title title shortcut
Person Edit own profiledetails peod
Person Show own profiledetails psod
Person Delete own account pdo
Person Delete account of other pd
Person Show other profiledetails psood
Person Edit account from other peoa
Person Suspend account psa
Group Show overview of group gso
Group Show details of own group gsdo
Group Show details of other group gsdog
Group Show members of group gsmg
Group Create group gc
Group Delete group gd
Group Delete group with all child groups gdlwc
Group Request membership grm
Group Accect membership request gam
Group Decline membership request gdm
Group Delete membership in own group gdmo
Group Delete membership in other group gdmog
Group Suspend membership gsm
Role Add role ra
Role Display details of role rdd
Role Delete role rd
Role Change role of membership rcr
Role Add right to role rar
Role Remove right of role rrr
Role Inherit role rir
BootMedia Show admin interface of BootMedia bai
BootMedia Show user interface of BootMedia bui
BootMedia Create new BootMedia bc
BootMedia Edit BootMedia be
BootMedia Delete BootMedia bd
BootMedia Download BootMedia bdld
BootMedia Edit metadata (Description, Title) of a BootMedia bem
Preboot Show overview of preboots pro
Preboot Create preboot prc
Preboot Edit preboot pre
Preboot Delete preboot prd
Preboot Update preboot pru
Preboot Edit metadata (Description, Title) of a preboot prem
Config Show admin overview of config csai
Config Show user overview of config csui
Config Create config cc
Config Edit config ce
Config Delete config cd
Config Update config cu
Config Edit metadata (Description, Title) of config cem
BootOs Create BootOs boc
BootOs Show admin interface of BootOs boai
BootOs Show user interface of BootOs boui
BootOs Edit BootOs boe
BootOs Delete BootOs bod
BootOs Update BootOs bou
BootOs Edit metadata (Description, Title) of config boem
BootMenu Show admin interface of BootMenu booai
BootMenu Show user interface of BootMenu booui
BootMenu Create BootMenu booc
BootMenu Delete BootMenu bood
BootMenu Edit BootMenu booe
BootMenu Delete entry of BootMenu boode
BootMenu Add entry to a BootMenu booae
BootMenu Edit an entry of a BootMenu booee
BootMenu Edit metadata (Description, Title) of an entry of booeem
Client Show overview of Clients clo
Client Add new Clients cla
Client Edit Clients cle
Client Delete Clients cld
Pool Show overview of Pool poo
Pool Create new Pool poc
Pool Edit Pool poe
Pool Delete Pool pod
Pool Unlink client to pool pouc
Pool Link client to pool polc
Pool Show unlinked Clients posuc
Filter Show overview of Pool fo
Filter Create new Filter fa
Filter Edit Filter fe
Filter Edit Filterpriority fefp
Filter Delete Filter fd
Filter Add additional Filterentry to a Filter ffa
Filter Edit Filterentry of a Filter ffe
Filter Delete Filterentry of a Filter ffd