#!/bin/ash # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2007..2018 bwLehrpool-Projektteam # # This program/file is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. # See https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-standalone.html # # If you have any feedback please consult https://bwlehrpool.de and # send your feedback to bwlehrpool@hs-offenburg.de. # # General information about bwLehrpool can be found at https://bwlehrpool.de # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # systemd-vbox_env # - This is the preparation script for the configuration of VirtualBox. ################################################################################ ## sanity checks VBOX_BASE_DIR="/usr/lib/virtualbox" VBOX_KMOD_DIR="/lib/modules/vbox" VBOX_MANAGE="${VBOX_BASE_DIR}/VBoxManage" # Runtime critical checks first # VBoxManage should be under /usr/lib/virtualbox if ! [ -d "${VBOX_BASE_DIR}" -o -x "${VBOX_MANAGE}" -o -d "${VBOX_KMOD_DIR}" ]; then echo "Failed to find VirtualBox installation at expected paths." exit 1 fi # load vbox kernel modules cd "${VBOX_KMOD_DIR}" for MOD in *; do if ! insmod "${MOD}"; then slxlog "vbox-setup" "Loading of ${MOD} failed." exit 1 fi done # check/create vboxusers group getent group vboxusers || addgroup -S vboxusers adduser demo vboxusers # set their permissions chmod 0600 /dev/vboxdrv /dev/vboxnetctl chmod 0666 /dev/vboxdrvu mkdir -p /dev/vboxusb chmod 0750 /dev/vboxusb chown root:vboxusers /dev/vboxusb # create required standard directories mkdir -p "/tmp/virt/virtualbox" -m 1777 # reload udev rules since aufs'ing the layer on top do not trigger its inotify watch udevadm control --reload # pretty dumb you can just create host-only interfaces, # but not assign a specific name/number ${VBOX_MANAGE} hostonlyif create ip link set dev vboxnet0 up brctl addif br0 vboxnet0 ${VBOX_MANAGE} hostonlyif create ip link set dev vboxnet1 up brctl addif nat1 vboxnet1 ${VBOX_MANAGE} hostonlyif create ip link set dev vboxnet2 up brctl addif vsw2 vboxnet2 exit 0