ]; then case $RET in 1) writelog --quiet "Bad file to source: ${FILE}" ;; 2) writelog --quiet "Bad syntax: ${FILE}" ;; 126) writelog --quiet "Could not access: ${FILE}" ;; 127) writelog --quiet "File not found: ${FILE}" ;; *) writelog --quiet "Syntax check (bash -n) returned unknown error code '${RET}' for: ${FILE}" ;; esac if [ $EXIT_ON_FAILURE -eq 1 ]; then echo "eval EXIT_REASON=\"Could not safesource '${FILE}'\" cleanexit 1 ;" else echo "eval writelog \"Could not safesource '${FILE}'.\" ;" fi return 1 fi echo "eval source ${FILE} ;" echo "run_post_source ${FILE} ;" done return 0 } # Registers functions to be called after sourcing an include. # Includes should only define functions and register them # to be called after successfully sourcing. declare -Ag RUN_POST_SOURCE call_post_source() { while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do if ! is_function "$1"; then writelog "Tried to register a non-function: '$1'" continue fi if notempty BASH_SOURCE[1]; then RUN_POST_SOURCE[${BASH_SOURCE[1]}]+="$1 " shift else writelog "Could not determine the sourced file calling ${FUNCNAME[0]}" fi done } # Helper called after sourcing the file via safesource. It just calls the # functions in the same order they were registered. run_post_source() { [ $# -ne 1 ] && writelog "'${FUNCNAME[0]}' expects one argument only! $# given." && return 1 for TASK in ${RUN_POST_SOURCE["${1}"]}; do # sanity checks if ! is_function $TASK; then writelog "\tRegistered function '$TASK' is not a function!" return 1 # TODO maybe even cleanexit here as this seems very bad... fi # remove from stack before running it RUN_POST_SOURCE["${1}"]="${RUN_POST_SOURCE[${1//${TASK}\ /\ }]}" ${TASK} local -i RET=$? if [ $RET -ne 0 ]; then writelog "\tFailed to run post source '${TASK}' (Exit code: $RET)" return $RET fi done return 0 } ################# FEATURE FUNCTIONS ################## # Helper to register feature handlers, read run-virt.d/README declare -Ag FEATURE_HANDLERS reg_feature_handler() { if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then writelog "'${FUNCNAME[0]}' expects 2 arguments! $# given." return 1 fi if notempty FEATURE_HANDLERS["$1"]; then writelog "'${BASH_SOURCE[1]}' tried to overwrite feat handler '$1'! Ignoring." # maybe allow overwritting? return 1 fi if ! is_function "$2"; then writelog "'${BASH_SOURCE[1]}' tried to register a non-function as feat handler!" writelog "\t'$2' is a '$(type -t $2 2>&1)'." return 1 fi # all good, save it FEATURE_HANDLERS["$1"]="$2" return 0 } ################### XML FUNCTIONS #################### # Extract given xpath from given xml file # e.g.: xmlextract '//node/nestednode/@attribute' "$file" # @param # @return Plain text, UTF-8 xmlextract() { xmlstarlet sel -T -E utf-8 -t -v "$1" "$2" } # Wrapper for convenience get_xml () { xmlextract "//settings/eintrag/${1}/@param" "${XML_FILE}" } ################## HELPER FUNCTIONS ################## # Check if the given variables are set (empty or not) isset() { while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do [ -z "${!1+x}" ] && return 1 shift done return 0 } # Check if the given variables are not empty notempty() { while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do [ -z "${!1}" ] && return 1 shift done return 0 } # Convenience function isempty() { ! notempty $@ } # Helper to test if given arguments are declared as functions is_function() { while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do local TYPE="$(type -t "$1" 2>/dev/null)" if [ "x${TYPE}" != "xfunction" ]; then writelog "'$1' not a function but a '${TYPE}'." return 1 fi shift done return 0 } # Helper to test if given arguments are declared as arrays is_array() { # -ne 1 ] && writelog "is_array: Expects 1 argument! $# given." && return 1 while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do local ARRAY_DEF="$(declare -p ${1} 2>/dev/null)" if [[ ! "${ARRAY_DEF}" =~ "declare -a" ]] && [[ ! "${ARRAY_DEF}" =~ "declare -A" ]]; then return 1 fi shift done return 0 } # Helper to test is the given array contains given value # Usage: # array_contains ARRAY_TO_TEST array_contains() { if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then #writelog "${FUNCNAME[0]}: Expects at least 2 arguments, $# given." return 1 fi # is $1 even defined? local ARRAY_DEF="$(declare -p $1 2>/dev/null)" if isempty ARRAY_DEF; then #writelog "${FUNCNAME[0]}: '$1' not defined!" return 1 fi local ARRAY_NAME="$1" shift # sanity check on $ARRAY_DEF being either indexed or associative array if ! is_array "${ARRAY_NAME}"; then #writelog "${FUNCNAME[0]}: '${ARRAY_NAME}' not an array! Declared as:\t${ARRAY_DEF}" return 1 fi # now test if array contains the given values in $2+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do # check if ARRAY_DEF contains '""' if [[ ! "${ARRAY_DEF}" =~ '="'${1}'"'[^\]]+ ]]; then #writelog "${FUNCNAME[0]}: '${1}' not in '${ARRAY_NAME}'" return 1 fi shift done return 0 } # Helper to check if the given arguments are valid command names. # This uses 'type -t' thus supports notably binaries, functions # and aliases (might need these one day). # By default, only 0 is returned if all arguments are found. # Use '--oneof' to return 0 if any one of the arguments are found. check_dep() { [ $# -lt 1 ] && return 1 unset ONEOF if [ "x$1" = "x--oneof" ]; then local ONEOF="1" shift fi while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do if ! type -t "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then writelog "Dependency check failed! Could not find '$1'." isset ONEOF || return 1 else isset ONEOF && return 0 fi shift done isset ONEOF && return 1 || return 0 } # TODO: This is only used once in the whole script: # to cleanup the os string stored in the xml # Since the rework of this script, the os strings come from # the satellite server which already gives us a sanitized string # thus this function might not be needed anymore, as calling it on # new gen os strings effectively does nothing. # Removes any non-alphanumerical and non-hyphen chars # from the given parameters. clean_string() { if [ "$#" -ge 1 ]; then echo "$@" | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | tr -d -c '[a-z0-9\-]' else tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | tr -d -c '[a-z0-9\-]' fi } # Helper to check whether given directory resides in RAM, either # by being mounted as tmpfs or not mounted at all in which case # we assume the same. Returns 0 if so, 1 otherwise. dir_on_tmpfs() { local current_dir="$1" while [ -n "$current_dir" ]; do local mount_line="$(awk -v dir="$current_dir" '$2 == dir' /proc/mounts)" if [ -z "$mount_line" ]; then # check its parent directory current_dir="${current_dir%/*}" continue fi [ "x$(cut -d' ' -f3 <<< ${mount_line})" == "xtmpfs" ] return $? done return 0 }